I don't know what's going on, but it seems everyone's getting into serious motorcycle accidents this month. I wont get into the non relatives but just.. it's not exclusive. I'm losing my mind with all the consistent bad news.
First was my cousin, like one of the few ones Im close with. Came real close to losing him, he's going to be in the hospital for.. quite a while. He has several surgeries to get through to repair limbs, bladder, pelvic. aorta had a nick in it. This is pretty scary for the family. But after the first week, he was able to respond to texts and calls (though he's not supposed to cause it strains him, he's just stubborn). As much as I'm happy to hear from him and that his noggin is working just fine, I wait to check up on him for a few more weeks cause he needs serious rest.
I cried pretty hard about it cause I was worried of course. But then I cried again cause go figure, it was the day before his child's 3rd birthday that he had a party planned for.
I really wasn't ready for my sisters to be blowing up my phone tonight to tell me my dad also got in a motorcycle accident and is getting a rod put in his leg as I type this.
I just
I can't handle this, it hurts too much when people get hurt like this. It's too much for my mind to take.
I know he's going to be fine but it's bothering me so deeply.
I hate vehicles
I hate that it's like #1 cause for almost every tragedy in my family
and heck, friends too!
I've lost so many to accidents already
and so many more crippled by it
Why in the hells do we still build around NEEDING to drive these stupid death machines?
I say it all the time but i really really want to find a place where i can get rid of vehicles and just live on my feet. whys it so hard to find that :vanora_stunned: