@dowan: Aww thank you so much! ;u;

Haha! I totally understand. When I saw it in the shop I had to get it. But, your Avi is looking awesome! I love the color scheme you've got going on.
@fuuchan: Ooo!!! I'm definitely getting the spoopy vibes from looking at your avi! It's so cute though!
@mica: I can see why! It's looking great! But I'm also waiting for more items haha. But same here, the things people come up with is amazing!
@kitten: AA!!! It looks like you got the curly hair and stockings! You're looking cute~
@pixiebuns: I've always thought yours looked great! But I totally understand haha I always need to change mine. But oooo I'm sure you'll be able to wrack up the volts in no time though!
@vengeance: Aww yours is cute! I love the yellow and red combo. LOL But I can't either, I love the items we're getting so far so I'm excited to see what they have in store!