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Forums Role Playing Breaking Barriers (Rimi and Austiderps)

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 13:19:25 )
Sybil tilted her head towards Ruvyn. "Can you heal him? anything at all?" she has in a panicked voiced. She touched Adans check as he was curled up in Ruvyns arms.
Adan groaned as he shivered. Even still bundled up with everything it was so intense for him he was fading out. Sybil grabbed his hand and almost suddenly Adans eyes began to crease open.
"Di-d y-you d-doubt I wo-would?" he asked in a raspy voice as he smiled. He rested his head back on Ruvyn and closed his eyes once more.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 13:39:00 )
Ruvyn shook his head, "I can only heal wounds. I can't warm- Wait! I can try something!" he gasped and looked down at Adan. "No, I believed you could do it. I was just worried that you would probably get caught after and get in loads of trouble. I don't know how you did it, but I'm happy that you did." he said and frowned when Adan closed his eyes again. " Adan, I need you to look at me. Come on, just look at me for a second please..?" he asked. He gently moved Adan's head so that he could look at it properly, "Open your eyes for a moment.." Ruvyn whispered. Maybe his compulsion ability could help with this? He decided to try his healing power though and while he did, he thought of warmth. Warm sunlight fluttering down from the sky, or a warm fire you could sit beside. The feeling of warm blankets wrapping around your body like a cacoon, the warmth of the oven when it was used to bake or cook. "I don't know if this is even helping.."

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 14:02:50 )
It took a moment but Adans body began to slowly warm up. Enough to open his eyes and look up at Ruyvn. Still holding onto his other hand Sybil closed her eyes and said something under her breath. Try to focus on Adan's inner magic that he performed earlier. She glanced over at Ruvyn ."Adan said that his magic came every time he was in some sort of danger... I can feel your magic too. Its strong but not enough. Maybe try compelling him now." she said noticing his body temperature changing.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 14:13:38 )
Ruvyn smiled down at Adan and then nodded at the suggestion the little oracle made. "W-well that was the plan. Which is why I needed him to open his eyes." he replied softly. How had she known that he was thinking that? Oh right, Oracles could see a lot of things into the future. She had probably been able to see his thoughts. Ruvyn's eyes began to glow as he looked at Adan, "You'll be fine. You're going to start to feel warm now like you would if you were sitting next to a small fire, drinking some warm tea and bundling up under some warm blankets. Picture that, sounds nice and cozy doesn't it? Now then, are you still cold? Are you feeling better?" Ruvyn asked him curiously.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 14:23:55 )
A small smile came to Adan's face. Sybil smiled and let go of his hand. Adan's body was back to normal despite the low temperature outside, the warmth he felt the other night when he met Ruyvn. How the warm intense feeling he got. Was it the compulsion? or was it just him? Adan couldn't focus 100% just yet but he grabbed Sybil's little hand and whispered. "Thank you.." then looked up at Ruvyn "Both of you" He said

After a short time of returning to normal Adan realized he was laying in Ruyvn's arms and against his chest. He realized he saw him half naked and he realized that's twice he's almost died in front of this stranger and yet somehow and for what ever reason he helped save him. Adan turned a bit red and quickly moved away from Ruvyn. "Yes... well... uh thank you AGAIN," he said trying to cool off now. "I'm glad you came when you did.." he said firmly

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 14:49:36 )
It was such a relief when Adan smiled then. It told Ruvyn that he was doing something right, he was actually helping him. It was still freezing out but he was glad that Adan was warm now, if Ruvyn hadn't shown up when he did Adan would probably be...No, he didn't even allow himself to finish that thought. He was still a stranger, they both were strangers to each other but that didn't mean that Ruvyn was going to sit back and let Adan freeze. "You're welcome Adan." Ruvyn replied quietly. "Trust me, I'm glad I came when I did too."

Ruvyn watched Adan's actions closely and laughed softly. The poor guy was probably embarrassed. Well then, time to pick on him a tiny bit right? "Do you plan on taking off your shirt every time you wait for me to show up?" he asked and looked at the embarrassed elf. "Not that I mind of course. I'd just be careful that you don't catch a cold or something. Although, I wouldn't mind helping you out like this again. Just try not to make it a habit?" Ruvyn suggested and looked over at the Oracle. "So you're free now huh? What's your name?" he asked her and glanced at Aden, "What's your plan now? Going to keep her hidden somewhere safe?"

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 15:13:33 )
Sybil couldn't help but laugh at the comments Ruyvn was making towards Adan. She had already foreseen their future, when she made contact with them both. Empaths can feel true emotions and intension and she sure as hell knew these boys intentions were. Meanwhile Adan was turning bright red and freaking out in the background (Anime style) Sybil walked over to Ruvyn still wearing Adans giant shirt and tunic.

"My name is Sybil . Adan rescued me though I'm surprised I did not foresee it sooner. He risked everything to help me escape,," she said softly "And I hope I can return the favor in some way." She said as she turned to Adan. He stopped for a moment and settled down.

He walked over and Kneeled down in front of her. "No need to worry about that, you already helped save me tonight." he said taking her hand and placing it on his cheek. "See? I'm all normal and warm now because of your help. And if it wasn't for you, I don't think I would of been able to use my magic to get us out of that mess back there in the castle. Or survive the cold." he said with a grin.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 15:42:48 )
Ruvyn enjoyed seeing how embarrassed Adan became, his face looking as red as a tomato. He didn't think that they other would get that embarrassed over his comments but it made him happy to see him turn so red in the face. Cute.. he thought to himself, his attention turning to the little girl now instead. "Ahh Sybil, it's very nice to meet you. I hope the man who took you didn't hurt you.." Ruvyn said softly. She looked like a little doll wearing Adan's large shirt and tunic.

"Well, perhaps you were too afraid to focus and see that he would be the one to set you free. I'm glad he did though, he told me he would so I was holding him to his word." Ruvyn said with a smile. Glancing over at Adan, he noticed that he seemed to have calmed down now, that was good. He wasn't sure what they would do with Sybil though, but she wasn't going to be safe in Adan's kingdom and Ruvyn wasn't sure if he could smuggle an oracle child to his house. It woulsdn't be safe for her there either.

"Adan has a point, you did help out tonight in making sure he was okay. I thank-you for that. Adan didn't rescue you in hopes of getting anything in return, he's just a good kid like that. Where will you be staying now though? I mean, are we sure you'll be okay on your own? Is there a place where we can take you that would be safe? We wouldn't want you being taken away again. I think we'd sleep easier if we knew you were safe." Ruvyn said and looked at Adan.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 08:46:56 )
Sybil smiled and tilted her head towards Adan. "I want to stay here.. I feel safe and warm. My families magic is within this forest and it is protected now." She said turning away and picking up a small flower that was still alive within the barrier. "There is plenty of room within the barriers that is protected. Anyone with dishonest intentions or a dark heart may not enter. The barriers magic is too strong. She said softly. "Before that when I was out of the Perimeters i was attacked off guard, I will NOT make that mistake again. "All I ask is you let me assist you in your "training" she said as she referred to Ruvyn helping Adan control his magic.
Adan was standing next to Ruyvn very closing looking over at Sybil and suddenly Sybil turned bright red and giggled. Both boys stood there with confused looks on there face from the sudden laughter coming from the little girl. She then whispered to her self.
" not so sure you will need my help with "controlling" certain... "things" Adan." she covered her mouth and giggled some more. She obviously saw something she did not want to share with either boy. (;

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 09:12:51 )
Ruvyn listened to little Sybil, if she truly felt safe here and if what she was saying was true then he didn't see a problem letting her stay here. What she asked didn't seem like a bad thing either. "You want to help with the training?" Ruvyn asked and looked over at Adan then back at Sybil. "Well I don't have a problem with it. Your help will be much appreciated." he said and smiled. He wasn't sure how exactly the little oracle could help them but any help was welcome and if he had her help, then Adan would learn to control his magic much faster. So all in all, it was a win-win really. "You aren't opposed to her helping us out right?" Ruvyn asked Adan. He noticed Sybil had turned a bright red and then she started laughing. Hearing her laugh was a relief, it was a nice change from having heard her so scared the night before when he and Adan saw her being taken away. Still, it confused her as to why she was blushing and laughing at the same time. "I am not sure I understand what is so funny." Ruvyn said, looking at Adan who was also confused by her sudden laughter.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 09:19:45 )
"Of course not, in fact I was hoping you'd be around Sybil, id feel much more comfortable knowing I can come check on you... or vice versa." he said scratching the back of his head.
Sybil nodded and smiled . "Besides with my families magic here I can feel things... the energy and life through the forest. I belong here" she said softly

She spun around and covered her red blushing face.
"Ohhhh nothing..' she said in a perky voice. "All good things come to those who wait" she said under her breath.
Adan was still confused as he looked at Ruvyn but smiled. "Well I think having both of you around will help me incredibly" he said sitting down patting the floor next to him so Ruvyn can sit. "Where do we begin?" he said almost to eager.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 09:40:24 )
The idea of Sybil alone in the forest didn't sit well with Ruvyn but she said she felt safe here and she said that the barrier was strong enough to keep bad people out. So Ruvyn really had to take her word for it, he had to trust that the barrier would really keep her safe from anyone. Like she said, she belonged here and she seemed to be very comfortable here. In the end, her happiness and safety was what mattered. "Well alright then Sybil, at least you'll be safe here." he said to her and brushed some hair away from his face.

Ruvyn was still confused though and her response didn't really help in any way. Not to mention the fact that she was covering her face now, it was cause for confusion but it was clear to him that she wasn't going to divulge any thoughts she was having to either of them. "Huh?" Ruvyn snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Adan. Well now, he seemed very excited to start on the training. Hopefully Ruvyn could actually help him though, at least Sybil was here to help him too. "A-alright then." Ruvyn took a seat beside Adan and pulled the satchel with the snacks close. "W-well you have two abilities we know of. Fast travel or Teleportation and Telekinesis. Which one did you want to focus on first?" Ruvyn asked softly.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 10:15:23 )
Sybil sat down next to them and crossed her legs.
"Let me try something" she said softly as she placed her tiny hands on Adans face once more.
"Maybe I can try to pass some energy into you or at least make you more relax and focused" SHe said closing her eyes.

Alittle time had passed and nothing. Sybil stopped and winced in pain. Her wrist and ankles were red and had cuts all over from the rusty chains from earlier. The pain seem to subside until now.
"Sssss" she made a sound and grabbed her left ankle that started to bleed.

"Sybil your ankle!" Adan shouted.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 10:33:27 )
Teleportation would be an easy thing to control, he'd just have to exercise the mind. If Adan didn't focus on the place he wanted to go to, who knows where he'd end up vanishing to. With telekinesis it was the same thing. He had to focus on one thing at a time. The reality was that with the telekinesis, Adan would probably mess up a few times but that was fine because it was making his mind stronger each time. It shouldn't be too difficult and it would hopefully be fun at the same time. "Oi! Don't shout, what if someone hears us?" Ruvyn asked in a soft whisper. His eyes widened upon seeing the oracle's bleeding wrists and ankles. "H-how did you do that?" he asked Sybil. "H-hold on, I'll patch you up." Ruvyn focused on her ankles first, his eyes glowed a bright blue as he held his hand over one ankle then moved it over to her second ankle. It was a lot of blood so it took longer to heal but when he finished with her ankles, Ruvyn moved over to her wrists and did the same. "How did that even happen?" he asked her.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 10:45:50 )
Sybil sighed with relief as her wounds began to heal.
"Don't worry, we are safe inside the barrier no one can hear us when were this far deep in the forest." She rubbed her ankles gentle, they were good as new. "Thank you" she said softly She looked over at Adan and frowned. "When I was captured the Troll who took me to the Batari Kingdom had me chained up to the ground with rusted and heavy chains. Any time I tried to move it'd tear my skin if I weren't careful." Adan's face shrunk. Feeling horrible about what his uncle and people have done. All for this stupid war she wanted nothing to do with.

Adan placed his hand on her shoulder "I'm so sorry.." he said softly then looked over at Ruyvn. Thank you for healing her!"

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 10:55:45 )
Ruvyn rubbed his hands together once he was finished, "You're welcome Sybil, glad I could help." he said and frowned a bit when she spoke about her time being locked away. "I'm really sorry you had to go through that. You're free now though and that troll isn't going to get you again. If he does, I believe that Adan will set you free again, he's a good kid." he said and smiled at Adan. "It was no problem, I'm happy I was able to help. Now then, let's see if I can help you. I must warn you though, you'll probably be very tired when we're done practicing for the night." Ruvyn informed and pointed to the satchel with snacks. "Let's see if you can use your telekinesis ability to open this and take something out. It might take you a couple of tries since you might lift it up instead. Don't lift it up off the ground. Don't move it. Just open it up and take something out, whatever you want. When you take something out, I want you to place it down right next to the satchel." Ruvyn instructed.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 11:12:24 )
Adan nodded in agreement. I wont let anyone hurt you like that again!" he declared. Still furious at what his uncle and soliders had done it was a bit harder for him to focus and concentrate. "Let go of that anger" Sybil said. "Try to focus, were safe, I'm free, were here now" Adan gave a slight smile and avoided making contact with Ruyvn as he was a distraction as well.

"Okay ill try.." he said staring at the satchel. He focused and concentrated.....and stared,,,and stared... and nothing happened.
"Here why don't I give you alittle help.." Sybil said as she grabbed his hand and closed her eyes.
"Close yours eyes...take a deep breath....and let me into your thoughts" she said quietly. Adan did as he was told and soon after he began to see Sybil in his head. Almost like sharing one mind. One emotion. One soul. The feeling was strange but he didn't mind. An echo went through Adan's mind. "Find that center piece that helps you focus.. what makes you happy? what puts good feelings into your heart. WHO do you see?"
Adan murmured for a moment and his mom came into his mind her sweet cinnamon bread. The coop with his chickens and the farm plot where his sheep and garden were. All these things made him feel warm inside. Sybil popped into his head. and Ruyvn. these 2 strangers he just met a couple days ago.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 12:21:23 )
Ruvyn nodded, agreeing with what Sybil was saying. "She's right Adan, we're fine. We're safe and we're in neutral ground right now. No one is going to get us." he said, hoping to help the other male relax so that he could properly concentrate on the task at hand. He could understand being mad though. Adan probably never expected his own uncle to fall so low and do something like this. He would have been angry too if he were in Adan's position but being angry wasn't going to make this training session any easier.

Ruvyn looked at the satchel and noticed nothing was happening. Maybe this was going to be a little harder than he thought it would be. Still, Ruvyn wasn't going to give up on him. He had promised to help him improve and he was going to keep that promise no matter how long it took to complete. "Come on Adan, I know you can do it. Just try your best to focus on the satchel. One thing at a time remember? Try focusing on just opening it first, don't worry about grabbing anything, just open it up." Ruvyn suggested. Maybe one order at a time would be much easier for Adan to focus on and actually preform.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 12:28:04 )
Adan twitch and for just a slight second the satchel moved. Then Adan lost focus.
"Ugh its so difficult. It feels like it does when I'm back home trying" he said with a sigh. "Maybe all this that happened tonight is a little too much for my mind to handle." Sybil looked upset that she couldn't help more, but hey the satchel moved, it was a start.
"Maybe we should just take a break and relax. There's some Cherry Blossoms over in this area I know that are good for helping one relaxing and feel at ease, let me go fetch some." She said standing up and running over far off in the dark distance. Before Adan could get a word out Sybil was gone.
"Well... sorry I suck at this." He said to Ruvyn. Kind of embarrassing probably, an Elf who doesn't know how to use his own ability."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/10 13:17:14 )
The satchel had actually moved! Not a whole lot, but it had moved, so that was good. Ruvyn looked at Adan, a smile on his face as he gave him a thumbs up. "Hey now don't be so hard on yourself." he said and looked at Sybil, "You helped him enough to the point that he was able to move it a bit, that's good!" he said, wanting to cheer her up. Okay so they didn't move it enough like they had planned, but a little bit of movement was a lot better than no movement at all. "Alright, a break sounds fine with me. Be careful Sybil!" he called after her and sighed. He knew she'd be fine but seeing the small child vanish, he couldn't help but worry about her safety. Ruvyn looked back at Adan and gently pat his shoulder. "You did great though. You don't suck and you shoudln't be embarrassed. You managed to move it a bit. That is still great progress. This won't be easy, but I believe that you can do it. We're just going to have to practice for a bit longer. I made a promise to you that I would help and I meant it. I don't care how long it takes, I'll keep coming here to help you every night. Positive thoughts Adan, you'll get this. So cheer up kiddo." he said and playfully punched Adan's shoulder, laughing softly.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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