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Forums News & Updates Happy New Year, Volties!

Admin — He/Him Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 19:23:03 )
Hi Volties,

I hope you've all been doing well and rang in the new year with hope and happiness!

I'm very excited for this year ahead of us. I'm jumping into my second semester of my Master's program in Software Development and my next courses focus heavily on Web Development. I have a lot of ideas and hope I can obtain the knowledge and skills to bring you all new features while we continue to provide new items and content.

What can we look forward to this month?
I'm working on completing the process for re-introducing past premium items (crate sets and plasma orbs) with new recolors and patterns.
These unique redesigns of past items will be referred to as Legacies!

In addition to the Legacy items, there is a small feature involved that plays on our crafting feature (such as the one in Reduce, Reuse, Reinventions). When you select which Legacy design of the past item you want, you'll have a small chance to obtain a Legacy Blueprint. This blueprint can be used to craft the OG item. The ingredients required to craft an OG item will include but are not limited to the Legacy Blueprint, One or more Legacies of that item, and a fee (volt, ohms, etc).

We will alternate between Legacies and new Crate Sets each month.
I'm so excited to re-introduce past items and give everyone an opportunity to enjoy our past creations!
We also have some updates for The Fairgounds that have been due for some time!
It involves the permanent Tickets currency that can exchanged for fun new items in their own shop, The Prize Tent!.
    Hopes beyond that:
  • Avatar of the month (voting feature)
  • Shops updates w/ better organization and search/filtering
  • New games for The Fairgrounds
  • Merch (3rd party ~ open to recommendations!)

I don't wont to spoil all the surprise and give away too much detail, but I hope this gets you all exited for the year ahead of us!

Thank you for your continued support, Volties!
Cheers to 2023!

If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 19:43:49 )
Thank You Vozzy! This next year and your ideas sound amazing! I hope you do well in your studies as well!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 19:49:08 )
Thanks Vozzy, excited to see the new changes!
Josie's Occult Shoppe
Please Ping me

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 21:25:05 )
Thank you for these updates, looking forward to all the changes. n_n

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/3 23:22:40 )
Low, keep your head, keep your head low...
.......................................Oh, you gotta keep your head low...

I am so excited for the legacy items!!!

...If you wanna keep your head
Mr. Spider wants M̷̖̥͓̋͆́̚o̶̟͛̅r̴̨͍͔̦̰͙̈́e̵̝͑̆͐

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 04:00:38 )
This update is exciting. C:

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 06:49:59 )
Let 2023 be better than 2022 and 2021 combined.

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 09:56:47 )
New Year, New Voltra!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 18:50:11 )

    Ooooh~ Sounds so much fun~ Happy New Year Voltra!



Voltie — she Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/4 21:42:16 )
Oh snap! That's so cool!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/5 17:57:31 )
I am excited for these updates!

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/7 02:34:06 )
November 2017 - February 2018
Ooh! These ideas all sound super fun and amazing!!! I'm really looking forward to hearing more about Legacy items


Donator — Medical Biller Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/8 23:06:42 )
Sounds good & Congrats on your 2nd semester of your Master's program @Vozzy: .
Ensuite, je suis le fantôme de Novembre!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/9 02:38:05 )
Sounds like some exciting things are coming! Thank you, Vozzy!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 01:09:25 )
ty vozzy

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