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Forums Games Monster Hunter World (Encounter Spoiler)

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/02/21 07:49:16 )
I've been playing it a bunch lately. It's a huge breath of fresh air. From the outstanding scenery, to the unique monsters, this game is absolutely amazing. I recently reached a certain point of the game where i was met with a monster called an Odagaon. Basically it's a tall, red lizard body like monster armored with rocks and a spiny tail. It's claws have claws. It's fast, and hits hard not to mention it has combo moves. From a single bite to a double claw attack into a bite attack along with a tail spin attack. It not only can drain your health completely in three hits, it also has one hit potential.

The fight sounds easy right? "Just dodge and you'll be fine." Wrong. Try barely getting hit for half of your health, sheathing your weapon to heal up while fighting it in unblockable toxic mist that the monster is immune to then add chasing it around the entire map while it recovers health as you hike up to its nest.

I'm a bow user, been using it since early start of the game. Naturally, I like to stay back a little bit and still contribute to the fight in ways my team cant. I had to bring out a HAMMER, that I had used only three times. I even wasted a decent amount of resources to make sure it was strong enough to do the right damage. My bow does about 152 compared to my hammer which does about 637 i believe. The bows do have multiple types of attacks. The hammer however can be described in one sentence : "Swing away until its time to bash their head in over and over again." It took me about 3 attempts to actually kill the damn thing. It was so satisfying get the final hit clean with a left swing onto its lower jaw. Overall, it was an extremely fun but irritating fight. 10/10 will definitely kill it again to make armor out of it.
Stay Gloomy.

Donator — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/4 02:52:37 )
Odogaron is really fun once you know what you're doing! I had the full armor set for him and it's so good for dual blades/switchaxes. ;w;

Congrats on beating it though!! It seems like everybody has a "rival" monster and it differs between everybody. Mine is either Diablos or Kirin...
pls ping me, ty!!


quest | etc

Voltie — Alchemist Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/17 21:52:34 )
Oh I've been playing this as well! ^_^ I'm a duel blades user.
Oh and I call the Odogaron the Skinned squirrel XD lol That or the Oh damn! lol
The monster I hate the most is the one most call the B-12 bomer. I'm at the part where I have to fight the three elder dragons but it's hard trying to kill them!!
Blair Elric mule

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