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Voltie — _xe@insta Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 11:03:35 )

La Tale.! Kind of. I want to dress up all of my characters.

Heroes of the Storm~ because I LOVE MURKY. Best & fun character.

RuneScape I check from time to time. It's one of the first games I spent a big part of my life on. I have really hard goals that I may never reach too. ; 3 ;

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 11:13:55 )
omg La Tale! I love the graphics, and fishing there.
I play Maplestory when they give me free stuff to return back to the game. 1+ hour download time tho.
I want to get back into Mabinogi but it seems more empty than i remembered.

Voltie — _xe@insta Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 11:21:16 )

@okios: You loved the fishing?! XD
I like doing it for the potential prizes. Not a fan of actually doing it though. Hate the repetitive waiting. )x< *Impatient*


Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 11:34:13 )
@x: i thought it was therapeutic + it fueled my gatcha addiction. i never knew what i was going to get. 8D

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/20 08:43:35 )
I decided to play some more skyrim re-mastered lately, and I'm becoming re-obsessed with it all over again.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 07:22:42 )
Destiny 2
A little bit of Pokemon Moon here and there
Pokemon GO

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 19:15:36 )
Right now Legend of Legacy and Stellaris
I'm getting some mad vibes for world building and creating an RP world because of these games (+ Etrian Odyssey haha)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 02:24:43 )
@Peony: Oh man. Etrian Odyssey is amazing.

I'm currently playing Bloodborne and having so much loss of hope fun because I love Dark Souls. I haven't seen it mentioned yet! Has anyone played DS1-3, or Bloodborne? Maybe even Demon's Souls?

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 05:42:40 )
@Dowan: yeah omg! I downloaded the demo for the fifth but I haven't gotten around playing it yet because I'm preoccupied with Legend of Legacy. Shame that not a lot of people like it though since there's barely a story (even more barely than EO) -- loving the OST though and the challenge in it.

I haven't tried Dark Souls yet but I saw my boyfriend play it some. Unfortunately I haven't tried those other games either :(

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 05:46:09 )
@Peony: I actually gave Legend of Legacy a try because it's kind of a spiritual successor to the old SaGa Frontier games. I also have a huge thing for JRPGs. I unfortunately couldn't get into it because I like more of a narrative, but the music WAS really good.

Ah, your boyfriend is masochistic like me. Most excellent. I highly advise against playing any DS-like game because you might just lose your sanity.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 05:57:31 )
@dowan: Yeah that's what I remember reading, though I do admit I haven't tried the SaGa games ahah. I also prefer a narrative, but for some reason I was really taken by the idea of the world building -- like I want to adopt it and develop on it because it has a lot of potential ; 3 ;
the game is hard though, it took me quite a while to grind to get to the next area without getting assaulted by how many monsters :v
and omg ok, I tend to prefer games that are not too difficult and frustrating, but Legend of Legacy at least is turn based so I don't have to be on constant edge all the time xD

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 06:08:06 )
@Peony: From what little I played of it, it was quite challenging! I do agree that it being turn based does allow you to calm down and think about your choices, though. I can see where you like the world building too. I didn't get too far into it, but it seemed as if you could customize a LOT of stuff in the world.

A staple of the SaGa games was learning random new skills as you used old ones. Is that present in Legacy? Like if you use Slash, you may learn Double Slash, and then you may learn Spiral Cutter or something. SaGa didn't offer much unique world building as, instead, you were given control and narrative of certain characters. In the first, there were... 7 or 8 different characters with unique storylines and characters you could form a party with.

In the second, there were two main stories with two sets of characters, but the stories overlapped over a period of years, and eventually converged.

Oh god. I just ran down a hallway and approached a ladder, but what's called a brainsucker leapt at me from the corner I couldn't see (the corner invisible as you enter) and nearly one shot killed me with a grab attack in Bloodborne. It's pretty brutal. xD

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 06:47:00 )
@Dowan: Unfortunately there's actually not a lot of customisation, but there's definitely a lot of exploring. The snippets of lore that happen at the beginning of each new area is interesting as well. And yes, that actually does happen here! If I keep using certain skills it eventually allows me to unlock others. Stats here work differently as well, since they're levelled up separately and rather randomly. There are actually 6/7 different main characters to choose from also, but unfortunately they really sacrificed the story and so people say that there's barely any difference from picking between them in terms of narrative.

Omg xD That sounds terrifying but glad that your character was able to survive that, if barely haha

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/5 09:45:09 )
Still on Destiny 2, Xbox One AND PlayStation 4
Cuphead on PC

Trying to keep up with Pokemon Moon but it's tough, haha.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/7 10:03:24 )
I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV and Shadowverse! Excited for the new patch coming in XIV on the 10th!

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 17:57:54 )
League of Angels II on the PC (it's an online browser game)
Fear my angel on a horse!

Voltie — She/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 06:21:41 )
I got Stardew Valley for the Nintendo Switch a few days ago, so I've been playing that. I really like it so far~

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 06:42:39 )
Fire Emblem Heroes, and I guess this dress-up avi site lol. I feel like I have less time to do things I enjoy as time moves on. OTL

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 06:43:34 )
Right now I'm playing Pokemon Sun, and hopefully getting back into Haven and Hearth. We'll see. xD Normally I play a lot more games, but I'm just not really actively playnig a lot right now...
dear Lord I need a new signature someone help me

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 09:15:42 )

... and I'm still trying to get myself back on Pokemon Moon!!
pls ping me, ty!!


quest | etc

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