Hello Volties,
I’m back with the official surge to cover our current crate sets!
Reminders and Tips:
If you're unfamiliar with or would like a refresher on our crates, you can find out more information published in this surge here.
A New Crate Has Arrived!
General Crate Items

Rare Crate Item

**Additional Premium Common Item Variation**
All 35 Solid Recolors in one, plus all skin tones!


Belle of the Bauble
By Ruby (design, recolors) & Vozzy (pixels)
By Vozzy & Ruby (recolors)
Bauble Hair
By Vozzy & Ruby (recolors)
Thank you, Ruby, for Item prep and upload!

Belle of the Bauble OR Nutcracker
15% Chance of Obtaining:

Bauble Hair x 1
Available in OMG Imports until February 16th, 2024 00:00:00 AM Voltra time.

Spark, out!