we've been wanting to get a second computer for a while so that we can play FFXIV together, or so my partner can work on his music WHILE I draw on my desktop. We've just been sharing my computer all this time. (he has a "gaming" laptop from before I met him but its a Lenovo. They're a scam, dont buy their computers. He didn't know)
I've been hesitant on buying a whole new computer at the price they cost, for my partner who is also still just learning how to maintain them. So I gotta like, inspect it every so often to make sure its not crammed with malware :vanora_xd:
We decided finally that I will simply buy myself a new computer and he can use my old alienware!
By old I mean I've had it 4 years, but its a pretty strong one and runs actually better than day 1 (originally had a broken software for the lights on it that I had to stomp into oblivion cause it caused more problems than good lmaoo)
So, behold

I pick this baby up after work today!
I've only messed with iBuypower pcs briefly in the past and I only hear good things about them. My job has made me s i c k of Dell, so I didn't really wanna spend the price for another alienware, even if they're good. I rather try something new this time :D
i7, 16GB, RTX 2060 (my alienware is 1070), SSD+HDD. Really, everything is almost the same as my alienware, its just a bigger graphics card!