@Shadami: lol xD That sounds adorable xD
I just have general weird body things...
Like never had food allergies/aversions, weird pains, etc until I got my gallbladder out.
Now my body is all "No milk. No grease. No yogurt. Nothing good for you! Also, you're now going to be allergic to xyz and you're going to have scar pains." pfffffft but I've always had weird headaches and my weird painful sneezes.
OH OH OH OH When I eat bread, like any type, I get the hiccups.
So in school they would always try to feed me bread xD
And cold french fries do it too idk why.
I just have general weird body things...
Like never had food allergies/aversions, weird pains, etc until I got my gallbladder out.
Now my body is all "No milk. No grease. No yogurt. Nothing good for you! Also, you're now going to be allergic to xyz and you're going to have scar pains." pfffffft but I've always had weird headaches and my weird painful sneezes.
OH OH OH OH When I eat bread, like any type, I get the hiccups.
So in school they would always try to feed me bread xD
And cold french fries do it too idk why.