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Forums The Arcade Does the AAY make a good couple?

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 00:22:52 )
Electric hair and a cord on the other avi. Yeah, I would say they can work as a couple XD
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Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 12:47:04 )


pls don't

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 20:50:39 )
Afraid not.. they could be business partners but they're too different to be a couple

Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 21:10:03 )
They kind of look like the embodiments of the day and the night so I'd say yes, but it's a tragic romance. So sad..

Donator — nyan? Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 04:28:15 )
No, don't think so.

Voltie — moo Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 04:29:08 )
Nahh too different

Donator — Demoness Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 21:58:45 )
It could sort of work, you both have yellow and one is more pink and the other more purple, so yeah!!

Donator — She/Buns Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 21:59:31 )
haha i think it'd be cute xD

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/15 00:55:38 )
It wouldn't hurt to try ! They'd make a pretty powerful duo!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/15 03:48:59 )'s a little more wild, the other's more tame...
I say yes. A very cute couple.

Donator — nyan? Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/15 03:57:30 )
I can see it!

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Donator — She/Buns Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/15 06:14:09 )
i think you guys would be hella cute

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Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/16 23:47:55 )
Yesss! It'd be super adorable

Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 12:39:17 )
Yeah for sure! Like two cute dolls o: It's sweet.

Voltie — moo Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 14:29:49 )
Yesss both wearing black

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 19:35:54 )
Yeah! One looks like a robot, and the other looks like a cool technician. > u <

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 22:25:09 )
I don't think so.
They already look like siblings
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Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/17 22:44:06 )
I smell a romeo and juliet scenario over here

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Donator — Demoness Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/18 04:27:29 )
Yes, I can see it, one robot and a goth!~

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/18 06:09:05 )
i can't see them as a good couple.
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