If you didn't want to read a long winded post, then why ask about the research I've done? (if this comes off as a bit rude it's because I found yours a bit rude.) It's kind of safe to assume that anything dealing with research of any kind is going to have a lot to read... And this isn't even close to half of what I have seen of other people's research. This is like 1/4 of most research posts dealing with anything. Maybe is less than 1/4 the size depending on what the topic is about.
And considering how I've seen discord users treat other discord users especially in regards to these specific topics, no I don't really want to be PMed. <_<
Sorry, but I'm a little uneasy about this.
Forums The Blackout Nerd Hotel::Fill that battery!
@Faust Sheep: I'm sorry if I came off rude, I didn't intend to! I just worry for other people reading this, and also for the fact I'd have a long reply to react to tell you my viewpoint of the research as a discord user because I'm intrigued by it. I didn't find you rude at all though either, by the by. Sorry you did me! *hugs*
In response to the research: I have seen that issue with discord closing more on mobile devices than on computers, but it's definitely a concern there. I can't make it shut up and it's really annoying >w< That dev sounds mean. I hope they got rid of them or will someday... That response was just unprofessional and uncalled for. Also just confusing.
I don't know much about the google chrome method because I use the computer app, but I should talk to my friends that use it to see if they're ahving an issue. I didn't know abotu the spyware myself, though I shouldn't be surprised since it can see what programs run on your computer when you use the PC version to tell friends what you're up to (like steam, sorta). I don't blame you for not using it with those issues. Sadly... I have to for work. But I also haven't had most of the issues. For closing it, I just close the process on my comp anyway to be safe. :'D
In response to the research: I have seen that issue with discord closing more on mobile devices than on computers, but it's definitely a concern there. I can't make it shut up and it's really annoying >w< That dev sounds mean. I hope they got rid of them or will someday... That response was just unprofessional and uncalled for. Also just confusing.
I don't know much about the google chrome method because I use the computer app, but I should talk to my friends that use it to see if they're ahving an issue. I didn't know abotu the spyware myself, though I shouldn't be surprised since it can see what programs run on your computer when you use the PC version to tell friends what you're up to (like steam, sorta). I don't blame you for not using it with those issues. Sadly... I have to for work. But I also haven't had most of the issues. For closing it, I just close the process on my comp anyway to be safe. :'D
@juneberry: Sorry, I still feel I came off as rude. >_< I get defensive easily... which can be an issue.
I understand. They can also not read it though if they don't want to. I do it all the time. Which I think gets me in trouble sometimes. :'D
Most of my friends out of country use the mobile version and say they haven't had those sort of issues and most of the people with the issue, at least who where the most vocal about it, were on computer so I'm not entirely sure which version is having the most problems with closing.
To my knowledge he still seems to be working for them. Is the confusion in regards to the "How does the crow taste?" I had to look it up because I was confused at first by it too. ^ ^; It's a really offensive way to tell someone they were wrong and to own up to it so I was floored that someone who was supposed to be professional and help people would say that to someone who needed help and was making a perfectly logical complaint.
Yeah, see that is what really bothers me. The not closing is more annoying and there are rude devs pretty much wherever you go, but spyware is a big no. That is what mainly draws the line for me and brings up the most red flags.
I hope they actually do begin to fix these issues. I've lost contact with or my contact has become limited with some friends from outside of the country, but I don't want to get discord if I can avoid it because of these things. Which just makes it harder to get in touch with them.
I use Pesterchum mainly now for offsite chatting, but none of my friends have it. Well none of my friends that I can't text. Friends that live in the same country as me have it, but I can text them which defeats the purpose of having it. :P International texting is expensive. x_x
*thinks it might be a good time to change the topic now before someone else tries to join in*
I understand. They can also not read it though if they don't want to. I do it all the time. Which I think gets me in trouble sometimes. :'D
Most of my friends out of country use the mobile version and say they haven't had those sort of issues and most of the people with the issue, at least who where the most vocal about it, were on computer so I'm not entirely sure which version is having the most problems with closing.
To my knowledge he still seems to be working for them. Is the confusion in regards to the "How does the crow taste?" I had to look it up because I was confused at first by it too. ^ ^; It's a really offensive way to tell someone they were wrong and to own up to it so I was floored that someone who was supposed to be professional and help people would say that to someone who needed help and was making a perfectly logical complaint.
Yeah, see that is what really bothers me. The not closing is more annoying and there are rude devs pretty much wherever you go, but spyware is a big no. That is what mainly draws the line for me and brings up the most red flags.
I hope they actually do begin to fix these issues. I've lost contact with or my contact has become limited with some friends from outside of the country, but I don't want to get discord if I can avoid it because of these things. Which just makes it harder to get in touch with them.
I use Pesterchum mainly now for offsite chatting, but none of my friends have it. Well none of my friends that I can't text. Friends that live in the same country as me have it, but I can text them which defeats the purpose of having it. :P International texting is expensive. x_x
*thinks it might be a good time to change the topic now before someone else tries to join in*
⌈Talking about any topic is fine as long as people stay civil.

⌈Talking about any topic is fine as long as people stay civil.

@Faust Sheep: I'm the type who worries about people even if I know they can just ignore me for some reason. But I also have a random tendency to just read things without consent like private RPs and stuff if they're on forums because why not? Like... Sometimes I read my boyfriend's rps I'm not in. He does some not-for-kids stuff with other people due to one of his characters being a perv. Sometimes I still get jealous when I see them, even though I know it's not hiiiim doing it. xD
Anyway, enough embarrassing myself. For me the problem is with the computer version. What country are you in anyway? I don't know if I know that so not sure if I'm 'out of country' or not. The net is amazing that way. Thanks for teaching me a new terminology there too~ and yeah... If that's what it means, he should not be saying that. *internally yells at them*
I've never heard of Pesterchum. What's that? I like the name. Sounds like something I would say a lot since... Well.. I often say I'm 'bugging' people when I chat with them. Or pestering. Y'know? But... Actually that's a bad habit of mine. I hope people on Pesterchum don't feel they're actually pestering people :'D Please remember not to think you are, kay? 'Cause it's self-deprecating and mean to yourself. Be nice to yourself. I'm still trying to learn how myself though xD
@Kenome: Thanks for the note~ I feel we're being fairly civil, but I'm simple xD I just know "I'm learning and that makes me insanely happy. I love this person now." Someone should fix my mind for that. :'D
Anyway, enough embarrassing myself. For me the problem is with the computer version. What country are you in anyway? I don't know if I know that so not sure if I'm 'out of country' or not. The net is amazing that way. Thanks for teaching me a new terminology there too~ and yeah... If that's what it means, he should not be saying that. *internally yells at them*
I've never heard of Pesterchum. What's that? I like the name. Sounds like something I would say a lot since... Well.. I often say I'm 'bugging' people when I chat with them. Or pestering. Y'know? But... Actually that's a bad habit of mine. I hope people on Pesterchum don't feel they're actually pestering people :'D Please remember not to think you are, kay? 'Cause it's self-deprecating and mean to yourself. Be nice to yourself. I'm still trying to learn how myself though xD
@Kenome: Thanks for the note~ I feel we're being fairly civil, but I'm simple xD I just know "I'm learning and that makes me insanely happy. I love this person now." Someone should fix my mind for that. :'D
@Juneberry: I do have to say I'm also guilty of reading things I really shouldn't. I've read quite a few rants that were under spoils... not just on here, but like in general. I tend to not read private RPs since they are labeled private, but it is tempting when they aren't locked. (and I've peeked a few times) I think that's why I liked Proboards. I owned a few RP sites back in the day and there was an option to lock private RP threads under a PIN number so only the people who knew the PIN could read and post on the private RP.
I live in the US so I don't know. Most people I talk to online end up being out of country for me. ^ ^; I seem to attract them or something? And then people who are in my country who are online tend to hate me. So it's weird.
I honestly hope he gets fired soon and that people are reporting him for any of his misconduct, if that is an option.
Well, the original Pesterchum was a fictional chatting app that appeared in a webcomic called Homestuck. A group of fans and web/app developers got together though and made a real life version of it. Since I'm a total nerd I instantly got it when I found out a real life version existed. I think the creator of the web comic has an account too... Anyways, it looks exactly how it appears in the webcomic and there are two styles to choose from once you download it. Pesterchum is the "human" version and then there is the Trollian version which is the version an alien species in the webcomic use. (I personally use the Trollian style since I think it looks cooler.) Um... the characters in the comic are young, but it is not-safe-for-work/not-safe-for-kids so just a heads up if you ever do find yourself reading it...
I do sometimes feel like I bug people. Especially if they take a long time to reply/ don't reply. But I try not to let it get to me, I guess? Because that just leads to an endless spiral.
I live in the US so I don't know. Most people I talk to online end up being out of country for me. ^ ^; I seem to attract them or something? And then people who are in my country who are online tend to hate me. So it's weird.
I honestly hope he gets fired soon and that people are reporting him for any of his misconduct, if that is an option.
Well, the original Pesterchum was a fictional chatting app that appeared in a webcomic called Homestuck. A group of fans and web/app developers got together though and made a real life version of it. Since I'm a total nerd I instantly got it when I found out a real life version existed. I think the creator of the web comic has an account too... Anyways, it looks exactly how it appears in the webcomic and there are two styles to choose from once you download it. Pesterchum is the "human" version and then there is the Trollian version which is the version an alien species in the webcomic use. (I personally use the Trollian style since I think it looks cooler.) Um... the characters in the comic are young, but it is not-safe-for-work/not-safe-for-kids so just a heads up if you ever do find yourself reading it...
I do sometimes feel like I bug people. Especially if they take a long time to reply/ don't reply. But I try not to let it get to me, I guess? Because that just leads to an endless spiral.
@Kenome: Hello Kenome. I've been pretty bad sick for almost a week now. Had to stay with my parents and they have no internet. I go back to the doctor tomorrow. I hope they can help me soon.
@Faust Sheep: I actually never knew that about Proboards and I've used a lot of them! I guess it wasn't a big preference on sites I used? To be honest, I don't know if most people actually care if you just read along... But I've had people barge in and join in and was just like, "Ummm it says private what?"
I'm from the US too, specifically the icky armpit called New Jersey. So... Here's one person that you talk to that's not foreign for you? :'D I attract people from other countries a lot at times too, but... That's just the internet as a whole, I think. It's a big wide world out there!
I never really got into Homestuck enough to know the comic's use of the app or whatnot, so... I dunno what it looks like even if you tell me that. What's it like for those of us who don't know it? xD The chat thing I mean. Like I'm fairly sure I won't be trying to read it honestly. Mostly 'cause I remember trying it once and just... it wasn't for me. I don't mind young people being adult-like and NSFW (I watch Shin-chan a lot) but... Iunno. I was bored. I'm kinda weird with stuff. xD
Can I just say I'm super proud of you for not only noting and accepting the issue of self-talking down and whatnot, but also your hard work to avoid paying it much mind because you recognize the spiral it causes is bad? Because honestly that's really difficult and hard work right there. >w<
I'm from the US too, specifically the icky armpit called New Jersey. So... Here's one person that you talk to that's not foreign for you? :'D I attract people from other countries a lot at times too, but... That's just the internet as a whole, I think. It's a big wide world out there!
I never really got into Homestuck enough to know the comic's use of the app or whatnot, so... I dunno what it looks like even if you tell me that. What's it like for those of us who don't know it? xD The chat thing I mean. Like I'm fairly sure I won't be trying to read it honestly. Mostly 'cause I remember trying it once and just... it wasn't for me. I don't mind young people being adult-like and NSFW (I watch Shin-chan a lot) but... Iunno. I was bored. I'm kinda weird with stuff. xD
Can I just say I'm super proud of you for not only noting and accepting the issue of self-talking down and whatnot, but also your hard work to avoid paying it much mind because you recognize the spiral it causes is bad? Because honestly that's really difficult and hard work right there. >w<
@Juneberry: Wow, some people are rude. Why would they think it's okay to jump in a private RP?
Oh, cool. Finally someone not out of country. I run into a lot of people from Europe, which is pretty cool. And I've never been to New Jersey so wouldn't know.
There are some images online of it. It's kind of cute looking. Yellow and black with a yellow happy face. I don't think I'm describing it properly. It's just a cute looking chatting app. ^ ^; It has some nice features. I started reading it in high school, but got distracted by senior year. I've been playing catch up not that I'm not in school anymore. I'm not like an obsessive Homestuck fan, but I do like it and the Pesterchum app. I do draw a line at certain adult behavior, but I don't mind cursing because that's kind of like real life. I've seen kids swear like sailors... more than actual sailors. I just know that some people don't like seeing kids do any adult behavior so I always warn people just in case.
Oh, cool. Finally someone not out of country. I run into a lot of people from Europe, which is pretty cool. And I've never been to New Jersey so wouldn't know.
There are some images online of it. It's kind of cute looking. Yellow and black with a yellow happy face. I don't think I'm describing it properly. It's just a cute looking chatting app. ^ ^; It has some nice features. I started reading it in high school, but got distracted by senior year. I've been playing catch up not that I'm not in school anymore. I'm not like an obsessive Homestuck fan, but I do like it and the Pesterchum app. I do draw a line at certain adult behavior, but I don't mind cursing because that's kind of like real life. I've seen kids swear like sailors... more than actual sailors. I just know that some people don't like seeing kids do any adult behavior so I always warn people just in case.
@Faust Sheep: As you said... They're just rude people. There are some issue people out there. What's important to remember is the good ones, too~
Yeah, I meet a lot of people from around the world. I've got friends in Japan, in Europe (mostly Denmark and England).... Brazil and Canada and many other places. It's great for learning about other cultures and places, though. I got to learn plenty of British English differences to American English when I was dating my ex from the UK. I still can't get over the word 'maths'. >>
I mean I've seen plenty of kids swear. And I mean super small ones! If you swear around a child, the child WILL swear back over time. It's mimicry, the way we learn language as little ones. That's why it's important to be careful with your words no matter what. They have power and influence just because they're heard! But yeah, I've seen some pretty adult things done/talked about by kids thanks to Shin-chan. It's got kiddy moments too, but like... I think there's just as much double entendre in a dirty sense as there are poop jokes.
But that does sound cute, though hard to quite picture. I'll have to find those images myself. That said, a smiley face is always nice. What kind of features does it have that you like?
Yeah, I meet a lot of people from around the world. I've got friends in Japan, in Europe (mostly Denmark and England).... Brazil and Canada and many other places. It's great for learning about other cultures and places, though. I got to learn plenty of British English differences to American English when I was dating my ex from the UK. I still can't get over the word 'maths'. >>
I mean I've seen plenty of kids swear. And I mean super small ones! If you swear around a child, the child WILL swear back over time. It's mimicry, the way we learn language as little ones. That's why it's important to be careful with your words no matter what. They have power and influence just because they're heard! But yeah, I've seen some pretty adult things done/talked about by kids thanks to Shin-chan. It's got kiddy moments too, but like... I think there's just as much double entendre in a dirty sense as there are poop jokes.
But that does sound cute, though hard to quite picture. I'll have to find those images myself. That said, a smiley face is always nice. What kind of features does it have that you like?
@Juneberry: I guess.
I've met a lot of people from France. Most of them are from France actually. A couple from Germany. A few from Japan. Yeah, it's fun.
I've seen 13 year olds say the F word so I'm always hoping it's not them hearing people say it around them. With all the technology though and a lot of kids having access to the internet they learn things they aren't really old enough to see. ;<_<
I've not watched Shin-chan...
Most of the features apply to the webcomic. Each character has their own texting/speech style so it allows you to pick from any so when you type it's in that style. I think you can also customize how it looks. I've never tried, but there are supposed to be some customized aesthetics. The little status emojis are also cute.
I've met a lot of people from France. Most of them are from France actually. A couple from Germany. A few from Japan. Yeah, it's fun.
I've seen 13 year olds say the F word so I'm always hoping it's not them hearing people say it around them. With all the technology though and a lot of kids having access to the internet they learn things they aren't really old enough to see. ;<_<
I've not watched Shin-chan...
Most of the features apply to the webcomic. Each character has their own texting/speech style so it allows you to pick from any so when you type it's in that style. I think you can also customize how it looks. I've never tried, but there are supposed to be some customized aesthetics. The little status emojis are also cute.
@Faust Sheep: I may have to look into the app if only to bug you on it. Is it for all devices?
But yeah... I don't think I meet as many people from France. Germany I've met a couple, but not France. I'm intrigued~
And yeah, kids have access to things they shouldn't even with parental controls sometimes. They're smart, after all!
But yeah... I don't think I meet as many people from France. Germany I've met a couple, but not France. I'm intrigued~
And yeah, kids have access to things they shouldn't even with parental controls sometimes. They're smart, after all!
Hello and good evening everyone. I hope you all had a good day.
@Juneberry: Sadly, it's only for computer, but the development team has talked about making an android version (which hopefully leads to an iPhone version because I don't have android phone). It's currently out though for Windows and Mac.
They're pretty cool and really nice. Which I was a little surprised by considering most of them don't like Americans that much... But so far I've not run into any French person that hasn't been really nice and sweet. Or maybe I'm just lucky in finding the nice ones. ^ ^;
Either way it's been fun talking to them. The time zone difference is difficult sometimes though. We play some MMOs together and always try to meet up to do some quests, but sometimes we end up missing each other. Time zone differences are rough anywhere you are though. :/ Idioms and figure of speeches there are a lot different there and I've been confused by some and also confused them sometimes with some American ones. It helps a little that I took three years of French and know what some mean, but others I can't figure out. I'm always up for learning new things though. :3
Sometimes a little too smart for their own good. :P
@Damia flagg: Hello. I had a little bit of stressful day.
They're pretty cool and really nice. Which I was a little surprised by considering most of them don't like Americans that much... But so far I've not run into any French person that hasn't been really nice and sweet. Or maybe I'm just lucky in finding the nice ones. ^ ^;
Either way it's been fun talking to them. The time zone difference is difficult sometimes though. We play some MMOs together and always try to meet up to do some quests, but sometimes we end up missing each other. Time zone differences are rough anywhere you are though. :/ Idioms and figure of speeches there are a lot different there and I've been confused by some and also confused them sometimes with some American ones. It helps a little that I took three years of French and know what some mean, but others I can't figure out. I'm always up for learning new things though. :3
Sometimes a little too smart for their own good. :P
@Damia flagg: Hello. I had a little bit of stressful day.
-blends in with the light and darkness that is no more-
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!
I love this new NPC... <w<
@Faust Sheep: Sorry your day was a bit stressful. Mine wasn't great I had 3 test at the hospital and it took 4 tries before they could get the IV started. Seems like I spend so much time at the hospital.
@Faust Sheep: It's gonna be a long process for me to get better. My health issues are serious, can't get some people around me to understand how serious the issues are. I am looking at eventually need an organ transplant because one of mine isn't working correctly and it is causing a lot of other issues.
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