My job is already under staffed. We have 2 women on maternity leave (one week apart from each other xD ), one of them is highly unlikely to ever come back. The other one visits us often and communicates a lot so I know she's coming back, but not yet cause her husband also deployed rn.
So there's been 4 of us. Store manager, asst manager, me and this dude who just quit on the spot yesterday.
So now there's 3 of us. I'm not in a key holding position so that means one of the 2 managers needs to be there open and close. We all normally work open-close shifts anyways, myself included. Just normal practice cause we're on commission. But now there's more pressure cause we lose days off, and normally we would get 1 half-day shift and 1 short (but not half) shift every week, with 2 days off. Now we lose all short/half days D: and one week we lose days off too
Its not too terrible, 45 hour weeks (and a 50 hour one coming up, cause one of the managers is required to go on a business related trip for a week so we'll be down to 1 keyholder and me sdjhfgsdj)
LAWD GIVE ME STRENGTH until that maternity leave ends and we get another set of hands back in!
and big ass sales to put more funds in my pocket over this >:0
thats almost a given though