Now, I wouldn't say this should be available in all threads, as I feel some potential drama COULD happen, or it could become a popularity thing.
But, maybe in the feedback forum in the very least, there could be a button located near the first post of a thread and users could either +1 that idea/feedback or -1 if they don't particularly like it.
I know on another site I used to go on, giving any sort of feedback ended up growing particularly bad and nothing was really done about it. While I don't see that happening here, I do know there are some people who simply are afraid to give feedback, rather its fear from doing so on past sites or their anxiety or what have you. This little system could help, as they wouldn't have to post and no one would have to know the individual liked it or didn't.
But for users who aren't afraid to write out feedback/ideas, they can still +1 or -1, but could also post, explaining why or why not in the thread.
Just a random thought I had ^^ For all I know it sucks xD But just throwing it out there. Cause why not?