I decided that, the dinning table, is gonna go. Instead, I want to put a book closet there since the book closet I have in the living room is too small (way too small). My neighbour will take the table and give it to someone else and I will make my own table soon enough (a decent sized table).
Today, I wanted to take it easy, because I have a nasty cold. I went to take 1 box with books and went through them, to see what to keep and if anything could go. I counted the books and placed them in a bag, because the box isn't too well anymore. The box had 54 books in it, 2 are gonna go and the rest stays.

There are at least 6 more of those boxes. Plus what doesn't fit in the other closet anymore, plus what is just laying around in the house. I will also get 7 more books in a few days.
I will need more book space soon. Very soon.