The VPD already faced many horrors during this investigation, but none quite as powerful as their next foe... Valentina.
"Good evening, officers!" A huge grin is plastered across her face as she runs up to them, carrying a large device, "Thought you could use some help bagging this creature! I got juuuuust the thing."
JC squeezes his eyes shut, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Valentina... The offer is appreciated, but-"
"Ohhh don't thank me yet! I haven't even explained what this marvel does! See, this here emits a blast of radiation that will-"
"Alright! Alright, stop there," Officer Milly sighs, turning to JC, "Didn't you give her a restraining order the LAST time she brought us a nuclear device?"
"Aw, come on..." Valentina shrugs innocently, "That restraining order expired ages ago. So as I was saying-"
"I know," JC cuts in quickly, "That you want to help, Valentina... But you need to understand that your inventions can be a bit.... Uh...."
"Destructive?" Milly offers, "Unstable? Disastrous? Any of those help? Let's not forget she's the reason the volunteer fire department disbanded."
"Heh... Yeah, okay, you got me there. But this time I have a real winner! I swear I can help!"
A shout catches their attention, ending the argument, "Guys! Guys the results on the bitemarks just came in! They said it looks like the victim was bitten by multiple creatures!"
"Multiple...?" JC hums, a troubled expression on his brow, "But all the witness reports only mentioned one creature..."
"Aha! I told you I could help!" Valentina puffs up her chest proudly, "Your creature is none other than The Khiebus. A two-headed creature- it has to be your perp!"
Pondering for a moment, JC nods slightly, "That's not a bad thought... How can we find it?"
Valentina gestures widely at the sky, "Famously, The Khiebus can only be found under a sky full of stars. Legend says it is a creature of knowledge, and to earn it, you must be willing to undergo a trial. If you succeed? Boom, endless wisdom," she grins widely, "Not only do you catch your suspect, but you've got a guaranteed confession. The whole package!"
Garry laughs nervously, "Cool uh... But how do we summon it?"
"Easy!" Valentina ushers everyone to stand back, before cupping her hands to her mouth, "Hey WEEBUS. I heard you think you're soo smart. Wanna bet? Huh? I challenge you to a battle of wits! Let's see who really has the best brain around here! I'll let you in on a little knowledge of my own... It's not you!"
To everyone's horror, the sky begins to darken as the moon appears to change in colour, reminiscent of a lunar eclipse. But they don't have time to ponder that long as the sudden leer of six glowing eyes pierces through them.
"A challenger of The Khiebus? Oh, how fun how fun..." It scales down the building before them, suddenly looming over Valentina, "Tell me, girl, you feel up to the challenge? Do you? You have such confidence... Would you be willing to wager your very life on it?"
"Pfft, yeah... What could go wrong? Deal!"

art by ghost