name: Clover/Jasper (i mostly just use clover in online spaces)
pronouns: He/They
favorite hobby?: drawing, making kandi, reading, and designing characters
a fun fact about you: i loveeeee beetles and i collect dolls ( i mostly have rainbow high dolls, but i'm gonna be getting my childhood monster high collection back soon and i'm so excited)
a fun fact about something you’re interested in: historically the elytra of jewel beetles were used to embroider onto clothes and create jewelry. It's still practiced, but not super common.
my favorite animals are beetles, butt as far as vertebrates go i quite like snakes<33
i like to read and i'm currently reading Girl In Pieces, and Still Life With Tornado (by Kathleen Glasglow and A.S King respectively)
my favorite books are the six of crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
I can talk about dolls for hours, specifically monster high, my favorite ghouls are Venus Mcflytrap and Honey Swamp (with honorable mentions to literally everyone except GIl. hate Gil so much.) When i was a kid my favorite characters were Spectra Vondergeist and Abbey Bominable.
I dress like Draculaura on a daily basis, if she wouldn't wear it neither will I /hj
I listen to a lot of different genres of music, lately though i've been listening to a lot of punk bands (especially within the queercore subgenre) I also really like gothic music<3 And on a completely different end of the music spectrum i am obsessedddd with Ashnikko.
I also collect oddities and am really into vulture culture, though i won't go into detail here because i know that kinda thing can sometimes squick people out<3
Forums Welcome Committee Hiya<3 new player here!!
I haven't seen it, but i'll have to check it out for sure!!<3
I haven't seen it, but i'll have to check it out for sure!!<3

- Welcome to Voltra :)
currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

yo welcome! :3
I love dolls o: I had a lot of Bratz when I was a kid XD
Six of Crows is an amazing series <3
What kinda vulture culture stuff do you have? :D
I love dolls o: I had a lot of Bratz when I was a kid XD
Six of Crows is an amazing series <3
What kinda vulture culture stuff do you have? :D
i've watched some anime, but i'm definitely not like,, well versed in it.
i've read some manga as well<3
i've watched some anime, but i'm definitely not like,, well versed in it.
i've read some manga as well<3
bratz are neat, i've never really had more than a couple of them though
and as far as vulture culture i've got quite a lot!!
i've got a couple raccoon skulls
i have a lot of opossum bones
a set of pigeon talons
i've got a goat hoof
severallllll teeth (most of them from assorted animals, but some are baby teeth from people i know. and i have my dad's wisdom teeth)
i''ve got a box turtle shell i found on a walk near a pond
i did have two deer skulls, but i gave one to my sister and one to my little cousin
i also had a coyote skull i found on a walk. i couldn't find the lower jaw to it though.
oh and the wings and talons to a bird one of my neighbor's feral cats got ahold of. I salt preserved them.
my pet giant stag beetle oscar passed away recently too, so i'm planning on pinning him.
uhh i think that might be all?? i honestly have so much that it's hard to remember without having it all out in front of me
bratz are neat, i've never really had more than a couple of them though
and as far as vulture culture i've got quite a lot!!
i've got a couple raccoon skulls
i have a lot of opossum bones
a set of pigeon talons
i've got a goat hoof
severallllll teeth (most of them from assorted animals, but some are baby teeth from people i know. and i have my dad's wisdom teeth)
i''ve got a box turtle shell i found on a walk near a pond
i did have two deer skulls, but i gave one to my sister and one to my little cousin
i also had a coyote skull i found on a walk. i couldn't find the lower jaw to it though.
oh and the wings and talons to a bird one of my neighbor's feral cats got ahold of. I salt preserved them.
my pet giant stag beetle oscar passed away recently too, so i'm planning on pinning him.
uhh i think that might be all?? i honestly have so much that it's hard to remember without having it all out in front of me
@I clover I: yooo that's a lot of amazing stuff! I love bones. :D Do you have them displayed?
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Welcome! I hope youl have fun here ^^
Is there somewhere you post your art? id love to see it!
Im also into dolls! I have some MH however im mainly into BJDs. However i watch alot of MH customization on yt!
Im neurodivergent and BJDs are one of my special intrests, whenever somebody is even sleightly intrestted into the hobby i tend to write essays long about it lol... tbh i even did an actual esay on it when i was still in school.
So dispite my main thing being BJDs i still rly like fashion dolls! Just more admiring then actually collecting.
I however do am highly intrested in Lagoona Blue since she was the doll that got me into dolls in the first place lol.
I also rly like snakes! Pythons are my favorite but i also really like a hognose!
Spoiled for ppl that dont wanna read this
I think Vulture culture is absolutly amazing! Ive been into animal skulls/skellitons ever since i was a child (my family didnt exactly like that). I sadly mostly own fake ornaments (some are handmade tho). However at a con i was able to verry cheaply buy the top of a fox snout, still hase some teeth in it! I cant rly partake in the action of picking dead animals up to bring home bc my grandparents would be furious lol. I do hope to one day be able to partake in a class like that (my friend aperently did and im so jelous aaaa)
Is there somewhere you post your art? id love to see it!
Im also into dolls! I have some MH however im mainly into BJDs. However i watch alot of MH customization on yt!
Im neurodivergent and BJDs are one of my special intrests, whenever somebody is even sleightly intrestted into the hobby i tend to write essays long about it lol... tbh i even did an actual esay on it when i was still in school.
So dispite my main thing being BJDs i still rly like fashion dolls! Just more admiring then actually collecting.
I however do am highly intrested in Lagoona Blue since she was the doll that got me into dolls in the first place lol.
I also rly like snakes! Pythons are my favorite but i also really like a hognose!
Spoiled for ppl that dont wanna read this
I think Vulture culture is absolutly amazing! Ive been into animal skulls/skellitons ever since i was a child (my family didnt exactly like that). I sadly mostly own fake ornaments (some are handmade tho). However at a con i was able to verry cheaply buy the top of a fox snout, still hase some teeth in it! I cant rly partake in the action of picking dead animals up to bring home bc my grandparents would be furious lol. I do hope to one day be able to partake in a class like that (my friend aperently did and im so jelous aaaa)
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
Hey hey hey, welcome! Hope you enjoy all of what Voltra has got to offer!
usually yes, but they're a bit disorganized right now because i moved them around to make room for a terrarium not long ago. i need to rearrange them and such so they look nice.
usually yes, but they're a bit disorganized right now because i moved them around to make room for a terrarium not long ago. i need to rearrange them and such so they look nice.
i don't really post much of my art nowadays, but here's some of my work<3
i do a lot of character design stuff as well, but i haven't been posting it recently.
BJDs are super awesome!! i follow a lot of BJD creators and such on instagram. i've been wanting to get into them myself, but i don't have any yet.
i especially love fantasy inspired BJDs<3 feel free to ramble!!!
also your user is familiar, i think i've seen you around dappervolk!!
i don't really post much of my art nowadays, but here's some of my work<3
i do a lot of character design stuff as well, but i haven't been posting it recently.
BJDs are super awesome!! i follow a lot of BJD creators and such on instagram. i've been wanting to get into them myself, but i don't have any yet.
i especially love fantasy inspired BJDs<3 feel free to ramble!!!
also your user is familiar, i think i've seen you around dappervolk!!
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@I clover I:
Your art looks great! Im reaally into character designing! I just absolutly love coming up with new characters, seeing what fits ect. Hence why i love DND so much. This sunday im playing in a oneshot so i wanted to make a new character, play with a race and class i havent played yet! A satyr warlock! I have the overall story (even tho for a oneshot thats not exactly needed lol) and look down, i just need to decide on a color pallete. It dosnt help that the DM told me fantasy colors are allowed aaa.
I also play in a camapign where a half-tiefling half-dragonborn and im multiclassing a bard/rouge (but somehow managed to play like a magical fighter lol). Personality wise he was the compleat oposite from my first character (who funely enough was also a tiefling, they r just such a fun race to design).
Heres you can see him! His name is Gwilym and he has a horse sized dog called Ypi (who is inspired my dog but sadly passed recently) and a tint sheep called Blair (who... is also inspired by a dead pet of mine... i swear it wasnt intentional. But blair is inspired by my childhood pet sheep Blairke). Gwilym went trough alot of trauma and is now on a mission to find his aunt (she not blood related but they grew up togeter). I wont get into his backstory bc it can be heavy and its a lot lol.
My favorite are any kind of fantasy BJD! I dont own alot (1 BJD, 1 Azone pure neemo and 1 pullip Isul) wich are human. All my other dolls have some kind of fantasy thing about them, wheter its animals features (ears, hooves paws ect), skin colors, wings, and more! For a long while i was mainly into MSDs (they are 1/4th or around 45cm) but now own only 4 (a dollzone Hall (human), Dreamvalley Gloria (has big wings, ears wings and a unicorn horn), A flower&junior Kaka head on a Fairyland Fairyline male faun body and lastly a Dollfamily-h qinglang head on a Fairyland Fairyline Harpy body (it only has bird legs, not wings).
And i own more! Personally i clasify them as BJDs but on DOA they dont count since they are 3D printed (wich i find wierd bc they are also just resin and strung togeter but oh welp)
I own a whole load of Frappzilla Dandelion Blooms! They are tiny 13cm doll kits, meaning they come to you loose and you must sand them and put them togeter. And because of taht they are a whole load cheaper then a regular BJD!
I curently have in my possesion: Poppy chesterfield in white wich i dyed (a faun), Polka in peach (half rabbit), Xiao midi in steel blue (half dragon), Frankenbloom Topsy Tizzle (not exactly a creature but they ahve mismatched colors, ram horns, big fluffy ears, a giant tail and 4 arms) and lastly Frankenbloom Sky Cow (Again they have mismatched colors but this one is like a cow faun).
And then i have a whole load that im still waiting on: Ember in pink (a harpy but this one has bird legs and wing arms!), Joeyby in tricolor (half redpanda), Silt top is tan and tail green (a naga), Cyril in grey (originally a squirel however im turning her into a msuhroom lady, specificly inky cap isnpired), Merrill top light tan bottom lil darker tan (a wolftaur), Cookie in light tan top and blue bottom ( a deertaur) and lastly i orderd a white blank body in the xmas advent and trougout the year have some faceplates aswel so i need to decide what character thatl be!
However i waiting on 2 pet bjds by Frappzilla... wich were designed by your truly (cough me cough)
Its a tiny goblin! I didnt exactly win the design contest but people seemed to love it so much so it got made annyway, and as prize i got one free and orderd another one (and im honestly thinking about getting another one once they availble again)
So uh.... i might have a bit too many... and im planing to get more... Mainly bc of their fantasy features, its alot harder to find those in any other BJD!
So i absolutly recomend checking them out! This sunday i believe some harpys and elves will be availble! If your instrested id recomend joining the discord group as that gets updated most often and the creator + team is active in it daily! (absolutly amazing ppl i might add!)
Also yea! Im not the most active in forums but i play dappervolk daily! One of my favorite avi sites :^D
Edit: welp there i went n write too much again lol
I just get rly pasionate ab my intrests :'^)
Your art looks great! Im reaally into character designing! I just absolutly love coming up with new characters, seeing what fits ect. Hence why i love DND so much. This sunday im playing in a oneshot so i wanted to make a new character, play with a race and class i havent played yet! A satyr warlock! I have the overall story (even tho for a oneshot thats not exactly needed lol) and look down, i just need to decide on a color pallete. It dosnt help that the DM told me fantasy colors are allowed aaa.
I also play in a camapign where a half-tiefling half-dragonborn and im multiclassing a bard/rouge (but somehow managed to play like a magical fighter lol). Personality wise he was the compleat oposite from my first character (who funely enough was also a tiefling, they r just such a fun race to design).
Heres you can see him! His name is Gwilym and he has a horse sized dog called Ypi (who is inspired my dog but sadly passed recently) and a tint sheep called Blair (who... is also inspired by a dead pet of mine... i swear it wasnt intentional. But blair is inspired by my childhood pet sheep Blairke). Gwilym went trough alot of trauma and is now on a mission to find his aunt (she not blood related but they grew up togeter). I wont get into his backstory bc it can be heavy and its a lot lol.
My favorite are any kind of fantasy BJD! I dont own alot (1 BJD, 1 Azone pure neemo and 1 pullip Isul) wich are human. All my other dolls have some kind of fantasy thing about them, wheter its animals features (ears, hooves paws ect), skin colors, wings, and more! For a long while i was mainly into MSDs (they are 1/4th or around 45cm) but now own only 4 (a dollzone Hall (human), Dreamvalley Gloria (has big wings, ears wings and a unicorn horn), A flower&junior Kaka head on a Fairyland Fairyline male faun body and lastly a Dollfamily-h qinglang head on a Fairyland Fairyline Harpy body (it only has bird legs, not wings).
And i own more! Personally i clasify them as BJDs but on DOA they dont count since they are 3D printed (wich i find wierd bc they are also just resin and strung togeter but oh welp)
I own a whole load of Frappzilla Dandelion Blooms! They are tiny 13cm doll kits, meaning they come to you loose and you must sand them and put them togeter. And because of taht they are a whole load cheaper then a regular BJD!
I curently have in my possesion: Poppy chesterfield in white wich i dyed (a faun), Polka in peach (half rabbit), Xiao midi in steel blue (half dragon), Frankenbloom Topsy Tizzle (not exactly a creature but they ahve mismatched colors, ram horns, big fluffy ears, a giant tail and 4 arms) and lastly Frankenbloom Sky Cow (Again they have mismatched colors but this one is like a cow faun).
And then i have a whole load that im still waiting on: Ember in pink (a harpy but this one has bird legs and wing arms!), Joeyby in tricolor (half redpanda), Silt top is tan and tail green (a naga), Cyril in grey (originally a squirel however im turning her into a msuhroom lady, specificly inky cap isnpired), Merrill top light tan bottom lil darker tan (a wolftaur), Cookie in light tan top and blue bottom ( a deertaur) and lastly i orderd a white blank body in the xmas advent and trougout the year have some faceplates aswel so i need to decide what character thatl be!
However i waiting on 2 pet bjds by Frappzilla... wich were designed by your truly (cough me cough)
Its a tiny goblin! I didnt exactly win the design contest but people seemed to love it so much so it got made annyway, and as prize i got one free and orderd another one (and im honestly thinking about getting another one once they availble again)
So uh.... i might have a bit too many... and im planing to get more... Mainly bc of their fantasy features, its alot harder to find those in any other BJD!
So i absolutly recomend checking them out! This sunday i believe some harpys and elves will be availble! If your instrested id recomend joining the discord group as that gets updated most often and the creator + team is active in it daily! (absolutly amazing ppl i might add!)
Also yea! Im not the most active in forums but i play dappervolk daily! One of my favorite avi sites :^D
Edit: welp there i went n write too much again lol
I just get rly pasionate ab my intrests :'^)
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
sorry for taking a hot minute to respond
your dnd character is super cool!!
also i am sooooo gonna have to check out those frapzilla dolls you were talking about!! i've been really wanting to get into BJDs for awhile now. I think it's super cool that you got to create a design for one!!<3
I had no clue that some people didn't consider 3d printed dolls to be "true" BJDs, i personally always have<3
(also i joined the discord server)
sorry for taking a hot minute to respond
your dnd character is super cool!!
also i am sooooo gonna have to check out those frapzilla dolls you were talking about!! i've been really wanting to get into BJDs for awhile now. I think it's super cool that you got to create a design for one!!<3
I had no clue that some people didn't consider 3d printed dolls to be "true" BJDs, i personally always have<3
(also i joined the discord server)
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@I clover I: No worries! I just saw you replied to my dumb fish sketch, i swear im better at art lol
And hell yea!! Frappzilla dolls are absolutly amazing and creative in so many ways! The artist team has let us known that once they have finished printing and shipping all the dolls from 2021 they will start releasing new ones! (just for refrence they are curently printing august 2021 dolls but still shipping out june 2021. and also shipping is mainly verry slow since they where pre orders but in the future all dolls will be ready to ship)
About the lil goblin: You can see them here! Im still absolutly over the moon i got this oportunity and get to see it "come to life"
DOA is seen as rather strict with their rules, but i agree. I feel like it should be counted especially because its printed in resin! It has joints and is strung with elastic! The very definition of a BJD! But alas
If your intrested in BJDs, DOA (or Den of angels) is a great place to gather info. I personally dont interact alot on the forums but i find it handy to find resin color matches, or new dolls that come out ect. However ofc ive been in the hobby for a lil more then 7 years now (oh lord time flies by) and alot of the knowledge is kinda hammerd in my brain at this point (my friends call me the dollipedia) So uh if you have any questions im happy to answer! (like some cheaper companys, depending on where you live wich dealer would be best, what size clothing fits what doll ect)
And hell yea!! Frappzilla dolls are absolutly amazing and creative in so many ways! The artist team has let us known that once they have finished printing and shipping all the dolls from 2021 they will start releasing new ones! (just for refrence they are curently printing august 2021 dolls but still shipping out june 2021. and also shipping is mainly verry slow since they where pre orders but in the future all dolls will be ready to ship)
About the lil goblin: You can see them here! Im still absolutly over the moon i got this oportunity and get to see it "come to life"
DOA is seen as rather strict with their rules, but i agree. I feel like it should be counted especially because its printed in resin! It has joints and is strung with elastic! The very definition of a BJD! But alas
If your intrested in BJDs, DOA (or Den of angels) is a great place to gather info. I personally dont interact alot on the forums but i find it handy to find resin color matches, or new dolls that come out ect. However ofc ive been in the hobby for a lil more then 7 years now (oh lord time flies by) and alot of the knowledge is kinda hammerd in my brain at this point (my friends call me the dollipedia) So uh if you have any questions im happy to answer! (like some cheaper companys, depending on where you live wich dealer would be best, what size clothing fits what doll ect)
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)
I'm a little late but welcome. 
I never got into Monster High, but I cackled when you said you hate Gil. That's one of my ex's names. xD
I also think it's really cool you're into beetles. Growing up my dream was to become an entomologist and I was always bringing insects inside my house.
My mom hated it. lol

I never got into Monster High, but I cackled when you said you hate Gil. That's one of my ex's names. xD
I also think it's really cool you're into beetles. Growing up my dream was to become an entomologist and I was always bringing insects inside my house.
My mom hated it. lol
Thinking about playing Pokemon Crystal again.

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.