Although its "fire and ice festival" I really only saw the "ice" side of it, due to the fact that I have to be in bed by the time the fire festivities begin. -sobs about work at 4am-
So it was a bit lack luster, but still a nice outing.
... Despite being 15 degrees fahrenheit outside.
There were big blow-up igloos outside where I could take a mini break from the cold

I would love to use one as a camping tent. just dont think about how many times they probably have to continue inflating it to make sure it doesn't droop.
Also, ice sculptures!

^ I think this one is supposed to be two dragons intertwined, the snow is misshaping the top a bit so its hard to see the face properly

^ This one is still a WIP. when I walked by a second time the guy came back to work on it more. But its probably my favorite just for the stylized head.

^ Watched a guy working on some more star wars stuff. He was trying his damnedest to teach people artsy tips and tricks, but the music nearby was so loud no one could hear him. pfff

^ gf really liked this one and wanted me to take a pic cause we couldn't figure out what it was. Obviously another work in progress.

^ and what the hell, lets just make a sign out of ice as well, in the brewery tent. I scribbled out rando faces to be respectful lol
What's a festival in the snow, without..

hot chai and funnel cake
The fire part of the festival, which I sadly miss out on, is supposed to have a bunch of performers doing tricks with flames. Also there are a lot of metal sculptures which will be shot up in flames after dark. There will also be fireworks~

I also bought cotton candy from these break dancers that were wanting to dance with some music they were playing, but it was too cold, so they squirmed in their tent. They were great.
And of course, there was a random group of ghost buster cosplay running around. And horse carriages that weren't in use. probably too snowy to bother.