my little jokes on thee...

It was cold for an evening in Autumn, as it slowly encroached to night. The sun had just disappeared on the horizon, and a fog was starting to roll in, reducing visibility considerably, and bringing an even cooler dampness to the world outside. The atmosphere itself could be described as eerie and foreboding, but that mattered little to the man and woman that laid in the bed of the motel room they had rented for the night.
The man, with his glasses and green hair, got out from under the covers, revealing his slender, but well-defined body. He was clad in nothing but a pair of blue jeans, and made his way to the window by the door, looking outside and shaking his head. He closed the curtains even more than they already were, making sure that not a crack was left open, and made sure the door was securely locked. He sighed to himself, and shook his head.
"Man." he said. "The weather out there is looking ominous as anything." he commented. "Anyone and everyone could hide in that thick pea soup of a fog rollin' out there." he said further. "And with a place like this, I'd rather not think of the possibility of some creeper deciding to take a peek from the safety of that blanket." he added.
The motel was... not one of great reputation. To call it 'seedy' would be a compliment. When one booked a room there, it was only for one night. No longer. And payment was in cash. JUST cash. No credit, no debit, no cheques, no money orders, CASH. That was the ONLY payment accepted. And there was a registry book, yes, but to look at it, you would see names like 'Tom Smith', 'George Johnson', 'Mike Taylor', and other such generic lies scrawled in it... if one even signed at all. The one thing they had going for them was that the locks on the doors were damn secure... even if the one that manned the front desk had master keys for each room, in order to forcibly kick people out when they were even 5 minutes late on leaving. And when it got dark, you stayed away from the building, as scummy people prowled around, wanting to try and take advantage of people that may foolishly leave their curtains open, or doors not properly locked.
"Not that it matters for me." he then said. "Someone tries anything with us, they'll quickly learn that someone disappearing from existence around here is no big deal." he then added, as he grinned a toothy grin to himself, showing rows of razor-sharp teeth. He quickly cleared his throat and checked the door again, before turning to the woman that was still on the bed.
"Good thing we brought some food here when we checked in." he commented, looking to the Chinese take-away that they'd grabbed while on the way here. "And good thing that the TV's here can connect to my phone, so we can stream movies and shit on a big screen, and thank my unlimited data." he chuckled. "Because I am NOT connecting to ANY WiFi signal in this area." he then muttered seriously.
With that, he made his way back to the bed, and laid back down on it.
"So." he said. "Feel good to have a night off?" he asked her.
...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.
great big one on me.