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Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:34:01 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Ah. Voltra time is only one hour difference from me.
I haven't been able to participate in any before because I had to work.
I can actually go to this one though.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:38:36 )

I just checked, it's 2am for me, i guess i can try to stay up until then to just be part of it for a little bit! <3


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:39:56 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Hmm, if you don't have to do anything tomorrow.
I have been staying up a bit later myself.
The kids had no school today and tomorrow because of how cold it is here, so I haven't had to wake up early.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:43:11 )

I shouldn't have much to do, so i guess i can do it. ^^
Ah that's good, at least you get some more sleep


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:44:01 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Up to you.
Yeah, maybe too much sleep. I slept in a while this morning.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:48:14 )

ohh, too much sleep isn't good either! 8 hours is perfect for most people ^^


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:49:17 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Yeah. Could be that my body was trying to catch up since I had just 4 hours the night before that.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:51:39 )

4 hours definitely isn't enough! o:


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/30 23:52:43 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Yeah. I just couldn't fall asleep, so I stayed up and kept playing my game.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:09:53 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Yeah, it seems like all the more recent milestones are labeled with their marks.
The sash is 750k milestone, called Dream Keeper.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:30:39 )

What game do you play, dragon?

Ah thank you animefan! ^v^


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:32:21 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

I have been playing a lot of games.
Recently, I have been playing Conan Exiles, 7 Days to Die, Neverwinter, TERA, and my husband just got us a new one: Endless Legend.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:33:07 )

@dragoness129: Oh that is quite a lot indeed! c:


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:35:40 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Yeah. I also want to try getting all 10 hears in Stardew Valley on the PS4 version, then marry Sebastian.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:39:11 )

I've recently been playing some overwatch again on my xbox one ^v^


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:40:28 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Ah, nice!
I played that for a little while when it did the free weekends.
My husband enjoys playing League of Legends and doing ranked.
I prefer playing it more casually, and maybe once a month or so, lol.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:41:27 )

oh i have league of legends installed but haven't touched it for a while now


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:43:24 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

Yeah, they keep doing all kinds of changes to it.
Sona, Morgana, Lulu, and Teemo are my favorites.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:44:11 )

I can't even remember the character names, it's been that long heheh

Questing: click here!

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:48:09 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

A very lot has probably changed since then.
I started a few years back in season 3. I think it is to season 7 now? Maybe more? I don't even know.


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