I work at a university, and this morning when a student came by to borrow my stapler, I opened my drawer to find this:

I shut my drawer so fast while she was distracted, then lied to her saying that I misplaced my stapler and that she'd have to go down the hall to borrow my coworker's. @---@;; You guys, the roach looked so perfect that at first I thought it was a toy that someone placed there to prank me, but once I saw its antenna twitch, I damn near freaked out (however, I somehow managed to keep my composure while the student was there). After she left, I tried to carefully get rid of it on my own, but I accidentally scared it and it scurried off into the depths behind the drawer. At that point I actually freaked out and ended up moving to one of the empty desks down the hall. An hour before I left work, I went back to my desk because an exterminator came to inspect, spray, and leave a trap, and before he left, he found and killed the roach. I felt bad for it. I have no idea where it came from or how it got into my drawer of all places. @---@;; I didn't have any food in there and there are no drains near me. Maybe it came through a vent? I'll probably go to work a bit early tomorrow to throw away some things and spray/ disinfect the drawers, my drawer items, and my entire work area. I'm so paranoid that I'll see another one.
Has anyone encountered any random critters lately or have any similar occurrences like this? please no spider pics ;___;
I work at a university, and this morning when a student came by to borrow my stapler, I opened my drawer to find this:

I shut my drawer so fast while she was distracted, then lied to her saying that I misplaced my stapler and that she'd have to go down the hall to borrow my coworker's. @---@;; You guys, the roach looked so perfect that at first I thought it was a toy that someone placed there to prank me, but once I saw its antenna twitch, I damn near freaked out (however, I somehow managed to keep my composure while the student was there). After she left, I tried to carefully get rid of it on my own, but I accidentally scared it and it scurried off into the depths behind the drawer. At that point I actually freaked out and ended up moving to one of the empty desks down the hall. An hour before I left work, I went back to my desk because an exterminator came to inspect, spray, and leave a trap, and before he left, he found and killed the roach. I felt bad for it. I have no idea where it came from or how it got into my drawer of all places. @---@;; I didn't have any food in there and there are no drains near me. Maybe it came through a vent? I'll probably go to work a bit early tomorrow to throw away some things and spray/ disinfect the drawers, my drawer items, and my entire work area. I'm so paranoid that I'll see another one.
Has anyone encountered any random critters lately or have any similar occurrences like this? please no spider pics ;___;