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Forums Anniversary Party 2022 ❀ CONFETTI {thought dump with me + maybe doodles}

Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/24 19:56:41 )

awww what kind of cat do you have? Mine keeps waking me up at night too, after I was gone for a week. She doesn't wanna let me out of her sights


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/24 20:36:08 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Jolly: I have a Blue Russian barn cat 'nods' she's a big tubby kitty though since we've moved she's lost a lot of weight which is good. <:3( )~~


Donator — UWU/ Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/24 20:51:41 )
@Jolly: Art comm stuff. I am thinking of shifting my art service to comic work. I am still open to art comms to repeat customers/networked through clients. After honing basic level coloring/shading, my next grind is to work on comic panels and converting script to comic pages. It looks like that I need to do that before I have solidify my story project.

Wolf that meows. cat wolf? xD

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 05:30:17 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ 'pokes head back in' hello 'waves' <:3( )~~


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 13:16:00 )
-stops in and leaves some goodies-


Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 14:03:36 )

oh russian blues are so cute ;;
I have a black domestic short hair. my husband really wants to get a long haired white cat in the future to contrast with her. She might be too spoiled to share easily though XD


Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 14:09:05 )

(weird for some reason I could only see one post until now >>)

That sounds like fun! I actually have some comic pages I wanna work on today too. I've been really trying to practice with that again lately, it can be so hardddd ;v;
although ive always struggled more with pacing and dialogue more than anything, which means I need to just practice writing in general.

Meow wolf is like this interactive art gallery? Like an alice in wonderland experience!


I was THIS close to splurging on a box of donuts yesterday when grocery shopping
but i overate last week at my mom's so I didnt lmao


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 15:05:28 )
@Jolly: lol - it sounds like a good decision to have skipped the donuts :3 I can't remember the last time I actually ate one... but I thought your thread needed them somehow ;) <3
How are you doing today?


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 15:50:10 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked


oh russian blues are so cute ;;
I have a black domestic short hair. my husband really wants to get a long haired white cat in the future to contrast with her. She might be too spoiled to share easily though XD

just be set for cat fights. nala and sashie when i had him used to fight with each other. well until sashie got bigger then nala haha. <:3( )~~


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 17:30:07 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ 'rubs eye's Morning everyone. well afternoon given its eleven thirty. <:3( )~~


Donator — UWU/ Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/25 20:03:25 )
@Jolly: i wish that i can visit meow wolf. it looks like fun place!!

aaaa do you have your comic posted in tapas or something?

Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/26 14:50:32 )

Yeah I usually only eat one donut and then Im satisfied. Buying a box of them goes to waste if I dont have someone else to eat them too xD
I've been pretty good though! I spent pretty much all of yesterday drawing

Yeah, I have a female cat so I was gonna try pairing with another female cat. Like maybe as she gets older, would she be nice if the second cat was a kitten... XD who knows! I'd have to keep them separated when I'm not around, so definitely not happening in my current home (too smol)

Heyy! I've been great. I was gone all last week visiting my family in CO, so I was pretty quiet for a chunk of the event :')

Its very nice! Although I hate public places, people annoy me XD But it wasn't too busy when I went (early morning on a weds) so wasn't bad!

My comics currently are just practice blurbs at the moment. Not a full story and might be a bit disjointed. So I have them set on private on my tumblr lmao
Here's one of them tho its a bit unfinished cause Im being so lazy to polish it up.. I also need to add more pages to it before I make it public.
and another one sort of though this is pages 4 out of 11+ so.. doesn't go anywhere. I just like making snow and dramatic faces.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/26 16:54:33 )
@Jolly: I can't remember the last time I spent the majority of a day drawing... it's really sad, tbh! :(
LOL - it's good that your sweet tooth is sated with one donut. It seems that a lot of people aren't able to do that for whatever reason.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/26 18:50:11 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Jolly: ah well that's very smart 'nods' i miss my second cat but I love my Nala to 'sigh' ah well. how goes your day today? <:3( )~~


Donator — UWU/ Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/26 21:09:35 )
@Jolly: your comics looks very nice!! Are ya gonna continue doing some comic panels?

yea i get ya. crowded area can be uwu xD

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/27 16:58:58 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked


'Pokes head in rubbing eyes' Hello 'waves' <:3( )~~


Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/27 22:11:14 )

(I'll reply properly tonight!! hard to on mobile)

I am so overwhelmed today! All I wanna do is sit in my cozy chair at home and doodle forever. Like I just have to stop every couple hours today and imagine doing so for a bit of relief. How joyous it is to express creativity~

But alas I'm here
at work
fixing everythingggg cause everything is broken, even the vacuum


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/27 22:54:02 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Winter Stroll | WZRD | Under New Managment | Headless Rider | Flutterby | Queen Titania | Purr For You | Porcelain Pianissimo | Dazzling Sun | Deadly Darling | Reaper of Space | Wicked

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Cannot wait until I can earn enough Volts to buy Wicked hmm wonder what that goes for now a days.. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/28 03:00:20 )

Its hard to have time for it tbh ;;
I usually sacrifice my weekly chores if I do spend a day drawing, and then the next week I'm like aaaaaaaahh whys it so messy in here

I am SO out of the loop on pricing these days XD
I have no idea the value of voltz anymore. Only that 3k = orb. That's all I'm usually after when I have time to save lmao

Thank youu <3
Yeah I'll add more to these in time. Its all just meant for me to experiment with comics and finding a good "flow" so they wont ever be anything big. Eventually I do want to make an entire comic series (its already plotted out), but I want to be comfortable making comic pages before I do.

I am leaving Voltra
Find my links here

08 22 22

Donator — UWU/ Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/28 03:07:28 )
@Jolly: writing part to me is much harder
cant wait to see your future works!
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

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