Harmony Hills ~ Early Arrivals

Character art by Vozzy | Background supplemented by AI

Ah, Looks like we have some early arrivals!
One moment while I call for assistance.
- Vanity pulls out her cell phone and frantically dials.-
LUKA! Dear, you must hurry. We have our first arrivals here.
We MUST give them the 5 star Harmony Hills Resort & Spa treatment; No LESS!
- quietly on the other end -
Yes, Ma'am! I would be delighted to attend to our guests.

- call ends -
- Vanity finds her composure -
I'm so thrilled to have Citizens of Voltra join us during your city's anniversary!
Please, take a seat in the lobby while our resort staff complete the final touches for your stay.

Event Currency Activated!
What is the event currency and how do I earn it?
The event currency for the Harmony Hills R&S Event is French Toast. French Toast can be spent at Joyful Jamboree to purchase items exclusive to this event.

French Toast can be earned by posting in the forums, or by playing games in The Fairgrounds*
Currency Rates in Forums
Event Forum - 3 French Toast per post
Event Arcade forum - 1-2 French Toast per post
General forums - 1 French Toast per post
General Arcade forum - 0-1 French Toast per post
Testing, 1,2,3 and The Undercurrent forums - no French Toast given
*Event Currency for Fairgrounds / Jigsaw will be activated with the official launch and FAQ thread*
Rollout timeline:
~ Official FAQ Thread ~
Later today!
~ Vanity's Official Introduction ~
Later today!
~ Event Storyline Act I - Act VI ~
released each day beginning September 19th, 2023
~ Event Items ~
released each day beginning September 19th, 2023

Character art by Vozzy | Background supplemented by AI

Ah, Looks like we have some early arrivals!
One moment while I call for assistance.
- Vanity pulls out her cell phone and frantically dials.-
LUKA! Dear, you must hurry. We have our first arrivals here.
We MUST give them the 5 star Harmony Hills Resort & Spa treatment; No LESS!
- quietly on the other end -
Yes, Ma'am! I would be delighted to attend to our guests.

- call ends -
- Vanity finds her composure -
I'm so thrilled to have Citizens of Voltra join us during your city's anniversary!
Please, take a seat in the lobby while our resort staff complete the final touches for your stay.

Event Currency Activated!
What is the event currency and how do I earn it?
The event currency for the Harmony Hills R&S Event is French Toast. French Toast can be spent at Joyful Jamboree to purchase items exclusive to this event.

French Toast can be earned by posting in the forums, or by playing games in The Fairgrounds*
Currency Rates in Forums
Event Forum - 3 French Toast per post
Event Arcade forum - 1-2 French Toast per post
General forums - 1 French Toast per post
General Arcade forum - 0-1 French Toast per post
Testing, 1,2,3 and The Undercurrent forums - no French Toast given
*Event Currency for Fairgrounds / Jigsaw will be activated with the official launch and FAQ thread*
Rollout timeline:
~ Official FAQ Thread ~
Later today!
~ Vanity's Official Introduction ~
Later today!
~ Event Storyline Act I - Act VI ~
released each day beginning September 19th, 2023
~ Event Items ~
released each day beginning September 19th, 2023