◦✹ UPDATE: Since the lack of participants I decided to cancel the rng part of this altogether. I think it will be a lot easier for me and less stressful to just randomly choose who to draw here. But to those who are still interesting there's still one more spot left for you to go after. To those who get a number 95 I will freely draw the avatar of your request.
I'm so sorry for the changes >.<
Hello Hello (o´ω`o)ノ
I'm in the mood to draw some freebies for you lot♥
Is nothing too extraordinary, just simple sketches so is not too time consuming.
Like sketches like these:

But to make it interesting let's add some RNG in the mix yeah?
Start and end the numbers to 1-100 and the numbers that's listed below will be chosen to draw by moi~
Voltra avis only because I'm a little burnt out from drawing anything more complicated at the moment.
If your the winner dm me a link or pic for proof, and a reference pic of your avi.

1. 95:
2. 37: Junko7
3. 59: Kent
If people like this I'll add more in the future, but three will do for now~
Happy dust cleaning! ✹◦