@aisukohi: Ahh AISU!!! <3 HI!!! Also, sorry, i just saw your post. I get what you mean by having so many subscriptions you might as well pay for cable, but at the same time, i view cable as paying for advertisements, and that's a no. So i'll take all the subscriptions i can, thanks lol I have netflix, hulu, dis+, starz, hbo, peacock, and crunchy roll. I think i might have missed one, but i don't remember. My subscription budget is about 100 a month, which is what we'd pay for cable, but we'd also have ads and wouldn't be able to share with our family/friends.
@Vozzy: Burning the midnight oil is great when inspired! Not so great when you're just playing games or disassociating/spacing out (Which i do a lot lol). I'm looking forward to christmas because i have saturday and sunday off, so i only have to work 2 days this week (technically 3 if you count the 6 extra hours i did monday). I'm not ready to go back to work tomorrow though. @.@