You gotta @Mention me.
@Kozi: What made you think I was down?
I haven't been doing great lately though, yeah.
Our water froze like 3-4 days ago from the cold that's been hitting most of the US.
A couple days prior to all of our water freezing, we had an issue with just a single shower pipe freezing, so I thought the rest of the house was gonna be fine, and I didn't run water.
Well it wasn't.
Thankfully my mom's water wasn't frozen just down the street, so she gave us some big jugs and buckets of water to use.
I finally learned how to wash dishes without wasting excess amounts of water though.
Now we've got running water back, but our drainage is acting funny. It might be frozen up some or something. idk
And our hot water heater flipped it's breaker. I'm guessing because there was air in the hot pipes, causing some problems.
We had an issue with the hot water breaker flipping itself when we changed the heating elements sometime last year.
So hopefully it will work itself out like it did before, and our hot water will be back to normal too.
Sooooo, I'm just getting relief and stress back to back here?
Got running water again, but then got other water issues.
As for sounding down, do you mean from my post in the cult hangout?
The "oh...okay"
I was mostly just joking about it.
Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌