— She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/6 01:54:22 )
To me, it's actually quite a small size :'D I use the program Paint Tool SAI for sketching/lineart/coloring and then go into Manga Studio EX for the star highlights, text and any other effects. Since PTSAI has a brush size limit of 500, I like to keep the canvas size around that, as if it were bigger, even the biggest brush size would look really small and it'd be harder to make gradients and such :o
I think the zooming can defitetly effect things, like in some programs you want it to zoom in slightly in one area, but instead it zooms in too much and there's no way to get to the part in between (hope that makes sense ahh) but I find it incredibly annoying as well :''D What program do you use? :O I don't know if it applies to all programs, but in the one I use you can go to the menu thing at the top (where it lists File, Edit, Canvas, Selections, ETC) and you go to View, then click on New, it'll open another window of your canvas. You can then make it so then you are able to drag both windows around the work space and such. Anything you draw on one of the windows shows up on the other once you finish the stroke, so you can have one window thats zoomed in, and the other that's just normal (and if you want to go the extra mile I'm sure you can open a 3rd window of it and have that one be mirrored as I've heard mirroring your image can help you spot mistakes and such) //apologies for rambling ahh :''D