“Hey everyone! Remember when I said I needed something really popping for my store? Well, I decided this time around I would hold a design contest for my shop! I need something really fitting for this time of year … but don’t worry, whatever you come up with will definitely be in my shop all year round! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!”
Welcome to Vanora’s Accessory Design contest! The aim of this contest is to help Vanora come up with a great accessory that she will add to her shop’s collection. Vanora will take accessory design ideas that are submitted over the course of the Reaping Ritual event, and at the end of the event, pick the design that she likes and thinks fits the theme the most. The winning item will become the newest common to be added to her shop, High-Rise Accessories, where Volties can buy it in the full spread of Voltra colors.
The user who submits the winning design will receive the item in each of the 25 colors it will be released in, in addition to 500 Ohms, and a Sweet Cakes set!
The silver runner up will receive 500 Ohms.
The bronze runner up will receive 250 Ohms.
Things to keep in mind:
★ Each user may submit up to 3 different designs for Vanora’s contest.
★ This contest is for a common that will be added to High-Rise Accessories. That means it must be accessories such as hats, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Clothing, shoes, or body mods will not be accepted as valid submissions.
★ Designs that are submitted to Voltra design contests have a chance of becoming future items. By submitting a design to this contest, you agree that your design may be utilized in this way as the artists see fit. In exchange, Voltra agrees that the original account that submitted the design will receive copies of the item that is created from the design.
★ Vanora will judge her favorite design based on how well it fits the theme and how cute she thinks the concept is. She will not select a design based purely on the artistic ability of the designer.
★ Designs submitted must be the design of the user who submits them. Submitting a design that you do not own will result in a forfeiture of the contest and possibly a ban from the site. Plagiarism and art theft are not acceptable.
★ Designs may not contain copyrighted images.
★ Designs that contain multiple colors must designate a primary color. When the winning event is made into an item, the primary color is the color that will be recolored to fit Voltra’s 25 color pallette. All other colors will stay the same on every copy of the item. For example, if Vanora’s hair were created as an item for Volties to wear, and the eggplant of her hair were considered the primary color, the bark recolor of the item would still have sunshine tips because the yellow in the design is not the primary color.
Gladiolus Head Scarf:

Living Scarf:

Vamp Gloves:

Spoopy Spider Cloak & Bloody Legwarmers:

Angelic Lolita Headband

Luffer Nutter:

Pumpkin Bow




Moonless Bloodfell:
Skull Mask


Spider-webbed armwarmer

Bracelet (that's a pumpkin)


Miss Kitty:

