Donator — She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/13 06:06:46 )
a colorful unicorn @Lady Luna: glad that you are doing alright.
I am feeling a bit warm, my guy has his arm
on my side and I was trying to keep cool. Not
working, I've tried to push his arm off he puts it
Back, and I've tried to move away but he moves
So much closer.
Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/13 06:31:17 )
@Unicorn: Oooooh damn
I KNOW that pain.
My other half is a space hog! He is seriously one that will ALWAYS move closer. Until I have NO space. LOL
@DemonicGaara: Awww, thank you!
I wanted something to do with the blackout, someone that looked liek they were giving light to others or whatever, know what I mean?
And this is what I cooked up =)
Donator — She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/13 06:39:18 )
a colorful unicorn @Lady Luna: -unicorn laughs- sometimes I have to whisper into my guys ear to move or else he always listens in his sleep. But not one bit when he is awake.
@DemonicGaara: I don't know what overwatch is I'm sure my Ex has said something about it before. But I hope that you have a good time.
@Fozzy: ok fozzy and thank you, how goes you're morning? without a horn!
Donator — She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/13 06:43:06 )
a colorful unicorn @Fozzy: glad to hear it is pretty chill for you. I am ok, I made pg look a bit decent and I made an animated image in the welcome spot so I am happy for doing that, I wonder if it looks different on my phone. without a horn!
— Moody
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/13 07:26:00 )
FuuChan Says...
@Unicorn: yep. i have class tomorrow.
so that'll distract me. i still have a ton of homework to finish but i might do it wednesday and turn the rest in on thursday