Mamo's wheel has a bunch of options fit for all kinds of suffering! To make it easier for you, newbie, below you'll find a neat little list with every possible fate in store for you. When you're participating in Mamo's fun little game, you'll post with the category you want and roll with a D6. Look here at what you got. Then suffer. Easy peasy, right? Choose wisely now! Mamo has a different kind of penalty for those who roll and run.
D1Poster Above You
D2 Poster Below You
D3 Yourself
D4 Member of Staff
D5 Mamo
D6 Voltra
D2 Poster Below You
D3 Yourself
D4 Member of Staff
D5 Mamo
D6 Voltra
D1 Your Last Google Search
Your Last Google Image Search
Your Latest Youtube History
Your Last Social Media Post
Your Tabs/Windows Right Now
Your Image Folder/Desktop
D1 Praising Mamo!
Asking for embarrassing advice
Asking the Undercurrent to roast you
Giving Voltra harsh feedback
About something you hate
Asking people’s opinions about you
D1 Volts (roll for amount)
Ohms (roll for amount)
Common Item
Event Item
Misc Item
Set Item
D1 A Haiku
A Limerick
Your Signature
Mamo/Reader Fanfiction
Your post format
D1 Worst thing you ever put in your mouth
Worst date you’ve ever been on
Most embarrassing public moment
Something annoying you
Weird talent or characteristic
A positive attribute about yourself without shying away from it
D1 That looks like Shrek
Using Tea, Bubblegum, And Sunset
As cluttered as possible
That symbolizes the suffering of man
That twins Fozzy perfectly
Post in 10 different threads in 5 minutes. Cannot be in the arcade, undercurrent, or testing.
In [x] minutes, write a post long enough to reach the volt cap. Cannot be copied text.
Fill every slot in recent posts in [x] minutes.
Be the last poster on every Arcade thread on the first page in [x] minutes.
Ping a total of 15 users in 5 minutes.
Be the last poster in every sub-forum under Community in [x] minutes.
D1 A lie you told on Voltra
A shameful secret
Your secret crush (or crush on voltra? heh)
A controversial opinion you hold
Your face (selfie with Mamo’s name)
Your environment (room, house, outside, etc.)
D1 5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes
30 minutes