Donator — Am Potato
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/04/7 07:48:56 )
@Synth: oh my gosh! thank you! i'm not a super experienced "seamstress," but i can sew things following a pattern. I'm hoping to learn how to make my own patterns one day though.
@Vegan: honestly same about the pockets. I love dresses because i hate wearing pants unless i'm spending the night somewhere and i am wearing pj pants lol. And with longer dresses, no shorts are needed. I still wear them, but like... not always? depends on my mood and if the dress or skirt has pockets already. Shorter dresses or skirts, i always wear shorts under.
Donator — they/them
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/1 16:08:10 )
@Alorrena: I haven't felt well I am just now starting to reply, I am so sorry!
If I wear a dress? I will usually wear leggings under it (for long ones).
(Like my wedding dress was the only time I didn't and it felt weird). D:
To be fair? I am not big of a fan of shorter ones, I feel I will when I lose weight.
(I've been working on that for myself + feeling proud of that so far).
Donator — Am Potato
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/2 10:58:02 )
@Vegan: it's all good. I totally get the wearing leggings under dresses. I recently started wearing yoga shorts under most of my dresses.
I love shorter dresses because they're not as warm as longer ones, but long dresses have a special place in my heart because I feel elegant in them. My favorite length is the length of this dress, actually. It's like tea length, almost.
Speaking of this dress, I need to resew it in spots. I moved today(yesterday? Both? Cause I have to unload the truck still...) and I noticed the side ses where I put in the pockets at seems to have come open, causing the opening of the pockets to be way too big and stuff falls out of them. And one of the straps is coming loose, but that's ok because I wanted to adjust them a little anyways. And lastly, a week after I've the dress, I popped an inch of the seam connecting the skirt to the bodice. So I gotta fix that too. But its all simple fixes, at least.
Donator — they/them
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/3 19:16:06 )
The length you shared is definitely nice (tea-length). I feel like if I wanted shorter? I'd wait a bit.
I don't blame you for feeling elegant with longer-length dresses. (Need to tone my arms more). ^__^;
Oh no! I hate when I notice something wrong with something I've made, but, they're not a hard fix at least!
Hope you've been doing well otherwise lately. It's good to hear from you! Moving is always stressful.
Donator — Am Potato
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/4 00:50:25 )
@Vegan: I've been alright, mostly. I went to idaho to visit my mom and old friends march 28th-april 7th, then on april 9th, the hubby started feeling sick, and then by the 11th i started feeling icky too. And then i had a positive covid test on the 13th, that sucked, but more for my hubs cause he wasn't vaccinated (trypanophobic) do he was sick worse and longer than i was. We got it from our roommate cause he's the only one in the house that ever went anywhere (work, at disney springs). So we were sick for about 2 weeks, which sucked. Then, we disn't do much for the past 2 weeks except think about our move, and then sunday was the move, which was more stressful than normal because we had a tire blow out, and my hubby has a bum knee so he had a hard time bending and couldn't get the car jacked up or the donut replaced. So i had to help, and while i got the car jacked up and all of the lug nuts loosened, as soon as i got the last one loose, i started feeling faint, so i had to lay down and prop my feet up and that didn't help and eventually it got to where i went to the ER by ambulance (my wallet is crying lol). it was a reallly rough night. The road ranger who called EMTs helped with the tire at least. i'm feeling a bit better now from then, but i have a ton of ant bites on my tummy and legs and feet and some on my arm. super itchy.
Donator — they/them
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/6 21:47:28 )
I mean, that's good you're doing alright for the most part.
I recall when we met (at least, fairly sure it was, have horrible memory at times, please excuse that, I am sure you understand as a lot has been going on making it hard to place time with places/things, the whole lot...) that you were going to see family and friends.
That is rough (testing positive and not feeling well + getting COVID) and I am so sorry to hear that.
I haven't got it (at least, I am fairly sure I haven't).* // I will list more under a spoiler.
There was a point a while back before I got vaccinated that I got a severe migraine (thought it was normal as I struggle with cluster headaches which usually turn into massive migraines, still been figuring out what causes this, coming to the conclusion it's most likely gluten-based grains/etc [such as bulgar, rye, spelt, but, not barley, weirdly]) which led to coughing and feeling a lot of chest congestion. However, no coughing out any phlegm, sneezing still occurred, I had a stuffy and runny nose (no green junk), and my cycle was out of wack, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath, but, no loss of smell/taste, fever, the worse off symptoms. My husband also didn't get sick, we are both immunocompromised people who struggle with chronic fatigue, so, we feel like it was mostly symptoms of me being over-stressed of waiting to get answers before I could get vaccinated and he was already vaccinated which if it WAS COVID? He was very well protected and less compromised than me.
I feel your husband on the front of having trypanophobia, I couldn't look for the first one, as for the second one? I saw just how small the needle was and it made things easier whereas before, I would have huge panic attacks and in some cases, faint (or worse cases, black out for long time).
I can't even get the 'yearly flu vaccine/shot' due to SEVERE allergies to eggs, usually, egg whites are used in the process of those sorts of vaccines worldwide unless you ask for other specified, here in the Netherlands, there isn't.
// Even though I am a Vegan, I am all for that protecting yourself/taking care of yourself (+ others) is of utmost importance and if this means your medication has an animal byproduct in it. It's just logical and makes the most sense. Other Vegans may not agree, but, most that I know firmly agree on that stance. (By stance, I mean the following; LEAST HARM wherever PRACTICAL and POSSIBLE.) And some people just don't get that, but, I understand, EVERYONE has an opinion.
I hope sometime he can get vaccinated sometime to prevent any issues in the future, which, I know it's scary and intimidating, but, better than getting sick again and dealing with worse repercussions/posing a risk for you and others around you both.
I was told to wait (doctor's recommendation) until I could see a health professional to ensure I wouldn't pass out/faint/have a severe reaction and thankfully, the people who did help me? Were super patient, let me meditate for a bit, and put on music to center my breathing so I didn't have an anxiety attack/panic attack).
Nowadays they make it easier where a partner/family member can be present and it's so fast (thankfully).
A tire blow-out on the day of your packing to moving sounds like a NIGHTMARE! I haven't driven in my life as a 'legal adult' for driving age (in which case would be 16 with others in car or 18+ for by yourself) and because I struggle with c-PTSD + my ADHD makes me distracted, it wouldn't be smart to do so (not that I ever wanted to drive before, but, I could hear it would be a free feeling, but, I don't trust others on roads to not give me anxiety). xD;
I'm glad you are okay despite everything that happened, sounds like a massive adventure; 'Pick your difficulty.' / 'Choose which uses most spoons.'
Donator — Am Potato
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/8 02:44:09 )
@Vegan: it actually sounds like you may have in fact had Covid without knowing! I started feeling a little sick with symptoms before i tested positive, but what you described sounds really similar to the symptoms i had. I was told that the variant going around right now is less agressive symptom wise, and isn't causing issues with the lungs, nor with sense of taste or smell (except for the normal stuff that comes with a stuffy nose).
I totally get the for the greater good/ do the least harm mentality. I'm glad you're one of the vegans that understands that and doesn't look down on other people for not being vegan, nor do you push your views on other people <3 I've encountered a lot of pretentious vegans that think they're better than other people just because of their life style, and push others to be vegan too. My opinions is that being vegan or anything like that is like religion- it's fine if you do that, just don't try to make me do that or try to make me feel bad for not doing that, because it's my right to chose not to have those beliefs. (sorry for my tangent.)
Tyi won't go if there's any chance of a needle being involved. I think a lot of it was that when he was a little little kid, his sister had Down Syndrome and was in the hospital a lot, if not her whole life ( she died when she was like 3 or 6 months old, on halloween, which is why he hates halloween), and he saw how much discomfort she had when she was poked and prodded that much, and i think it may have traumatized him. Even if he has me go with him or has coping tools to use, he won't go.
Yeah, Driving was pretty scary for me at first too because i also have ADHD, and get easily distracted, but i've been driving for 15 years now on my own, so i've gotten pretty good at focusing or at least focusing enough to not die. I also live in Florida and the drivers here are super scary, so it's not hard to stay focused. I think driving is one of those things that the more you do it the easier it is as far as anxiety goes.
Yeah, it was pretty intense. i'm slightly traumatized by it now and the thought of ants being on me makes me anxious now. and that frustrates me because i know that logically even if i get a couple bites here or there i'll be okay, as long as it's not more than a few at once.
i'm also glad to be okay. It was definitely an adventure. The tire blowing out is nothing new, but the ant allergy was. Like 3 or 4 years ago we got into a hit and run accident. The rear left tire got hit, so that axel is slightly bent, so the tire alignment can't be fully fixed so our tires go out approximately every year or so, so it's not that big of a deal. Though, up til now, it was always me driving, and not Tyi, so it freaked him out a bit.
Donator — they/them
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/8 22:09:37 )
You don't have to ever apologize for a tangent love! I enjoy your company!
I am honestly so curious if I have now you say that you felt similar! But, the fact my husband never got it?!
I recall my nose was runny and stuffy at the same time, it was horrible, got over it quicker than normal though.
(This may also be due to me having echinacea tea and tons of Vitamin C which lowers infections of flu symptoms).
I understand that Veganism isn't for everyone and I've read a quote a long time ago that fits what you said,
" Just like opinions and assholes, everyone has one. " xD; I've also been pushy of it myself and I try not to now.
As long as someone understands I do NOT want animal products/byproducts in my home.
My husband says it best, "If you want animal products and don't like what we make? Just get food on way home."
I am sorry you've dealt with pretentious vegans in the past. I can see how many are. Especially ones doing outreach.
I believe that people will go plant-based on their own terms as Veganism is far more than just removing animal products.
Oh man, losing a sister and especially being that young? That is so rough. I hate Halloween myself cause of trauma.
I don't blame him at ALL for it then, having PTSD from it most likely too. I understand entirely. <3
Yea, I was told driving is still anxiety-inducing, but, gets easier as it goes on, for me? I feel like it wouldn't.
(Ex who abused alcohol would drive drunk or on drugs and nearly cause accidents & one day I was with him in the car).
I also am not on medication yet for ADHD (showed allergy symptoms as a kid, now seeing what works as an adult).
Florida I can definitely imagine being anxious, same with California or any major city to be honest (New York City, etc).
Yea, I could also see you being anxious and traumatized by something like that. I know I get scared easily of wasps.
(Even though I've only been stung once, never by a bee, a wasp sting is something I NEVER want to experience again).
Hit and runs are terrifying and how someone thinks they can easily get away with it too is really frustrating.
Donator — Am Potato
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 05:40:11 )
@Vegan: it's quite possible. I mean i only had symptoms for like 4 or 5 days, and they weren't super severe. It's possible that your husband didn't get it because his body just didn't want to let him get it after the vaccine. (It's possible he could have been asymptomatic too)
I think there's a lot of room in Vegan cuisine that you can get away with serving it to non vegans and it not be too much of an issue. A lot of Vegan dishes are absolutely divine too! I think a lot of people are pretty close minded and just do the whole "Ew, there's no meat in this? no thanks." and can be potentially just as snobby as a vegan saying "ew there's animal products in this? No thanks."
I think as long as you've done your research and aren't using like Agave as a honey substitute (because that causes so much harm to other animals like Mexican Long-Nosed Bats). Like i believe in sourcing your byproducts from humane sources (or as humane as you can get when you eat animals, anyways) and doing your research (which i'm certain you have <3)
Yeah, I don't blame him for it either, but i worry about him missing out on things with our kids when we have them (hopefully soon, i might add... trying for kids is a stuggle no one really talks about), because he's so against halloween in general and doesn't even care for when i decorate the house.
I totally get that with the drunk driver thing. I try to avoid driving anywhere after about 6 or 7 if i can help it, and if i can't, i make sure i'm hyper aware of the cars around me. When i was a kid, like maybe 6 or 7, my mom had a husband that was an alcoholic and one time while she was with him she locked her keys in the car when she was at a gas station and asked him to come help instead of calling a locksmith. She didn't know he had been drinking i don't think. But he loaded me and my sibling up into his truck, drunk off his ass and we went to mom's rescue. It was pretty scary too because even at the young age i was i could tell he was really intoxicated and shouldn't have been driving. I asked my mom if i could ride with her on the way home. I think that as long as you're aware of the cars around you, and make sure you have enough space between you and any other vehicle and have an escape bubble around you when you drive, you should be okay. (basically space to swerve suddenly or break if need be).
YEah, i haven't been on ADHD meds for like 10 years, so i just made sure to be aware of what was happening around me even if i was distracted. When i was first learning to drive and up until i was in college actually, i couldn't have the radio on or have anyone talk to me really or i'd miss my turn or run a stop sign( never a red light though, at least), and the only accidents i've been in that were considered my fault (the first one was), happened before i turned 18. The first one i rear ended someone because i was looking for trains too long (i was like 16, and had just started driving on my own without my mom), and the second i had just learned stick shift and was still bad at it. When they ran the lights to determine fault, i forgot to tell them that i had stalled the car 3 times at the previous light, so they said i had 8 seconds before i would have had green. So... i got the ticket even though i wasn't at fault. oh well.
Driving in the city isn't too bad, but you just have to be alert. For me it's more scary to drive in the mountains or on long stretches of straight highway. Mountains are windy, and straight stretches you're more likely to get tired or zone out.
I sat on a wasp once. My thigh swelled up to the size of a softball. it was painful and uncomfortable. (i was getting into my uncle's truck and his windows had been open and it was summer and i didn't see the wasp until i got stung.) i've also been stung by bees on several occasions. They like my hair and have gotten stuck in it more than once. Ants on the other hand, they're unassuming and usually unexpected and somehow end up on you without you realizing they were near you most of the time lol
The sad thing about that particular hit and run is that they DID get away with it. We called the cops to report it, cop said basically there was notihng they could do. There were cameras at the intersection, so i think the cop just didn't care. *eyeroll*
@CyclonicMicroburst: Thank you! I have to make some adjustments to the strap length and make a few popped seam repairs, but otherwise i'm quite happy with the dress!
— She/Her
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/11 02:15:27 )
@Alorrena: I'm really glad you like your final product. Being an artist working in any medium, it's hard when you pour your heart and soul into a piece and end up not liking it. Wonderful work!
Donator — they/them
Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/18 13:26:03 )
4-5 days without it being too severe? That's good it wasn't too severe, doesn't make it any less sucky to get COVID or any form of sickness/illness. As for my husband, he also is immunocompromised, but, I am thinking he didn't have as much issue as his second vaccine was before I got sick, so, no idea, it could very well be that he was asymptomatic during that time.
You are absolutely right that there are snobby people on both sides. I personally rather know someone's allergies before ever serving food and I feel it's not right to try and trick people into eating something they may be sensitive to or not enjoy. I have used agave in the past even prior to being vegan as I am not a fan of honey (and would often make me sick). Nowadays, I use maple syrup (just tastes better) or date syrup /or/ medjool dates to sweeten things.
I don't believe in blanket terms such as 'humane'/'free-range'/etc when it comes to animal parts for food, I consider a sanctuary for an animal more humane (by definition, humane means 'having or showing compassion or benevolence, I don't see it as showing compassion or benevolence to an animal that dies for someones pleasure/food if that makes sense) I also appreciate you saying you are certain I did research (there is much research to be done for many things, example? Exploitation of other animals for other foods like avocado or banana).
I don't blame you either for being sad about if you eventually do have a child(ren) about Halloween. I am hopeful that someday (when that day comes mind you), he will be able to talk with you about how to go about the kids wanting to go out, etc. I mean, when in doubt? I would hope that you can go with some friends/family and that the kids can go with you + friends + family, whoever.
That sounds terrifying to be in a car at such a young age with someone who is meant to be a parental figure driving drunk. ): I struggle nowadays and no doubt I would lose focus if I were to be talked to on medication as well (when I was on trial before I have my appointment in a few days to give updates it happened) when trying to focus on something. A great example is, if I am watching a video and my husband says something, I need to pause it to listen to what he is saying.
(More than anything, I did notice that it wasn't as easy for me to 'multi-task', so, as I am typing this, I am listening to a video in the background, sometimes, I will rewind the video if I missed something, but, when I was on medication, I would have to pause the video to reply to this).
My best friend mentioned that he had been in an accident before similar to what you said, except, he wasn't just learning, the car was damaged and someone rammed into the back of his car at a red light and it was learned later the person was texting while driving (big eye roll). I can definitely imagine how scary it would be on a straight stretch or driving near mountains (as you said, wind).
Oh god! That sounds so painful (wasp and softball size)! My experience similar to yours (not seeing it until after getting stung) was when it flew up my shirt and got caught to the point where it stung me to try and get out. I brushed my stomach as I felt a small sting, then felt something and freaked out swatting away, my husband lifted my shirt barely standing in front of me to flick it off so others on the train wouldn't see and he smashed it. I felt bad, but, it hurt on what people describe I presume is how a paper-cut felt, then it started stinging REALLY bad!
I am so sorry the cop(s) didn't do anything, that always frustrates me beyond words when someone doesn't care, like, it's your JOB! DO IT!