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Forums Voltra Discussion Event Roundup: Autumn Block Party Feedback

Donator — She, her. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 01:10:00 )
Overall I really enjoyed the event. Here are thoughts I have for it:

I didn't really mind the wall of text, lol, I like reading though, I do think it could be more organized into sections though.

I think an event shop would be nice as well, it was a bit hard to go from shop to shop. x.x I do like the idea of event currency, since that is going to added for future events, I see no real need to go into that.

On one hand, it was fun seeing what new colors would be added, on the other, it would be more convenient to have them all in at the beginning. I really like the suggestion of putting them all in one item, and just added them in as they become available, it's like checking your inventory and getting a surprise. :)

I loved the contests, especially the design ones! I didn't get to join in this time, but would love to see more, I do think a couple extra contests could be added for those who don't like designing as much, an avatar contest, maybe a coloring contest, even cooking and decorating could be fun. :) You could also do a forum scavenger hunt, maybe you could hide images around pots and people could find them, just to give some ideas. :)

I also loved interacting with the NPCs, I got to talk briefly with Vyctor, and I enjoyed it! I dearly hope this stays, another site I was on use to do this a lot, then it kind of faded a bit....I miss that so much. I also love that they were engaging, in character, and fun to talk with. I feel a part of the city. with some back lore(unless there's some already and I haven't seen it yet), you have a very fine making to a engaging, fun place that draws you in it. :)

I do also think the event forum should be at the top, maybe including in the title the name of the event, and say closed when there is not an event?

That is all I can think of, overall this was really smooth, I'm very excited for Christmas, it's one of my favorite Holidays, it will be exciting to see what you do! :)


Donator — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 05:03:31 )
I agree with what people are saying about having all the information in just one post. I don't mind reading large amounts of text as long as it's all in one place! Going through 6 different threads is quite time consuming. xD

Ping me!


Donator — she, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 05:38:09 )
I wasn't able to fully participate in this event, but I do agree with some points that were made. An event shop, and knowing exactly how much of a certain currency would be needed would be beneficial, especially with event items that cost volts. From what I saw of the contests they seemed fair and varied, it was nice to see and learn about the NPC's and lore of the site.
Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 07:04:02 )
I must agree it was too much reading, I read some but not all of it. I wasn't too fond of some of the contests, and I didn't really care to be buying all of the items with my volts, because I am trying to save. I am not to sure on who won for any of the contests, because I didn't get to see, maybe next time try making a post for all to see in the News & Updates. just a little thought
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 09:53:38 )
TL;DR in bold
What sorts of things did you like about the event?
-The goldsink aspect. At first i was like, "daang we gotta pay for EIs," but then I saw the number of pages in Vontell's chat thread and was like "ahh that's why." The idea that the volts earned from this event are meant to be converted into event items sounds fair to me.
- The community teamwork. This goes for the staff (who pieced this together) and regular users(who had to reach page goals to unlock EIs)
- The descriptive intros. It helped me with Vyctor's trivia contest. I thought I had to search their post history for their personality and everything, but the intros gave enough hints to like 50% of the answers. It also helped set the mood/immersion.
-Vyc is da best boi. Highest post count of all NPCs, yet we know the least about him. What a houdini. Love it! XD

What do you think could be improved on?
- Placing the event sub-forum on in city hall or somewhere up top. (Y is the main attraction all the way down there.../scrolls forever)
- Specifying start and end times (with timezones) at the beginning of event like how a lot of online games do for their events.
~ Also kinda funny how everyone wants to get to know the NPCs but are like "TL;DR," so maybe have a separate and a more succinct post listing the prizes and a "How to play/enter." I know you guys went all out on typing everything out like "For our first place winner, we have a Sweet Cakes set, ohms, etc." and ended up with a pseudo paragraph.
!!! Prizes !!!
1st place: Frog Prince Set Sept '17 Crate and 100
2nd place: Frog Prince Set and 100
3rd place: 100
Page prize: Event Item unlocks on page 42!
How to Play/Enter
1. Place hands on keyboard
2. Git gud
~Also more graphics (in the thread or with the NPC portraits). I'm not sure if it'll clutter the post, but graphics of the scene would be a nice break from the text. If you wanna go the extra mile, the NPCs could have a different expression.pose to match their current post (sorta like a visual novel).

Last but not least, thanks for all your hard work in making the block party a success!

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 09:57:41 )
@okios: You did the code wrong XD [url = link] name [/ u r l]
I put space to show you :D

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 10:05:03 )
@Panda: Yeah, thanks. I was going to edit, but my alarm rang and I remembered I had to do sth else first LOL. I'm trying to link both the text and the image under a single url, which is not working. I guess I have to link each one separately. :bernard_happy:

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 10:06:01 )
@okios: Awww, that sucks T.T That would be cool though!

Voltie — G A A A Y Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 15:11:33 )
I tried to break up my ranting into sections, but gaia help you if you hate reading.

There should have been a bigger/clearer announcement of the event and where to find all it's information because I literally had no idea there was an event until one of my friends told me there was. I quickly searched for an announcement after finding out there was an event... but there was nothing. I had no idea where to look. I also saw a suggestion to move the event forum up to the top somewhere, and I agree. Either that or implement some kind of banner or notification that is seen throughout the entire site. This can really help keep people informed and keep them thinking about the event.

I know some users enjoy reading a lot and others don't even care, so I'd suggest a compromise of having one story/literature based thread and one straight and to the point thread. Or section of one thread. Either works. This way, users who want to read will go read about it and users who just want to see the items or how to participate can do so.

Event Shop + Items
Basically what everyone else said about the event shop, to be honest. It was a cool idea having items in their specific shops, but it was more of a hassle than it was worth. In terms of items, however, all items should've either been out immediately or an exact number and their price listed for future releases. This keeps the surprise/goal you guys were going for, but also let's users know how much to spend or save.

Item Feedback
I am a bit disappointed that the items were not the most exciting or unique. Obviously they are in their own way, but for a first time event, they don't really pop out and say "hey, we mean business here". They are good in quality and the color combos are nice. I also like the large variety of items. However, with the large quantity, come a large payout and, as said previously, they were too expensive for how new the site is. I also think that recolors should've been free or the total price should've been included in the first recolor. Perhaps you could update the item to release the new recolors instead of adding a new item all together? Something to think about/experiment with, perhaps.

Number of Threads
I understand that having diverse threads and activities is always a good thing to help encompass as much as the userbase as you can, but my god... when I popped into the event thread after finally finding it, I was shocked at just how many threads there were and how much text there was to swim through on top of that. I was literally overwhelmed with it all to the point I just backed away and poked around the shops to try and find the event items by myself. I'm not sure how to suggest a fix for this, but perhaps try to condense where you can? Maybe have npc's chatting in the one or two different event threads to accomplish the same kind of story narrative? And perhaps recap all they've said in one more thread, giving each npc their own post in the thread? Distributing this kind of information throughout the event could both make it easier on users to take in and also keep people interested and waiting for new updates. And, if they are as lazy and unmotivated as I am when it comes to lore based events, having all the interesting information all in one thread to read through at my leisure is always a plus.

All in all, I did enjoy the items, but I couldn't handle the event itself. I hope I can participate in future events and see how you guys progress. Good first event.

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 21:54:39 )
Overall I had alot of fun! NPCs were a blast to hang out with! They had very distinct personalities! For a "small contest" I thought it was rather big haha. It sure pumped up the forum activity! My only regret is that it was over so quickly! R.I.P.

There were lots of contests with something for everyone, maybe more games like puzzles or riddles leading up to the final buried treasure would have been quite interesting. Something to get the community to help each other. I would have designed a map and have people solve clues and guess. The ones who guessed correctly would win a prize at the end of the event. Of course a sprinkle of red herrings wouldn't go amiss. It doesnt have to be buried treasure, it could be murder mystery or any other theme. There would be a thread for just theories as the Volties start pointing fingers and the NPCs could help out if you do things for them, like the community could donate to their Swiss bank account and receive a clue. Or the community could assemble a really amazing fashion line for their next sale. Or some NPCs could just be triggered by asking the right questions, wearing the correct items or being at the right place at the right time. There are alot of possibilities and my brain is too limited to think of them all! I am sure with a bunch of other creatives a very intriguing storyline would emerge.
Sorry I am rambling. I am not very good at controlling my thoughtflow.

PS: Murder Mystery for Halloween would be the absolute bomb! *hopes*

Always ping me please.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 00:55:48 )
Ooh, I agree with some of the suggestions here. But here's my two cents to expand on my thoughts. Before you read it though, please know that I appreciate everyone involved in crafting the event and that I honestly, totally enjoyed myself! :vanora_icon:

What sorts of things did you like about the event?

I liked the concept. Like, a lot. It was a really neat way to introduce people to the NPCs and essentially the world that is Voltra and having the ability to interact with them is great. Also, personally I don't actually know much about the lore, but it's cool you guys decided to expand on this.

Any event that is cooperative or requires everyone to band together is amazing. It brings the community closer, more incentive to post and just kind of pumps everyone up, y'know? But I agree with Okios here, the staff and writers did a lot of heavy lifting and seeing their hard work and teamwork come together was honestly very enjoyable for me!

I really like the added influx of accessories! The idea to make the event items the NPCs is also cool! :D People love NPC clothing and this is no exception!

The design contests are always fun! I enjoyed the art contest as well, but I think sticking to the autumn theme was a great idea for the direction of the contests. :]

This is mostly in agreement with Okios' post as well... awesome person over there pretty much summed up my feelings. I don't think it was too expensive either, especially initially for the main set without the recolors.

Honestly, the length was fine, content was fine! It was well written and showed you more about the NPCS. For me, I wasn't that intially interested in getting to know them and that hasn't changed. But I can appreciate the time, effort and execution of this concept, so I can say I liked it. I don't think it was mandatory to read either(cept for the trivia contests but dur), so that was great. :)

What do you think could be improved on?

The first thing I thought of honestly was the front posts. The banner and graphics were totally fine, but the way it's formatted felt lacking! This is all from memory but it was the banner first, then the NPC introduction/block of text(NOT A PROBLEM IN MY OPINION). But then it kind of plainly shifted onto the next subject, which was the not so clear contest details.

For example, in Vanora's art contest you guys said something like, autumn theme while capturing the personalities of the NPCs. But to be honest, it was in one small paragraph and way too easy to overlook. (And I did overlook it, I just get paranoid and reread everything to make sure I was entering correctly + looking over the theme.)

AGAIN, will agree with Okios on the Prize formatting. It's much more exciting to visualize the prizes in a fancy format, I already got excited with the mock-prize list Okios did on their post with the icons and stuff! But yeah, clearer formatting and playing around with colors(but easy to read!), sizing and overall set up can go a long way! Especially for  the people who didn't want to read, they could've just skipped that part and gone over to the actual event contests/festivities.

This is regarding the "reach page so and so to unlock an item!" I...wasn't too sure about this. It felt a bit.. like, forced. You "have" to post on the event thread pertaining each NPC, so and so. I'm not sure if just one megathread would have been better, but because of the amount of NPC threads, it was pretty overwhelming. I couldn't contribute much and I feel a little bad, but it just wasn't my thing. And that's perfectly fine! Just my two cents here.

I will also note that most of the items are well pixeled, save for a few some. An example of this is, I consider Vanora's belt, Velvet's earrings and Vivienne's flower well done, but then we have Vontell's book (for example in the VC's chosen color). You know that the spine of the book is shortcake but then the beige on the front cover is... an "off" beige. There's also not a lot of shading on the front cover-which I mean I get it, it's a plain cover but it could use more textures on it to give more dimension and also bring out the color beige on it. This applies to the lighter colors because the darker ones don't really need the extra texture. (So I TOTALLY understand why it wasn't shaded to begin with)

Another thing for me is I always prefer FEWER items but better quality! It will go a long way since it's easy to clutter up your avatar with a buncha event items(And we all know that feel). More items also mean that it will be harder for the newbies in the future to collect, as opposed to less.

And yeah, a central event shop would've been extremely convenient...and more of a quality of life upgrade. I didn't mind it too much though because it was their own specific items but this is more of a suggestion for future items! =)

While I loved the contests, new, more or different ones could totally be added! I will refer to Sweet Violet's post up there, more contests for the other aspects of art like writing, photography and yes, AVATAR CONTEST! (The coloring contest was super neat too. O_O)

Are there any aspects you'd like to see repeated in future mini or regular events?

Hrm, no specific thing comes to mind.

To wrap this post up, I just wanna say... I TOTALLY ENJOYED IT. :D I loved the theme, too! I hope I didn't offend you guys cause I really appreciate and SEE all the hard work you guys put out. It's no easy task to set that up, also on all those event threads, too! Like, holy cow!
You also typed up in-character responses, that's a real shoutout to the writers out there. :D It's a good first mini event! You set the bar tho, WE HAS EXPECTATIONS NOW. :vanora_heart:
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 01:44:45 )
I agree with most things said here so I'll just mention how I feel differently

Recolors as separate items - this did not bother me at all especially since I liked some colors better than others and the recolors were cheaper so I could focus what wanted to invest in easier with less volts, and with how many recolors we got depending on the amount of posts made I got the idea. I totally sympathize and understand why people did not like that though, just me personally I did not mind it that way.

EIs costing volts - so I see a lot of people saying we don't need a gold sink on such a new site but to me with how little there is to spend volts on(most people do not buy all commons in tons of colors and before the event started we had barely any lol) and how inflation on the first CIs is already going it seems to me a gold sink was definitely in order. In the future though please please please use event currency cos I am fucking broke XDD

I know it was said but if possible lurker items are great for making everyone feel like that can participate so I am highly in favor of this, especially for when I am on at 3am and nobody is posting XD

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 02:29:10 )
I, just like one else mentioned earlier. Didnt really nootice that there was an event untill I saw someone on discord mentioning it, at which I went trough every single forumpart to find the place where the events were. Making a highlight of some sort for the event forum, ( and posible new announcements..? ) would be a nice thing.'
There eas a a lot fo reading to do, and I rather quickly lost patiece n keeping track of the different parts of the events,. So while other people mention that the npcs personalitis shone trough in whatt they did in the event, I cant say I paid much notice to them as I was busy keeping up with all the pages to make sure I got to read everything, and didnt miss anything in vyctors trivia, ( still I did.... a lot... as I ended up in general giving up on keeping track of anything in the event forums in the end. ) as well as didnt miss anything in Valetinas scavenger hunt.
For the trivis I would ave iked f the question perhaps also was to be found in the first post, instead of one having to go trough all those pages to beable to dig out what the new trivis question was. not that I joined in on the guessing. I had no idea in how o get to know all that stuff that seemed a lot easier for other people to find.
Also I didnt notice anything about te recolors or where people got that from. so i was surprised when new items got out as well as new colors unfortunately the event in the end made me poorer then I was before the event. But oh well, thats just me whos an idiot ^^;;;;;

As for the length of th desciprions of the events I agree with others. It was a bit long read, at times I had to make a finger under a line to make sure I read right. Also some people might be bad reader/ have dyslexia, so try to make i simple without too much jumping around... or more space between the sentences * have no idea of how to explain this, but like it felt like too much got crammed ogether at places, )

and yes i apoigize for all the spelling mistakes I made in this, but my brain is tired meaning my left hand is harder to control. Now I will go back to fighting getting more ohms again... *flees* ( yes i feel terrible at writing this stuff publicly too, had sorta thought it would be some sort of google questionarie thing where one cant be judged by others.. but that ust just be my broke brain and asperger speaking here )

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 03:03:50 )

The idea behind incorporating NPCs into the event was brilliant. Seeing their personality come to life was fun, and getting some of their accessories as event items was genius.

There was a clear theme which people easily understood even without having to shift through the text. Having a solid concept and executing on it is essential.

The types of contests were more varied than I thought they would be and while I couldn't participate in any of them, it was nice to see the first event having so many different options... and not just 'woo, draw something' or 'avatar contest, yay.'

Vyctor. Whoever portrayed that guy needs a raise.

There were so many threads, and it was just too much. I feel a megathread would have felt better to post in to contribute, and much easier to navigate for both the community and you guys!

The formatting can use some serious work, and better formatting could have made a megathread even easier to maintain. The contest details in particular were all bundled in one tiny (font size wise) wall of text, and it was hard to make out all the details you needed to compete.

I didn't mind the items being in their respective shops, but the site -needs- an announcement type system for that to work. I had no idea when a recolor would be released, and there was no centralized place to really easily find the details.

I wondered if I had to look in Vanora's thread for info about Vanora's item releases, and so on...

A continued dedication to portraying the NPCs true to a defined personality would be awesome! Look at Vyc as an example.

Strive to have a theme no matter the event. Stuff like Halloween and Christmas is easy enough, but still think about what kind of thing would draw people together WITHIN that larger theme.

Like you did here, with an autumn block party. Halloween could just as easily be a dinner with a murder mystery. Don't get lost in the overall theme, essentially.

Items based on characters or events or other things are cool. I felt like just because the event items were from the NPCs, I had a connection to them even though I didn't know squat about the NPCs. XD

Overall, great job on the first event! I could see the dedication and effort you guys put into it, and that's awesome.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 03:14:27 )
Omg! That’s so cool! My mule who did not post during the event didn’t receive a bucket. This is a great idea.

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 03:28:20 )
Honestly, I thought Voltra's first Mini Event was a tremendous success. I think the idea of releasing more recolours as thread milestones was a brilliant idea, and a great way to get people who are otherwise a bit less chatty, to become more involved in the forums. Having the NPCs host different contests was a wonderful idea as well!

The only thing I might suggest for the future is for any contests involving art pieces (not necessarily the item design suggestions) to run a little longer than two weeks. Maybe three weeks? Though it'd cease to be a mini-event, most likely. oTL I know plenty of people fared perfectly fine within the time limit to get everything done and sent in, but it felt like there were a lot of things to crunch into two weeks. ^-^;

I'm a major lurker but managed to grab most of the items without too much trouble. I should be able to grab the last two or three before they're pulled from the shops as well. ^-^
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