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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/13 02:42:15 )

I just checked on the (delicious smelling) roast in the oven to find my roommate accidentally cooked the absorbent pad from the bottom of the meat packaging with the meat! It tastes fine, and the pad thingy didn't burst (and I fished it out and threw it away), so I guess we're okay, but it was a little alarming/funny!

Have you ever made an oopsie while cooking?

I think my funniest is the time I misunderstood a measurement and put twice as much butter in my cookies as intended.

They were exceedingly flat when they came out of the oven. :vanora_sweat:


Voltie — Damned Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/16 08:35:06 )

Once in high school my best friend and I made a pumpkin pie from scratch one Halloween at her house.
We were kneading the crust dough when we realized we'd forgotten to add a pinch of salt. So my best friend's mom takes a pinch and kneads it into the dough.
This sounds like it should work right?


What it did was concentrate all the salt on one slice of the pie so the crust on that one slice tasted almost of pure salt.
Wanna guess how I know that?

There was one other incident where I alone tried to make Rice-a-Roni via microwave. I followed the instructions to a tee and microwaved in a glass bowl for 16 minutes and it burned and exploded and sent gross fumes all over the apartment. No idea what caused it.


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Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/16 18:27:49 )

My Dad cooked chicken nuggets in the microwave once.

...for so long that the outside looked okay, but the insides were completely blackened.
To this day, I'm still not sure how he managed that.


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 00:43:27 )

@Lucifer Morningstar: Oh god, salty pumpkin pie, noooooo. And yikes, I've somehow managed to not blow anything up in the microwave yet! I can imagine the smell, though, yuck.

(love your sig, btw; that's from Lucifer, right? I need to actually watch that sometime; I've seen a few episodes but not a lot.)

@Kozi: Wha... how on earth? I'm... weirdly impressed, lol.


Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 01:17:40 )
adding an egg to something without checking to see if it's rotten in a separate bowl, and having to scrap the whole thing....

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 02:28:13 )

Oh noooo. I've never thought to check an egg before popping it into whatever I'm making, but now I think I'm going to start! D:


Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 02:38:23 )
yeah haha. It's a smart thing to do. also a good idea so you don't accidentally get egg shells in there.

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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 06:58:45 )

@Shark: Omg that's brilliant, it sounds so obvious now, lol. I'm going to have to remember that!


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 14:41:50 )

@koneko: Not the ramen!! D: I'm glad you were able to save it. (And I'm reminded that I wish I could find my favorite brand of ramen here; ever since moving to Florida I can't find the darn stuff.)

Omg I'm pretty paranoid about flammables near the stove, and exploding glass. I've never busted a glass dish with temperature changes but I've seen video of the results! (also of people shattering their glasstop stoves, omg no plz.)


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 16:39:14 )

@koneko: Oh gosh, that would indeed have been tragic!

I like this stuff, it's just an instant but it's a good instant, but I can't find it anymore (where I live at least):


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/17 20:58:22 )

@koneko: I only ever found it in regular and chicken flavors. But the chicken flavor was sooooo yummy!

Yeah, I've looked it up on amazon before but never ordered.

And that looks yummy; I gotta try it if I can find it!


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 01:55:46 )
One time attempted to make mocha muffins, which called for a lot of cocoa powder and a little espresso. I didn't make sure the batter was "wet" enough, and baked them for too long, so they were very dry and almost like bricks. ^^; Tasted fine, but execution wasn't there haha.

One time at work, someone mistook salt for sugar and made "salt tea" instead of sweet tea. The residents were not amused. xD;

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 04:19:44 )

Not the muffins! Did you ever try again? That reminds me I've got a couple quick bread mixes to try; double chocolate and blueberry muffin. Maybe I'll make one tomorrow. o3o

And oh god ew, I can't say I blame the residents, lmao!


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 05:43:58 )

@Ava: Even via Amazon it would seem the chicken is hard to find, or at least listings that will take EBT. In that there are none. ;_; I'll have to fork over $20 in limited cash to get my hands on the stuff. (Still worth it occasionally, but ouch.)

I've never seen the kimchi ramen but it sounds amazing. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for it! o3o

Also when I buy my favorites, I generally can't make it last very long either. I go through it fast, lol.


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 06:09:25 )

When I lived in California, Ichiban "regular" and chicken flavors were available at every grocery store. Then I moved to Michigan, and it was harder, but not impossible, to find... and then I moved to Florida. Now I can't find it anywhere. :( I didn't even know they made a chow mein, I'll have to try to find that too. Though I won't hold my breath, lol.

I know with the chicken ramen I like to add white meat chicken. Heck, even leftover rotisserie chicken worked really well in it! Gosh, I really miss that stuff. It was pretty much a staple food for me when I lived in California.


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 17:01:18 )
@CooperationIsKey: I haven't tried the muffins again, but I'm not opposed to trying them again lol. Baking is surprisingly very forgiving depending on what you're trying to make. Did you make either of those breads yet?

I'm glad I didn't try the tea. It probably would have put me off tea for a WHILE.

Saw a Tiktok this morning of a dude who finished washing dishes and was gathering the food bits that got caught in the drain and he put them in his mouth and...*barfing emote* I'm not sure I've ever felt so ill after watching a video.

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 17:31:48 )

@Ava: Maybe it depends on where in California you are? I was in Los Angeles, which has a big Asian population, so maybe that's why it was so easy to find. :o Never saw the shrimp or beef or miso, but regular and chicken was everywhere. I've done egg with ramen before but not in a really really long time. Kinda want to try that again. o3o

@Aisukohi: Not yet, but maybe later. I think we're baking our frozen peach cobbbler today though, so I might wait a couple days before doing the bread.

And...what the hell that's beyond disgusting. D: D: D:


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 17:43:14 )
@CooperationIsKey: Ooh, that sounds like a nice dessert. Hope it turns out well!

My sister is making cookies today (not sure what kind) for Father's Day, so looking forward to trying them.

Right?! I just...what would possess someone to do such a thing?! I know the answer, but eughhh!!
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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/20 19:20:31 )

@Aisukohi: Right? Fortunately being frozen I think it'll be pretty easy; just heat and eat. We have vanilla ice cream to go with it. :D

Oooh cookies. I last made cookies (oatmeal raisin chocolate chip) around Easter. I kinda wanna make 'em again but I gotta buy the ingredients first.

@Ava: Really? How weird! I lived in South Pasadena and both the Vons and Pavilions there, and the Walmart in Rosemead where we shopped regularly, as well as I think the Targets in Pasadena, carried it. I don't remember if the nearest Ralph's did. o3o But if nothing else maybe you can try around that area the next time you're that way?

Oddly enough the whole time I lived there (over 8 years) I don't think I went into a Jons once, lol. I didn't even know what it was tbh, but I remember seeing the sign.

I really miss L.A. :vanora_cry:

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/21 04:52:26 )
This was recently but I made dinner one night and we had pasta.
I wanted to add some of that grated parmesan cheese in the sauce to add flavor.
So once the pasta was done, I added some more but it kind of looked weird to me in the canister.
Turns out the parmesan cheese was moldy and I didn't realize it :c
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