Npc — He/Him
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/28 01:03:01 )
You mentally take note to be careful around this door, as it looks like a breeding ground for splinters. The wooden door has nearly been sliced to ribbons, deep cuts and grooves completely covering the surface. Whatever did this seemed angry, so you better be careful…
You step inside, and you don’t really have time to take in your surroundings. Voltra’s resident trash king, Vregory, rushes past you with a wild fear in his eyes. That can’t be good… You turn to see what’s chasing him, and are shocked to see several giant pairs of scissors! They move on their own, snipping aggressively each time they grow closer to the man.
“Is… is bad!”
That does look bad, if he’s not careful, those scissors could seriously harm him! They look close to cutting off his head, he must be terrified!
“I don’t want a haircut! Is scary!”
Oh… Well, that’s far less life threatening, but you can tell it’s causing a real fear for Vregory. It’s best you step in regardless, he’s still in danger from those sharp blades. Besides, it would also be kind to spare him from this emotional distress.
Npc — He/Him
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/28 01:03:32 )
Entering the Slashed Door led straight to Vregory's nightmare.
He's being chased by giant scissors!
... Although, he seems more concerned for this hair than his safety.
Help him evade the blades!
Find all pairs of scissors in the image!
This is a group activity. Working together will help make it easier to find all the answers.
But feel free to work alone as well!
Make sure to put your answers under a spoiler to give others a chance to play. Hint: Some scissors are really well hidden! Look closely!
Once all the correct answers have been found, and at least 10 people have attempted to answer,
the EI Infernal Shears will be added to Joyful Jamboree.
All participants in this thread will be granted a free Infernal Shears at the end of the event. (Note: Participation includes any form of posting in this thread. Even if you don’t want to join in the game, show your support!)
Npc — He/Him
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/28 01:11:18 )
You look around the room to assess the situation. There are several pairs of scissors chasing after Vregory, coming at him from different angles. You will need to think swiftly if you want to save him from the awful fate of a bad haircut.
What would defeat scissors…? If games have taught you anything, it would be a giant rock. Unfortunately you don’t see any around. However, as you scan the ground, your eyes land on something that MAY be of more use…
As you pick up the large metal pipe, you swing it towards a giant pair of scissors, causing it to attempt to snip its large blades around the hard object. To your relief, it doesn’t break through, instead bending and damaging its own blades. Great!
Knowing your plan at least works, you chase after Vreg as well, hoping he’s not intimidated by you also chasing him with a heavy weapon. Luckily, he still seems more preoccupied protecting his hair, less out of vanity and more out of a sense of obliviousness to the direness of this situation.
You continue to take down the scissors, until only one extremely large pair is left. As it slips JUST close enough to touch Vreg’s hair, you swing out the pipe, colliding with the heavy pair of scissors. As it snips down around the pipe, you feel it slice though, and feel a moment of genuine fear that this plan is no longer working. However, to your relief you see it caused a mutual destruction, as the scissor also falls apart into pieces around it. Phew!
With the danger over, Vregory finally stops running, panting and wiping his eyebrow. From his hood you see a fat rat pop out, looking up at you and squeaking loudly.
“Eugene says… You cut that too close,” Vregory nods, but gives you a smile, “But that you did good! You’re a hero.” He reaches up to grip his hair nervously, seeming to find comfort in being able to hold it, “We’ll have to find you a goodie as thanks!”
Uh… Knowing where he gets his goodies, you’ll have to pass this time. The best reward is his safe return after all. You gently lead him and his rat companion free from this nightmare.
You have unlocked the chance to vote for which door you'd like to enter first.
To vote, simply ping Vregory with: @Vregory: I vote for [this door].
The door that receives the highest votes will be the thread unlocked tomorrow at 6:00 PM.
Doors Available:
The Youthful Door
A Fun Painted Door Covered in Drawings
The Malfunctioning Door
A Glitching Display Door Showing Many Errors
The Lost Door
The Decaying Door
The Damp Door
The Reflective Door
The Unlucky Door
The Shaking Door
The Watchful Door
The Caged Door
The Overgrown Door
The Inscribed Door
The Slashed Door