my local market stopped carrying banana milk

I knew this would happen, it was labelled as a limited seasonal item. I suppose June-mid July was the "season".
They came in these glass bottles that were a bit pricey, BUT if you clean and bring the bottles back, you get half off the next one, making it a super good deal imo (surprising, since TX seems to hate recycling afgkjjh)
It is surprisingly difficult to find banana milk in the US.
Between my 10 years in CO and my 2 years in TX, I have found banana milk I think 3 times? and all 3 times they very quickly stop carrying it at the stores. I have purchased the last stock of banana milk at a shop in CO once and for years and years since, they never carried it again LOL
That one was imported korean brand so I was like ok FINE makes sense
but this recent one?
was a US brand

supply and demand right? So I just need to get enough US friends to shout about banana milk enough until corp giants see us, and are like omg these people need 'nana milk
Oh last weekend on grocery day, I saw something yellow catch my eye so I backstepped and was like
is that a nana uyu
So I grabbed the carton without care
and you know what? dont do that, because when you get home and pour out the contents, you might ask youself
Why is it THIS color??

and then husband points out the fact that I cant read XD
This tasted like granola and water, it was a terrible experience.
I'm sure I could just make my own banana milk,
just like back when I couldnt find strawberry milk anywhere where I lived at the time (now that I think about it, I think thats in short supply here, too)
I made it myself once. It was fun but
can I just be lazy and buy these? :')

Have you all had banana milk?
love or hate it?
Will you sign this petition to convince american companies that we need nana milk