@Neko: all the kindness for your heart D:< Uggggh she looks so adorable in your siggy!! D:
Also whoops yes you guys can totally resize it and all, forgot to mention that BD;;;
@Boss rimi: Mmmm I might take another nap since I'm so terrible lol. Waiting up the plumber right now sadly, our sink just... gave up on us WAHAHAH;;;
@fuuchan: Darn we get back to her reference again lol. Next time then! D:< One day I'll draw her lol.
@Elithiya: ... eternal gratitude does sounds nice lol I suppose I can take that bwhahah!
@ghost: Oh what!! I bet it was going to be the best game, what was it going to be! And yeah, I have no experience in Flash sadly! I have dabbled a bit in python-like code for some silly games though! But yeah you should totally work on it whenever you get more experience, or have someone work with you for the complicated Flash areas!
And yess, it's a serious condtition that is a blessing and a curse

AND I APOLOGIZE I typed up all this info for my characters and boom my laptop restarted;;; Is it okay if I just link you an older link aha;; It's right here!! I updated my character's designs last month-ish, but I have more characters if none of them appeal to you as much as you'd like!! Also the last two Tituba and Luza aren't really updated as much at all lol;;
also lets talk about your cutie patootie signature art??? I love it so much lOL that *wonderful adorable little man!!
@Fozzy: Hng thank you!! Also, how does it feel to be the only Voltie with an ability to sniff and eat? lol!!