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Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 21:15:23 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@turtle sensei: Awesome, thank you so much. And no worries at all, I would certainly give you extra payment and all the time you need. I hope to order a bit later on tonight. :)


Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 01:16:10 )
November 2017 - February 2018
I would like (3) colored Waist ups please.

1) Sultana, my vampire chick


- Vain
- Sadistic
- Cunning
- Manipulative
- Clever
- Callous

You can pick any of those outfits, or come up with your own idea, she tends to wear sexy clothes in black or red.

2) Ramziel and Senna, my fallen angel/witch couple

Personality and relationship info

Ramziel - Confident, snarky, kind, selfless, passionate, and stubborn.
Senna - Kind, helpful, a bit clumsy with her magic, naive, loyal, shy
As for their relationship. Senna is the reason that Ramziel fell. (He was formerly a warrior of heaven and a guardian angel but then fell in love with the one he was guarding, [Senna] which was against the rules. He is extremely protective over Senna and will go as far as killing/threatening anyone who tries to harm her. Overall they have an affectionate and very passionate relationship. There isn't a lot of tension or fighting between them. Except for when Senna puts herself in harms way to help others since she sometimes doesn't know when NOT to help people.

Other outfit options



Again you can pick from these outfits, or come up with your own idea based on their general style. Oh can you maybe make Ramziel's wings a bit more tattered/torn looking?

3) Lith.


- Sweet
- Shy
- Awkward
- Compassionate
- Unconfident
- Nerdy

Other outfit ideas

And once again, the same as before. You can pick one of these outfits or create your own in the same style. Also, could you please draw her with elf ears? She's the modern version of my elven LotR OC.

- 50k Milestone Headset
- Candy Corn Witch Hat, Reaper Scythe, Reaper Smile, Candy Corn Witch Shoes, Viv's Apron
- 4,500 Volts
- 150 Ohms


Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 01:44:55 )
@Lithinel: Okie dokie! I shall get to your order soon hun. It'll take me a while ok? please start the trade so I don't forget ok?

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 01:48:02 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@turtle sensei: No worries at all, take all the time you need. I appreciate you doing them for me. And sure thing, I'll start the trade now. :)


Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 01:50:57 )
@Lithinel: your witch girl dresses a lot like me lol.

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 02:04:20 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@turtle sensei: Lol, that's actually really awesome. I dress like a mixture of Lith and Senna. Haha. Somedays it's more like the other, some days it's mixed.


Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 02:12:36 )
@Lithinel: I kinda wear pants sometimes too, so yeah I kinda dress a bit like both I guess. I want to buy more skirts though. I unfortunately lost a lot of my clothes after my mom stole the stuff from my storage unit

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 13:40:39 )

Hey yeah turtle 'waves' come to give your art sh ack some love.

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 19:34:22 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@turtle sensei: Ugh, I'm sorry to hear so many of your clothes got stolen. Hopefully you can get some more skirts someday.


Donator — Anything Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 19:43:22 )

That's kind of messed up that she stole your clothes. What would the purpose of that even be?

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 11:19:52 )
@star2000shadow: thank you sweetie!

@AliceinZombieland: So, my relationship with my mom is uhm odd. She hates me but also loves me, my childhood was pretty bad, I'd get beaten a lot and yelled at a lot, she kept me from seeing my dad because she hates him, my older brother has a different dad than I do, and she treats him like a prince. When we left LAs Vegas, we were staying with my brother, and he started yelling at me while he was drunk because I'd spent 2 days in the hospital with an intestinal infection caused by my Crohn's Disease. He started saying I was too smart to get sick and berating me, my husband had been having some drinks with him, and stood up to him and told him off, then my brother got drunker and tried to pick a fight, I asked my husband not to fight and he respected that decision. Then we went to go pack our stuff up with the intent of leaving in the morning (this happened around 12am). And he was trying to kick down the door and just being really scary, so i called the cops on him, then he called our mom, and she arrived before the cops and proceeded to egg him on to kick down the door to fight my husband. I was leaning against the door and was kicked in the back, we ended up leaving and sitting outside until the cops arrived.then my mom and my brother were acting so erratic that the cops thgouth they were on drugs, so they searched the house. Hubby and I ended up camping out on the street in front of a grocery store for the night because my brother refused to let us stay for the night even though he went to my mom;s house for the night. We had our two cats with us in a large kennel. hubby's dad wired us enough money to get to Iowa the next morning. My mom agreed to mail me my stuff if I sent her the money for it, but my brother started whining that we owed him money for our stay there (the original agreement was that we take care of his dogs, one of which was so sick it almost died. and we nursed him back to health, and we were only there about 1 month.) so my mom then sold my stuff, when i asked her why on facebook, she got mad, and then a friend of mine commented on my post about it that it wasn't right, and my mom proceeded to yell at her in text form, then called me and screamed at me for my friend sticking up for me. SO we are no contact now. I haven't spoken to here in a little over a year.

also, she hates my husband because he's half Hispanic. See, my dad is half black, so my mom is under the stupid opinion that I must date only black men, because that's what she finds attractive amd that's what I should too. but love doesn't see color!

sorry for the super long post! I kinda went into a bit of a rant there, sorry!

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 16:31:02 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@turtle sensei: Oh wow, that is quite the story. I don't really know what to say other than I am so, truly sorry that you had to go through all of that. Nobody deserves to through so many messed up situations like that, so you have my condolences and support. Your husband seems like a really great guy and I'm super happy that you found someone like him.


Donator — Anything Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 17:48:37 )

@Turtle Sensei: Wow, that is crazy. I am so sorry you had to deal with that, but I'm glad you did what was best for you and cut her out of your life. She sounds toxic. It can be hard, especially with parents, but if someone is no good for you, it's better to cut ties rather than let them poison your life. Especially if it gets so bad that you have to actually fear for your life. The clothes are replaceable, I just wish you could get back the time you had to spend in that kind of company. I'm glad you and your husband are okay though.

Also, mostly irrelevant, but my husband is also Hispanic! Half Mexican, half Guatemalan. I used to worry that my dad would have an issue with it because he was pretty racist when I was a kid but it looks like he's finally learning better.

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 00:21:28 )
@AliceinZombieland: yeah it's definitely an improvement in our lives. My husband's dad is super nice. He's hispanic and my husband's mom is white.

And yea clothes are replaceable. we're slowly replacing everything.

Donator — Anything Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 00:15:49 )

@Turtle Sensei: Well, maybe you can talk to some of your friends if any of you are around the same size? They might have some that they don't wear anymore they can donate to you, at least until you can afford to replace the clothes you lost. That's what my friends and I do, just kinda pass clothes around in between weight loss and weight gain. XD

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 20:37:18 )
@AliceinZombieland: yeah, I don't have many close friends because of her, but I have talked to some about it.

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/14 03:54:24 )
@Miss Kitty: hey, just wanted to let you know, I was about done with your art, but the program I use, ArtFlow seems to be messing up. It won't let me draw or edit the image anymore? So I'm going to have to figure out what's wrong with it. Please be patient with me as I try to figure this out ok? If not I'm going to download a new program.

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/14 12:11:48 )

@Turtle Sensei: Oh no! That sucks. No worries <3 I can wait. Hopefully you're able to figure it out. Artflow is awesome, so I wonder what would be causing that.


Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/14 13:07:33 )

@Miss Kitty: well, i am using it on a Chromebook which it's not technically compatible with. So that my be the issue? I'm just going to redraw your art in PhotoSHop SKetch, and maybe buy a subscription to Photoshop,

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/14 23:37:51 )

@Turtle Sensei: Ah that could probably be the reason then. Still sucks that it happened <3 Its very user friendly. And no worries ^^ Isn't Photoshop expensive? o.o


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