Just within my Hell week. Three of them was the sale, which got ridiculously busy. Then I had a guy who was harassing a coworker/friend to the point I called the police. Got the guy banned from our store. He kept proclaiming his love for my friend, so I bought her a knife and pepper spray. Then the next day the register decides to crap out. Luckily it was just the network choosing the worst possible moment to update. It went down in the middle of a transaction and the customer was getting pissy about it. The fifth day I'm still very sick (I've had a severe cold through all of the Hell week). And I had to deal with a gaylord full of garbage. The sixth day was fine because my manager was there. The seventh day was by far the worst. I had to learn how to do a refund on a system that is not designed to do that. Because Goodwill's don't do refunds. I had to call my manager and he didn't know how. I called our tech support who didn't know how and was going to call a separate tech support. I figure it out with out either tech supports help. Call my area manager, and I apparently had a few more steps to go. Finally get the guy his refund, and it was just Hell that entire time.
Lol after all of that. Friends and I did a virtual escape room that was set up around town. Like Pokemon Go but an Alice in Wonderland escape room. It was a lot of fun.
Then very recently I got glass in my eye.