omg! Ahhh I'm so excited for you two
I still have not bought yet. I came pretty close but the prices were just slightly too high still. So close but so far XD
So we're still in the same apartment. I really like it here, despite the high cost.
interview felt good! The interviewer was very giggly and nice. I feel like I got good feedback from the things I said.
The ONLY thing I got nervous about after the fact
was that when trying to get zoom to work (it was muted on her end but I thought I broke it for a sec) I bumped over my can of fizzy water when reaching for my phone, and it spilt a little on the table. Which in itself was fine, table has a waterproof seal, but I DONT REMEMBER if I muted BEFORE saying "oh shit" or AFTER.
But this was at the very start so if she did hear me, she didn't act like she did lmaooo XD