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Forums Role Playing Delving into the Abyss

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/26 23:10:10 )

She was silent as she stood where she was, leaning against the wall. She'd been sent there to find someone, sent there to find out why some communication had ceased. She found out why pretty damned quickly, and she was now debating whether or not to interfere now, or later. She didn't know about the survivability of the person, after all. She knew she'd be fine, but them? She didn't want to risk their death, or any sort of harm coming to them.

"I found him, Sharp. She said quietly into the phone as she peered around the corner. Her quarry was in the middle of a rune on the ground, with three witches around him. They were focused on trying to draw out what they could from him, and she could literally see some of the life essence he had draining into the rune.

"I'm going to have to interrrupt the rune to save him." She then added after a few seconds. "Because I'm pretty damned sure the man is gonna die if I don't." That much was a truth she didn't want to have come to pass, but she completely realized that it was very possible to happen. That alone was reason enough for her to have to interfere, but she wasn't sure what would happen.

Of course, she did have the means to take out one of the witches before they realized she was there... but that would still leave two to deal with, and she was sure that he wouldn't be able to help for the first little bit. This was all on her, she was sure.

"Sharp, got any ideas for this?" She asked after a moment. "Because I have no damned clue. If nothing else, I'll take out one with a quick shot and then piss the others off like I tend to do. With any luck that'd play in my favour... but I have no idea. Witches tend to not follow the norm."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/26 23:36:54 )
The man on the other side of the phone, Sharp, listened to what she had to say.

"Tell me, what does the rune look like, and what is it doing, exactly?" he asked.

She responded with a quick description of the rune, and how it seemed to be draining his life essence, which caused the man to growl slightly, and curse lightly.

"Right." he said.

"You're going to need to reverse the direction of the flow." he told her.

"Which is actually a lot simpler than it sounds." he said. "You're going to want to target the part of the rune that resembles the zodiac sign of Aquarius." he continued. "Disrupt it. Scratch it, scorch it, just mess up that part of it." he went on.

"That should interrupt the flow, and reverse it." he said further.

"I know this will draw attention to you, but once that kid starts getting his strength back, you won't have to worry about the numbers advantage they have." he then assured her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/26 23:53:29 )

Aedan nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see it.

"All right then." She said simply, starting to think about what it was that she needed to do. The most direct method of ruining that, she thought was probably to shoot it. She had shockingly good aim, and she knew that it would count as a disruption if she managed to hit the markings and not in the empty space.

"What if I shot it?" She asked after a moment. All in all, Aedan realized that it would be best to ask if he knew if it would work, before making an assumption.

"If that works, it'd be an easier way to disrupt it, and probably quicker too."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 00:07:00 )
"If that would even scratch the rune, then yes." Sharp responded.

"Runes are very delicate and fragile things." he told her.

"Any sort of interruption will screw them up." he went on.

"Now, no more time talking." he said further.

"We don't know how long until it's too late."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 00:13:45 )

"I'll contact you with an update when I have one." Aedan said before hanging up and shoving her phone into her pocket. She was silent as she did so, peering around the corner again before taking very careful aim. If this didn't work and it drew attention to her, it wouldn't be any different than her charging in to disrupt it. So it really didn't make much of a difference to her.

She took aim, and once she was sure it was good enough, she sighed lightly before pulling the trigger. She had no idea what it was that would happen, but she hoped this would work. There was no way that she could predict the future, after all.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 00:44:18 )
Her aim had been true, and sure enough, when the bullet hit the rune, it ricocheted off the floor and pinged off a few walls.

"What!?" one of the witches exclaimed.

That's when they noticed the rune had stopped what it was doing... and the process had started to reverse. Aedan could see it, life essence flowing back into the male.

"Fix it!" one ordered.

"Fix that seal before it's too late!" they shrieked, as one started to kneel down to try and make it whole again.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 00:50:24 )

Aedan just smirked as she watched the witches panic to try and fix that. As they did, she took aim again. This time though, she was aiming for one of the witches heads. Specifically, she was aiming for the one that was already trying to repair it. She knew that she wouldn't be able to keep it that she was hidden, but if she could take out at least one? That'd be good.

She took aim, and pulled the trigger. She didn't know how well this would work, but when she saw the impact with their head, moments before they collapsed, she just grinned. That helped a bit.

"Son of a BITCH!" One of the two remaining screamed before looking around, wondering where the one attacking them was. Aedan had hidden behind the wall again, so she didn't know if she'd be safe or not, but she was ready to take another shot if one came for her.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 01:11:18 )
"Create a barrier!" one of the remaining witches bellowed.

The two of them then quickly scribbled some runes on the floor, which seemed to put up an energy barrier around them, and the male.

"Now, fix the rune!" they ordered.

However, just as the other was about to do so, the male rose to his feet.

"...I won't let you." he growled.

"I'll make you beg for death." he added, before rushing forward and smashing her right in the throat.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 01:41:27 )

Aedan heard what all was said, and heard the witch hit the floor before peering around the corner again. She saw the one that she had been sent to help and just smirked.

Sweet. He's on his feet again. She thought, making sure not to make her presence known yet. She wasn't sure what that barrier could or would do if someone touched it. Beyond that, she wasn't sure what it was that she was supposed to expect from him, he may perceive her as a threat after all.

Plus he could deal with them himself, she was sure.

"You vile creature." The remaining witch snarled before using one of her overly sharp nails to draw her own blood. Once she was bleeding, she said a few choice words - in a language that Aedan couldn't identify - before she had a whip made of her own blood. All that happened in the span of about two seconds, as well.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 02:26:14 )
The male narrowed his eyes when he saw the whip that had formed.

"....crap..." he muttered under his breath.

He then lunged to the side as she lashed with the new weapon, but landed rather clumsily, as he was still fairly weak.

"Damn it." he cursed.

"Whomever's out there!" he called out.

"The barrier cancels projectiles only!" he said, before the witch lashed out with the whip again. The male brought his arm out, and let the whip coil around his wrist... painfully... before attempting a 'tug of war' with her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 02:39:25 )

Aedan was silent for a moment after she heard what he had said. With a smirk she quickly, and surprisingly silently, made her way into the barrier. She approached the witch and nodded to the man, knowing that she had to show she wasn't to hurt him, somehow. Although, she wasn't entirely sure it was needed, but figured it would be better to relay something. ALong with that, it would be a good idea to make sure he didn't stop any time soon, as well. This would be quite an opportune moment to lose.

Once behind the witch, she put the barrel agains their head, and pulled the trigger - making sure to aim it to the side a bit so as to avoid shooting him as well. As the witch collapsed, the blood whip lost it's shape and returned to a liquid form, falling with them.

"You 'k?" She asked after a moment as she kicekd the one witch that hadn't been shot to see if she had any life.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 03:10:07 )
The witch she had kicked twitched a few times... but had no reaction, otherwise.

As she did so, the male just sighed, and collapsed on his ass.

"Yeah." he said.

"I am now." he told her.

"Thanks... thanks for the assist." he went on.

"But... who ARE you?" he asked.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 03:13:16 )

"Name's Aedan." She answered after a moment, not looking away from the witch. She was silent for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Screw it." She muttered before taking aim and shooting the witch. Why possibly leave one alive? It made more sense to kill them like the others were.

Sharp might not be happy with that. She thought with a sigh as she turned the safety on for her gun and put it into the holster for it again. Once that was done, she turned to face the one she'd essentially saged.

"What about you? Who are you?" She asked. "Honestly, Sharp didn't give me any information other than that you were supplying him with information regarding witches and the like here, then went silent. He got concerned so he sent me to help out if you needed it."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 03:28:24 )
The male was silent, before sighing.

"Oh, Sharp sent you." he said.

"That must mean you're with the Unit." he continued.

"And... call me Azzy." he then told her after a pause.

"Thank you for stopping that." he went on.

"I was getting close to my limit."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 03:37:01 )

"Azzy, huh?" Aedan asked before shrugging.

"Sounds like a stage name or somethin'." She added bluntly.

"At any rate, you're welcome. I barely managed to get here in time. I followed freaking breadcrumbs, I swear. Had no idea I'd find you here." She added.

"Anyway, let's get out of here. I'm staying at the Heaven's Nights Inn. Sharp was also saying that, while I'm here, if we can deal with the witches that you were keeping an eye on, not counting the ones are on the floor here, that we should do so. So let's go share some information to do so, hey?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 03:49:33 )
Azzy suppressed a bit of a laugh.

"Heaven's Nights Inn." he said.

"Heh." he chuckled.

"And yeah, whatever." he said further, in response to her comment about his name.

"It's what's on my file at the Unit." he said further.

"Ask Sharp if you want to." he told her.

"But yes, let us make haste. Quickly." he said.

"This coven is very large. Their numbers are... well... er... numerous." he told her, scratching his head. "Really wish I could think of another descriptor for that..." he mumbled.

"And they won't be happy to discover this mess... to understate it massively."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 04:03:38 )

Aedan was silent as she looked around before grimacing.

"I'm not happy about this mess." She commented. "But I get what you're saying. So let's scram." She added before heading back toward the stairs to get to the exit. About ten minutes later, they were in Aedan's rented car and on the way to the Inn in question.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 04:40:25 )
Azzy just sighed as they drove, and looked at her.

"...I'll level with you." he said.

"Azzy's kind of a code name." he told her.

"I just... well... right, name's Alphonze. And yes, that IS with a 'z'." he said further.

"However, if you want, call me... like... 'Al', or something." he then told her.

"Whatever you'd prefer, to be honest." he went on, before shaking his head.

"Ugh." he grunted.

"That damn rune was really starting to screw with me." he said absently, as he looked out the window of the car at the passing buildings.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 04:54:27 )

Aedan chuckled as he said all he did.

"If you want me to call you Azzy, that's cool." She told him simply, plainly, and honestly.

"I have no issue with it, I really don't." She added. "I was merely commenting that it sounds like a stagename or something."

"And you feel that crappy huh? Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked as she turned a corner. Azzy would be able to recognize where they were going, since he lived in the city, and that they were getting close to their destination.

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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 05:12:08 )
"Go with whatever you're more comfortable with." Al responded.

"But there's nothing TO do." he said.

"The rune returned the essence stolen from me... but... all at once." he told her. "So it's gonna be a bit before it all settles down in my body, and I'm back to top shape." he continued.

"Just report to Sharp when we get back, and I'll shout like a 'Yo, I'm here!' or something." he told her further.

"...ugh, I thought I was being really careful about being stealthy, too..." he added.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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