@star2000shadow: thank you sweetie!
@AliceinZombieland: So, my relationship with my mom is uhm odd. She hates me but also loves me, my childhood was pretty bad, I'd get beaten a lot and yelled at a lot, she kept me from seeing my dad because she hates him, my older brother has a different dad than I do, and she treats him like a prince. When we left LAs Vegas, we were staying with my brother, and he started yelling at me while he was drunk because I'd spent 2 days in the hospital with an intestinal infection caused by my Crohn's Disease. He started saying I was too smart to get sick and berating me, my husband had been having some drinks with him, and stood up to him and told him off, then my brother got drunker and tried to pick a fight, I asked my husband not to fight and he respected that decision. Then we went to go pack our stuff up with the intent of leaving in the morning (this happened around 12am). And he was trying to kick down the door and just being really scary, so i called the cops on him, then he called our mom, and she arrived before the cops and proceeded to egg him on to kick down the door to fight my husband. I was leaning against the door and was kicked in the back, we ended up leaving and sitting outside until the cops arrived.then my mom and my brother were acting so erratic that the cops thgouth they were on drugs, so they searched the house. Hubby and I ended up camping out on the street in front of a grocery store for the night because my brother refused to let us stay for the night even though he went to my mom;s house for the night. We had our two cats with us in a large kennel. hubby's dad wired us enough money to get to Iowa the next morning. My mom agreed to mail me my stuff if I sent her the money for it, but my brother started whining that we owed him money for our stay there (the original agreement was that we take care of his dogs, one of which was so sick it almost died. and we nursed him back to health, and we were only there about 1 month.) so my mom then sold my stuff, when i asked her why on facebook, she got mad, and then a friend of mine commented on my post about it that it wasn't right, and my mom proceeded to yell at her in text form, then called me and screamed at me for my friend sticking up for me. SO we are no contact now. I haven't spoken to here in a little over a year.
also, she hates my husband because he's half Hispanic. See, my dad is half black, so my mom is under the stupid opinion that I must date only black men, because that's what she finds attractive amd that's what I should too. but love doesn't see color!
sorry for the super long post! I kinda went into a bit of a rant there, sorry!