Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/5 02:44:22 )
@CooperationIsKey: your regular Dr. should put you on an antibiotic. My regular Dr. did before I had any teeth pulled out.
@Totalanimefan: it was a bit of a yikes alright. I'd never spend that much on a dress. It is nice to hear that you had a wonderful walk. It is always good to go for a walk, and come back to take a nice shower to get all clean.
@Kory: all I know about raccoons is that if the momma raccoon has babies, and they grow up a bit and then she has more babies, she will kick the older babies out. It is the same with wild rabbits they kick the male out of the nest after awhile. Seems strange. And male bunnys don't make their own dens after being kicked out either, they will hide behind boards.