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Forums Games Tears of the Kingdom!

Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2023/05/13 15:47:37 )
Low, keep your head, keep your head low...
.......................................Oh, you gotta keep your head low...


Like everyone and their mother, I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom and I have to say I am impressed. I was slightly worried about how this would turn out with the map and the world the same, but it's been nice for it to be directly connected and the map is so massive with so many minor changes it feels like a different world (kind of how a link between two worlds is)

I like it more than BOTW currently, I've got like 12 hours into and have only completed one "key point" but I'm excited for the rest.

However- you still can't pet the dogs and they removed my favorite outfit >:( so 0/10 (jk)

Anyone else playing/enjoying it?

...If you wanna keep your head

Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2023/05/18 17:52:05 )
Low, keep your head, keep your head low...
.......................................Oh, you gotta keep your head low...

Update: I beat the main storyline

...If you wanna keep your head
Mr. Spider wants M̷̖̥͓̋͆́̚o̶̟͛̅r̴̨͍͔̦̰͙̈́e̵̝͑̆͐

Voltie — He/They Posted 1 year ago ( 2023/05/20 14:46:33 )
ahhhh I haven't been able to play it yet, but from what i've seen, it looks AMAZING, so I really want to play it eventually.

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