Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
No pleasant ones, that was for sure. If he could see her face, or read minds like others, he could tell what she was thinking. All he could hear was his feet, the occasional cracking or crunching from him stepping on something broken, and Kaneko's feet lightly stepping on the creaking floorboards. It was then that it dawned on him that she wasn't wearing shoes. Why hadn't he noticed sooner? Oh well maybe because he was too busy getting soft and mushy over what had happened when they got here! He mentally kicked himself. Easily finding his way to his bed, he carefully got under the covers and laid down. "After you retrieve our things.. Will you join me, please? I'll certainly rest easier with you by my side." He wouldn't force her though, never. It was a simple question.
Careful, don't need to be hurting yourself right now. Kaneko carefully followed after Allen who had now made his way to his old bed. His request made her smile. He didn't even need to ask, but she was happy that he did anyway. It showed he cared about her answer. "Of course I will. I promise I won't be gone long. I am just going to get your things and my shoes then I'll be right back here." She promised. She easily tucked him in and watched him for a while. "Rest well Allen." Kaneko carefully tiptoed her way out of there, wincing whenever she almost stepped on glass and once she was outside the room her feet took her back down the stairs towards the front door. The entire house was a time capsule. A time capsule that she didn't want to disturb. It was a piece of history, and even though it may have been bad, it was still historical. The front door opened with a small creak and she stared out into the woods that surrounded the large manor. Her shoes, right away she saw them in the distance.
Quickly she practically ran towards them only to come to a sudden halt at the clothes that lay there still. Kaneko walked around the clothes to pick up her shoes then walked back around and started to search for Allen's belongings. Paranoia set in rather quickly and her dark eyes constantly would dart around, looking to see if anyone or anything was watching her. The plastic bag was there, and her hand quickly snatched it up, some of its contents were still there, others strewn about the ground, so she carefully got to work on picking them up and making sure they had not dirt left before carefully setting them in the bag again. "Okay...that's everything." She said to herself. Once again, she looked around and then quickly made her way back to the front door. She was fine, they were safe for now.
Kaneko closed the door behind her and locked it then carefully made her way back to his room. Up the stairs she went, they creaked and groaned in protest beneath her weight; then she walked down past the study and approached the bedroom. Her shoes were set just outside the doorway and she tiptoed back inside with the bag in her hand. It was st down on top of the dresser of his along with her things. It had been a long day, they both could use some rest. Kaneko got under the bed covers and lay beside Allen, quietly so she wouldn't disturb him if he had fallen to sleep already.
Quickly she practically ran towards them only to come to a sudden halt at the clothes that lay there still. Kaneko walked around the clothes to pick up her shoes then walked back around and started to search for Allen's belongings. Paranoia set in rather quickly and her dark eyes constantly would dart around, looking to see if anyone or anything was watching her. The plastic bag was there, and her hand quickly snatched it up, some of its contents were still there, others strewn about the ground, so she carefully got to work on picking them up and making sure they had not dirt left before carefully setting them in the bag again. "Okay...that's everything." She said to herself. Once again, she looked around and then quickly made her way back to the front door. She was fine, they were safe for now.
Kaneko closed the door behind her and locked it then carefully made her way back to his room. Up the stairs she went, they creaked and groaned in protest beneath her weight; then she walked down past the study and approached the bedroom. Her shoes were set just outside the doorway and she tiptoed back inside with the bag in her hand. It was st down on top of the dresser of his along with her things. It had been a long day, they both could use some rest. Kaneko got under the bed covers and lay beside Allen, quietly so she wouldn't disturb him if he had fallen to sleep already.
A small smile graced his thin lips when she answered.him so casually. She'd come back getting everything from outside, like he didn't even need to ask. He did though. He slowly closed his milky eyes and listened to her footsteps tip -toeing across his wooden floor. Sooner than he'd ever care to admit, he lost himself in a deep pool of sleep. Maybe it was because he had his one most important person with him. She always seemed to put him at ease, somehow or another, when he needed it most.
He was fast asleep by the time Kaneko had come back inside and set down her things, before climbing into bed with him. Allen didn't stir much, except to smile some in his sleep. It was like he knew she was there with him.
He was fast asleep by the time Kaneko had come back inside and set down her things, before climbing into bed with him. Allen didn't stir much, except to smile some in his sleep. It was like he knew she was there with him.
Kaneko was happy to see him sleeping, he needed it after the rough day they both had. Him more than her. Her body was tired, and it wasn't hard for her to get comfortable there in that bed. Her eyes watched the vampire sleeping beside her, she recalled the feral yell that had escaped his lips earlier today, it was frightening. But, looking at him now, it was hard to believe that he had let out such a yell as that. He looked so peaceful like he wouldn't hurt a fly. "Have a goodnight and sweet dreams Allen." She whispered, placing a soft kiss on his temple. Her head rested on the pillow and she curled up beside him, wanting to be as close to him as she could be without actually hurting him. Her eyes slowly fluttered closed and she was whisked away to dreamland.
Allen continued to sleep peacefully as the woman curled up beside him and fell asleep as well. He didn't do much as dream the entire time he slep, only moving enough to lightly deal over Kaneko's frame at some point. He didn't know what time it was when he woke, but it felt like early evening. How could he tell? Years of practice. His eyes slowly opened, but he didn't move. He felt a warm body next to him, and caught the all too familiar sweet scent of the woman he cared deeply about. He didn't want to move.. He didn't want to risk disturbing her while she slept, if she even asleep. He was hungry though.. He could feel the tips of his fangs poking his lips ever so slightly, but it enough to tell him that he needed to hunt soon. What if Kaneko was hungry when she woke up? He didn't really have any good around.. He had some, but not much.
Dreams of a birthday party that turned into a day at the park flooded in her mind. Dreams of a much happier time. Of a time where the three of them actually talked and spent time together instead of the now just two who turned to just one. But Kaneko was happy regardless. Her body was comfortable in its spot cuddled up to Allen, her hair fell across her face at some point in her sleep but the entire time she remained close to him. Close to the one person who meant the world to her. The one person she loved. She slept for hours and hours, until the sound of movement woke her. Still, she didn't open her eyes. She didn't want to get up and leave her comfortable spot, but she knew she had to. "Good morning Allen." She whispered quietly, feeling her hair tickle her nose, her fingers quickly brushed it away and her dark eyes slowly fluttered open to look upon the face of familiarity and safety. "D-did you sleep well? How's your wound? Does it hurt? What about your eyes? A-are you hungry?" She sleepily assaulted him with questions which in turn made her laugh sweetly. "I'm sorry for attacking you."
Allen chuckled quietly when he heard her faint voice. "Good morning." He said calmly, even though he was certain it wasn't morning at all. It was a figure of speech, right? Seeing how they just woke up after a long rest.. He slowly nodded his head when she spoke, and quietly listened to her attack of questions, sounding a quiet chuckle. He placed a delicate hand on top of her head and offered her a small smile. "It's quite alright.." He said in response to her giggled apology. She was just worried about him, it was normal. "I slept peacefully. I'm not in any current pain, but I haven't tried getting up yet, and hungry isn't quite the right word.." He answered each of her questions calmly as he slowly began sitting up. "How about you, lady Kaneko? Are you hungry?" He asked her out of concern.
(bleh x.x)
(bleh x.x)
Kaneko was far too comfortable right now as she listened to his patient responses to her onslaught of questions. It was good to know he wasn't in pain at the moment but he said hungry wasn't the word. "Thirsty?" She whispered in understanding. Oh dear, what should she do with that? Should she offer him her blood? He wouldn't take it, she knew he wouldn't and part of her was relieved. She was afraid it would probably hurt and that nothing good would come from being bitten. He sounded in so much pain when the older one had bit him. A hand flew up to her neck and she gasped, snapping out of her thoughts when she heard his question. Was she hungry? " I should be fine for a while longer. I am more worried about you. Is there anything I can get you? A-anything I can do to help?" She asked. Kaneko figured she could survive a little longer without food but she was going to have to eat something eventually. She hadn't really eaten anything yesterday since it was all just spent preparing so okay, maybe she was pretty hungry. She'd hold off a while longer.
Allen wore the face of a child who had gotten caught sneaking into the cookie jar when he heard her words. Yes, he was thirsty. Even if he did have the heart to ask her, which he didn't.. He was certain that after dealing with his master, she was more than likely terrified of being bitten. If you were careful, it didn't really hurt unless you forcibly bit someone- like how his master bit him. That man wanted it to hurt so he would feel dominant. Was it morning after all? He really couldn't tell. Heh.. It was then he realized he still wasn't wearing a shirt, and shyly lowered his head. He fell asleep before Kaneko could give him a shirt. "In my wardrobe.. I have some shirts, could you please bring me one?" He asked, not being too sure how much moving around he could do with the stitches being just fixed up.He was also thinking about he could do about his little "issue". Speaking of which, it was time to make his remedy again wasn't it? He was rather surprised his eyes weren't bothering him.. How many days had he gone without taking it? At least or three, right? Allen didn't really want to wait until his eyes did start bothering him- but if he made it and took it now, he'd be asleep for another few hours. What to do?
Kaneko quickly nodded. "A shirt? R-right...I...right I'll get you one." Carefully the girl made her way out of bed and tiptoed around the bed towards the large wardrobe. For a moment, she was reminded of Narnia, the mythical place inside a wardrobe. Thank goodness it was mythical, she'd hate living there. Her feet were careful about where they stepped, not wanting to disturb the shards of glass that littered the floor. Opening the wardrobe, her eyes widened at the different array of shirts hanging there. Just waiting, collecting dust. Forgotten. This wouldn't do at all. Picking out a white one, she turned away and walked back towards Allen. "Here you are Allen." She said, carefully helping him put it back on so he wouldn't hurt his wound. "Very nice." She commented, her hands smoothing out the fabric a bit. Kaneko smiled, momentarily admiring the details in the shirt, sighing in contentment. "Is there anything else I can help you with sir Allen. I'd offer to make tea but well...I'm afraid we don't have water." She noted quietly. "Oh, we should also pack up the clothes you wish to take as well before we forget." So much to do, what to do first though?
Allen waited patiently, almost embarrassed about his messy room and the state his clothes were probably in. Why did having guest make him suddenly aware of how much his home had been neglected? He listened to her feet as they tip-toed around the bed and his room as she made her way to his wardrobe, and once she was back and helping him put on the shirt, he easily managed to slip it on. Most of his shirts had buttons..but he didn't feel buttons on this one. "Thank you." He said politely, shaking his head some when she asked if he needed anything else. Allen could not help the small frown that had formed when she mentioned tea, and not having the water for it. That would do.. He wondered if he had any water bottles stashed anywhere. When she mentioned packing, he nodded lightly and raised his head. "In the closest there should be a suitcase. I will admit, I don't know what kind of shape it's in thought." He spoke, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. That suitcase was from when him and master first arrived here, and it was the only one he had. Hopefully, it wouldn't be in too bad of a shape..
"I'm sure it's fine." Kaneko approached the closet and looked inside. Sure enough, there was a suitcase there. Taking it out, she blew the dust off of it, away from Allen so he be covered in dust. "It is usable, no worries." She smiled. It had seen some better days yes, but it wasn't in horrible shape. She could tell it was old, but it still worked. It had a few scuff marks here and there and it even smelled of old. But that was fine. There was something lovely about antiques. Taking the suitcase with her, she carefully placed it on her side of the bed and opened it then walked to where his shirts were and carefully took them all out. Kaneko hummed softly as she worked. Folding the shirts and placing them inside the suitcase. She pulled the drawers open and took the pants she saw there as well. Again, she carefully folded them and set them in the suitcase. "You have a really nice fashion sense sir Allen." She said to him softly. Her eyes looked through the drawers carefully taking any clothing items she could find that belonged to him. However, in her search, she found no shoes. Strange. Unless she wasn't looking hard enough? "S-sir Allen...could I ask you a question?" She asked, looking at him nervously.
Allen listened to her words with ease and relaxed a bit, slowly fixing the pillow so he could prop up a bit. He listened to her fish through the closest, and was pulling the suitcase from the closest. He felt the shift on the bed when the suitcase was placed onto the bed. He was relieved when he heard her say it was usable, and offered her small smile. "I'm relieved to hear that, lady Kaneko." He said casually, frowning some when the tip of his fangs poked his lip, but his face relaxed soon after, as he listened to Kaneko shuffling around and shifting through his drawers. When tilted his head she spoke, and nodded his head. "Of course." He answered
Okay, this was it. She had to be brave and just come out with it. The worst that he could do is refuse. Kaneko's slender fingers ran along the fabric of the clothes in the suitcase before she closed the suitcase properly, hearing it click once it closed. "Umm...w-well I was just curious. D-does it hurt to get b-bitten? I mean well...i-if you are thirsty and you r-require blood, I...I wouldn't mind giving you mine. I-if you wanted it. B-but if you don't want to it's okay. I was just thinking that I c-could help you like that. You know? A-and even if it d-does hurt it's okay because well...because I'd be taking care of you and t-that would make me happy. I..." Kaneko was rambling and quickly stopped to take a breath. "It's just an idea. An offer...a suggestion. I don't know anything about v-vampires. Father never told me anything. I...I don't know if I'll be turned by doing this but.." She shrugged even though he couldn't see her. "It's a silly question...I know."
Allen felt his eyes widen when she managed to ask the question. He was excepting her to ask about his lack of shoes.. Not.. Oh boy. He lowered his head some as he listened to Kaneko begin to ramble, which he did mind..but.. Was she really asking him this? The first thing he did was slowly sit up properly before slowly moving more towards the sound of her voice, and rested his hand on of one her. "First, being bitten will only turn you if the venom is put into your blood. A vampire his venom in their fangs much like a snake does, and can do two things- turn you or kill you." He explained, trying to sound calm as t not cause her more worry, or heighten her anxieties. "Second, I couldn't tell you if it hurt or not. When I was bit, it was to turn me and I was already beyond feeling anything, I was dying when my master turned me." He said to her, taking a quiet breath. "Third.. If I was to do that to you I don't know if I could control myself.." Allen said in a slightly shaken voice. Her scent was already so sweet, what if he couldn't stop himself once he bit her? Why was this even a topic of discussion? If it was to explain for the sake of her curiosity sure, but knowing it was because she was suggesting, or offering this- he was unsure how to react or respond really.
Kaneko blinked at his explanation and answer. Just as expected, he refused. She was relieved but a little upset? She wasn't even sure, but she could understand that he didn't want to hurt her. "Ohh....I see." She said quietly. She lightly pat the top of his hand and smiled. "It's fine Allen I was was just a silly suggestion. D-don't worry. I'm not upset or anything, I promise." She said, grabbing his suitcase and moving to set it down along with their other things. She went around closing all the drawers then closed his wardrobe and closet. Leaving the room as it was when they first got here. A room frozen in time. "I think that's everything. I should uhhh...check your study in case there are any herbs you might need in the future. You know, better to be safe than sorry." Kaneko spoke nervously. "A-are you sure you don't need anything Allen? Anything at all?"
This was bad.. He could feel himself hearing up on the inside while she spoke. It wasn't really anything she had said, just that he didn't know exactly how bad he needed to 'hunt'. That fight really took a lot out of him, more than he realized, and losing blood like he did, didn't help. "Kaneko..wait.. It's not like I said no.. I just.. Please consider your thoughts carefully. I've never ever fed from a human.. So.. You'd have to put quite a bit of trust in me, not to hurt you." He explained nervoisly. Even if she said she wasn't hurt, he could tell she wasn't being completely honest. He could hear it in her voice.
Kaneko looked at him, raising an eyebrow questioningly. "Trust in you?" She repeated and remained where she stood. "Allen...I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose. I understand that you don't want to hurt me which is why you refused...and it's okay. Really, i don't want to force you to do anything you're not comfortable doing. Like you said, you've never done this before..I can understand why you'd be hesitant to try. It was just a suggestion Allen, not an order. It's fine. Maybe you have a herb you can eat that can help you with the thirst for now." But herbs were only temporary, what would they do when they arrived at the new place? What would he feed from there? A random animal? That didn't sound very nice or healthy.
Allen shook his head lightly and lowered his head. "I've tried.. No herb I have can help.. I'd need a blood root flower for that. I could just hunt, that's what I usually do.. " But then the stiches would be a worry. Damn it, he just couldn't win this one. He sighed quietly and leaned against his propped pillow. "I'll be fine for a while, do not fret. Let's just worry about what needs to be done. You are welcome to search my study for anything important I might have missed." He said to her, calming down a bit. Maybe he had overreacted? He didn't mean to, he was just surprised.
Kaneko pouted and nodded. "Okay.." she whispered before leaving the room and heading straight to his study. Kaneko saw a few herbs sitting there that she thought might be helpful even though she wasn't sure what they were. She sniffed each one, but that didn't really help much. They smelled odd but not terribly bad either. "I wonder what you all do." She said quietly to herself. Allen said he needed a blood root flower, the name alone told her it was rare to come across but he had clearly come across one before if he knew its purpose. Unless the older vampire had been the one to tell Allen this information. She felt terrible that she couldn't help, but at least she was doing all that she could even though it wasn't enough. Don't beat yourself up over this Kaneko. You're doing more than anyone else ever has. So you should feel good about yourself, not down in the dumps. This was true. Besides, they were moving! Wasn't that exciting? Yes, but it was also terrifying because there was still so much to do when they got there.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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