@Burntcicle: yea yes it is, alsoooooo this is from fozzy in case you havent seen
Hey everyone (This is a note from Myself and Staff)
You all deserve full transparency about the lack of updates to features, and the recent Staff changes.
I, Fozzy, am the Administrator of Voltra Online but do not have the coding abilities. Baz, the Lead Developer, controls the code, and is currently not communicating much with myself nor any of the Staff.
This is NOT to "trash talk" Baz, but we (staff) need you, as a user, to understand the situation and know what you're getting into should Baz pull the plug on Voltra, or start another site. I have tried countless times to communicate with him, and we have proof of this.
Baz is getting paid to work on his site, and yet has done the bare minimum over the past few weeks. He has now demoted me on the Facebook page to strip much of my access there.
This is going too far for you all to be in the dark.
Since there is -a lot- of information to give out and for you to absorb, feel free to ask questions. We URGE you to ask questions so we can answer your concerns.
Thank you so much.