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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 21:35:37 )
Allen moved his head slightly in the direction of her voice, quite pleased that he guessed correctly, and sat down in the nearby chair. When she asked about something to drink, he paused a moment. "What are my options, miss Kaneko?" He asked, seeing how he didn't want to ask if she had something, and her not have it. That just seemed rude, in his book.

He listened carefully to where his spoon and napkin were, and his lowered his head a bit. Picking up the spoon, he easily tried the stew and paused briefly. He hadn't had something like in a while.. Clearly, this woman knew what she was doing. He smiled. "It tastes magnificent." He said quietly, before beginning to eat.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 00:10:32 )
Options, right, she should probably tell him what they had. Silly her. "Oh right, well we have water, milk, orange juice, apple juice, lemonade, sodapop, and both red and white wine." She listed off the drinks and once he was seated, she walked to the pot and served herself some stew then shut off the flames. Carefully, she took her bowl to the table, setting it across from Allen. She too got herself a napkin and rested her spoon on it then walked to the cabinets and grabbed two glasses. In one, she poured herself some water while waiting for his answer.

When Allen complimented her cooking, she smiled. "Thank-you." Kaneko said and looked at him. "I sort of had to learn to cook at a young age." She explained but she didn't go into full detail on why she had to learn to cook so young. It wasn't an interesting story and not one she liked talking about really.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 00:46:35 )
Allen thought over the list of drinks she had available. Some wine sounded good right about now, after the day he had.. "Could I trouble you for a glass of red wine?" He asked politely. He then listened to her speak about learning to cook at a young age, but didn't say anything more.

He thought better of asking the reason, and quietly ate the stew in front of him. She had mentioned her father.. Yet, he wasn't here and it was late. Naturally, he thought maybe she started cooking young because her father wasn't around much, but didn't ask. It really wasn't any of his business to be poking around.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 01:43:58 )
"No trouble at all." Kaneko replied and walked to the fridge. She looked around until she spotted the red wine and carefully took out the bottle and opened it, pouring some in the other glass for Allen. Setting the glass down on the counter, Kaneko set the bottle back in the fridge and closed the door then picked up Allen's glass of wine and walked back to the table. She set it down in front of him, "Here you are, your glass of wine." She said.

Kaneko still was curious as to why two girls had wandered into his house. Talk about rude. They were lucky the police hadn't been called. She smiled, seeing him eating. Clearly he really did like it and it made her happy to know that he approved of her cooking. "Sir Allen, could I ask you a question?" Kaneko asked after a moment.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 02:03:15 )
Allen lifted his head some when she spoke. "Thank you." He said, before taking a small sip from the glass, then set the glass down and went to start eating again. Allen paused when she mentioned having some questions, and he noded lightly. "Of course, miss Kaneko." He replied casually. Why wouldn't she be able to ask him a question? Then again, asking first was an appropriate thing to do..

Allen sat back in the chair some, patiently waiting for her question.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 03:40:00 )
Using the napkin to wipe her lips, she sipped her water before asking, "Have you always been making herbal remedies? Or did you recently learn about them?" Kaneko was a curious girl. Perhaps too curious, depending on who you ask. There was a sound of a car nearing the house but it just whipped by. Kaneko glanced at the clock, it was really late. Her father promised to be home earlier tonight but he had clearly forgotten. She frowned slightly, but quickly shook the thought out of her head.

No need to think sad things right now. She actually had company for once and she wanted to enjoy it.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 04:25:32 )
Allen smirked lightly when he heard her question. She was asking about his remedy? He sipped his wine and nodded lightly. "I've been making remedies since I can remember." Which wasn't much..since he didn't remember hardly anything since his vision went dark. "I wasn't born blind.. Something I don't remember happened sometime ago, and left me blind. That remedy helps with pain." He explained as subtly as he could.

Allen sipped the wine and set the glass down before starting to eat again.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 04:43:25 )
He wasn't born blind? How sad, to be able to see and suddenly you can't. "It must have been hard.." Kaneko said quietly. Still not sure if this was something he'd want to really talk about. "I'm sorry to hear that Allen. So you can't remember what it was that happened?" she asked. Why was she being nosy? "S-sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable. I'm sorry for being so nosy." She said and chuckled nervously.

Allen had said it helped with the pain which meant he needed it with him always. Yet, he didn't have it with him right now. "Umm..a-are you sure you don't need to go get it? I mean...I j-just don't want you to be in any pain." Kaneko explained softly, taking another bite of the stew happily.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 05:11:55 )
Allen set the spoon down on the napkin, once she spoke again. He had eaten two I thirds of the stew and needed to let it set for a short bit. Her question had nothing to do with this action. "It's quite alright, and I don't mind talking to you about it. I haven't been able to in some time.." He spoke calmly. Allen lowered his head slightly, thinking about what he'd tell her. She had no idea he was a vampire, and he would've preferred to keep it that way! "All I remember is waking up and I couldn't see anything, and the pain. I remember the pain more than anything.. It was like, someone was trying to kill me and only managed to take my sight, rather than my life." He said, lowering his voice some as he spoke.

He raised his head when she asked about needing the remedy, and simply offered her a knowing smile. "Worry not, I don't need it every day." Allen answered, even if it was a white lie. She wouldn't see through it, would she?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 05:39:35 )
Kaneko was still eating slowly when Allen stopped for a moment to speak. She felt rude eating when he was talking so she stopped, leaving her spoon in her stew and swallowing the current bite she had in her mouth after chewing it a bit. " someone did this to you?" She asked. Oh dear, maybe that's why he was so frightened when those girls showed up. He had probably thought that they were the person who did this to him who had come back to finish him off. She couldn't even imagine the fear he must have felt when that happened. Whenever it had happened. Clearly it was long ago since he didn't remember much of the incident. Just the most memorable thing. The pain he felt.

He said he would be fine. He didn't need it. So she didn't press any further. "Well...alright then. If you say so." She believed him, Why would he lie about such a serious thing? Now she had more questions though. Who would do such a thing to him and why? She couldn't imagine him having any enemies. He was too kind. Well so far he was. People did change over time. Had he picked a fight with the wrong person?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 05:54:49 )
Allen almost regretted telling her. He noticed the change in the atmosphere between them. He hadn't thought about how she react, but at least she didn't bumbard him with questions. Only one. He nodded some to verify her conclusion. "Most likely, and it's possible that they're still out there.. Though, I don't dwell on it. What good would it do me to constantly be in fear for my life?" Allen spoke, keeping his voice rather calm and casually.

By most likely, he meant it could've been an animal, a hunting trip gone horribly wrong. He didn't remember, so how could he say for sure? He picked up his spoon and began to eat again.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 06:29:30 )
Allen had a point, living life in a state of constant fear was not healthy for anyone. Although the idea of being paranoid and weary of everyone was a pretty good one. Kaneko took a small drink of her water and picked up her spoon again. It was possible that the person was still out there. If the girls knew this person, they would probably tell them Allen was still alive. Would they make it a habit to check in on him daily now? Or would they actually leave him alone? For someone who just had a huge scare, Allen seemed pretty calm about the whole thing. If she were in his shoes, she'd be a terrified mess.

"Well you're right. No use in being afraid all the time.." she admitted quietly, just then the phone rang and she scrambled to pick it up, slamming her thigh against the table in the process. "Ouch!" She hissed and picked up the house phone. "Hello?" She asked. It was her father, he was finally on his way home and she wasn't too happy about it. He had said he'd be home earlier. But it turned out he was going to be later instead. "Okay. I made you dinner. I'll heat it up when you get here. Mhm, I will..see you later. Bye." She hung up the phone and sighed. At least he wasn't dead. He was alive for another day. Walking back to the kitchen, she took her seat again and continued to eat quietly. "S-sorry.." She said quietly.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 06:42:04 )
Allen hoped he wasn't upsetting her, by telling her these things.. Truth was, he was worried about being hunted, constantly. Even if he didn't act like it. It was more-so a front he had put up, and he was glad he did. Kaneko... Would provably be more worried than she already was, if he revealed his feelings. It wasn't fear, it was just something he kept hidden away in the back of his mind. If he ever, caught the scent of the man or creature that caused his blindness, he'd know it for sure. He was pretty sure anyway.

Allen nearly dropped his spoon when he felt the table move, followed by Kaneko's voice. Did she bump the table, trying to catch the phone? He waited for her to return before speaking. "It's quite alright, are you okay?" He voiced, clearly concerned that she had hurt herself.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 07:02:43 )
Kaneko nodded, "I'll be okay. I'll just have a small bruise by morning if I don't already have one." She let out a sigh because she knew that wasn't the only thing bothering her. She had a lot on her mind now but it wasn't Allen's fault. It was her own fault for letting everything get to her. "I just..I have a lot of things on my mind. But none of it is your fault." She managed a small smile. She had dishes to wash, clothes to clean, and she still needed to shower before bed. Chances were, she wouldn't go to work tomorrow and that was just fine. Maybe she'd just do the laundry tomorrow instead.

"My dad is on his way home...finally." She didn't say much more, not wanting to bother Allen with her silly problems. Besides, he didn't need to know any of it. He had his own things to worry about and Kaneko didn't want to add to that list. "I do apologize if I frightened you with the sudden movement. I didn't mean to. I'm just a clutz I suppose." She chuckled then and finished up her food and drink.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 10:02:36 )
Allen frowned a little at hearing her answer. He had finished eating, so he set the spoon in the bowl and picked up the glass to sip the wine, then set the glass back down on the table. He sat quietly while she spoke, carefully listening to the sound of her voice. She too needed someone to talk to.. He could hear it.

Allen slowly leaned forward, and reached across the table until he felt his hand on hers, and lightly squeezed it. "Kaneko.. Just as you have given me a shoulder to lean on, I will give you an ear to talk to.." Allen said quietly, hoping that she understood that he would be there for her, if she needed it. That's what friends did, right? She sounded troubled, and he wanted to repay her kindness in any way he could.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 20:01:50 )
Kaneko looked at her hand once his hand squeezed hers. Listening to what the male had to say, she managed a small smile. "Thank-you Allen...that's really sweet of you to say." Kaneko started, her voice was quiet, soft. She was thinking about every word she was going to say, changing her mind so many times. "I've never had anyone to really talk to. I...I never had friends. So all's new to me. I...It's nice though, having someone to talk to even though I don't know what to say or how to talk to people." She said. She did know how to speak obviously, she just didn't know what to say to people without coming across as awkward.

"My father...he umm...he is always home late and he promised to be home early but he'd just now heading home. So he'll arrive here later than usual. I mean..I guess I understand work is important but...what could he be doing that keep him away from home for so long? I don't know." Kaneko chuckled, "It's strange, I know. Being my father's child and still not knowing what he does. He doesn't like to talk about it. It's also the reason he doesn't allow me to make friends and bring people over. I guess he worries they'll try to hurt me or something." While that was true, her father was also worried they might figure him out and turn him in.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 21:33:28 )
Allen smiled some, hearing her words. He was a bit reluctant about letting go of her hand, but she seemed to get the point, and slowly drew his hand back. He could understand not being used to talking to people, mostly.. Allen sat quietly while she spoke about what was on her mind, wondering the same thing; what was her father up to? There were tons of things one could be doing throughout the day very few pleasant things.. Though, it was none of his business.

After a moment to think, Allen decided not to bite his tongue on this matter and folded his hands together. "Kaneko, I know it's not my place to say this.. Your father sounds like a very busy man, but no matter- it doesn't excuse him for neglecting you.." He said calmly, hoping she wouldn't close up. He was worried about her. "Have you tried talking to him directly?" He asked curiously.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 21:58:16 )
Once her hand was freed, Kaneko gathered the dishes, leaving his glass on the table since it still had wine inside. She picked them up carefully and took them to the sink to wash them. She could understand what he was saying, he was right. Her entire life she was neglected. As a small child she had both a mother and a father, a few years later her mother walked out after many nights of arguments with her father. While they thought she had been sleeping, she was actually awake, leaning against her door listening.

Her father never stopped his work; whatever it was. Kaneko continued to be neglected but it was her life and she assumed it was supposed to be that way. But clearly it wasn't. "He is. Always so busy doing who knows what." When Allen asked her if she had talked to her father, she smiled. "There have been times, years ago where I tried. He just told me if he stopped working, then we'd have nothing. Said that I need to understand that all he's doing is to make sure I have everything I need." She answered quietly while lathering the dishes in soap.

"I don't understand though. All other fathers have regular jobs and are home a lot earlier then he is and they still have time for their families. You know, sometimes I call him and he doesn't answer. I guess I should just be happy he comes home at all. But...I often wonder why my doesn't matter." Kaneko's voice had gotten softer towards the end there. What was her father doing that was so bad her own mother left them?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 22:58:42 )
Allen sat quietly while she was silent, and sipped his wine. He listened when she answered. How could a man treat their own flesh like this? Clearly she was unhappy, and by the sound of it, the man didn't seem to care much. As level-headed as this vampire was, staying calm was becoming slightly challenging. Hearing her speak, he slowly got up from the table and followed her voice over to the sink and placed a hand on the counter. The kind of girl he was drawn to, wasn't the girl standing there.. She sounded like she was slowly breaking, with no one to pick up the pieces.

"Saying something like that to your child, no matter the age, it's inexcusable. You don't deserve to be treated like this.. Even if your father claims to do it for a reason like that, it sounds more like an excuse not to be around. If he really meant those words, he'd know that..." Allen forced his sentence short and bit his lip. Damn, what was he trying to do, make things worse by putting his own two senses in? He lowered his head some. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't be saying anythig, I don't know your father.." He said quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/23 23:28:27 )
Kaneko kept her focus on the task at hand. She had mush to do today, she couldn't waste any time. Honestly, she just wanted to sleep. She was tired, it had been a long tiring day at work. And tomorrow would be the same thing. Every day was the same. Every day she fell into a routine. Wake up, eat breakfast with dad, get ready for work, go to work, come home, work on dinner, stay up late waiting for dad, sleep and repeat. It was getting exhausting.

Allen spoke up again, now he stood beside her. She shook her head, rinsing off the dishes and setting them on the rack to dry. Rinsing her hands, she stopped the water and dried her hands. "I know....and d-don't feel bad Allen. I can understand your concern. And...I'm sure my father is probably just telling me lies to keep me quiet. He's been this way all my life. I don't understand why." Kaneko rested a hand on Allen's shoulder, a faint smile on her face. One that almost seemed forced. "You're right, you don't know him and I'm glad you don't because you wouldn't like him. No one does except whoever he works with. He's a scary man. It's why I just stay quiet, I don't want to anger him because I'm honestly afraid of how he'll react. But...sometimes I just want to blame him for what happened. Though, I can't find it in my heart to do so."

Kaneko quickly hugged Allen, "Thank-you for listening to me and letting me get this off my chest Allen, it meant a lot to finally have someone to talk to. Someone that would listen." Letting him go and stepping back, she heard a car and sighed. "That's him. I should get his bowl ready. If you'd like to talk after we can, but if you're tired, as I imagine you are, then I hope you have pleasant dreams." She wasn't shooing him away, she just didn't want to keep him up longer than he wanted to be up. He was probably tired after what happened. He probably just wanted to go to sleep and forget about it.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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