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Forums Mini Shops [Closed] Len’s Profile Shoppe - Open for chat!

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 02:01:26 )
Profile Shoppe

Hello and welcome to my profile shop where I create custom profiles to your wants and needs!

Will add banners soon!

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 15:20:23 )

1. Follow the ToS.
2. No drama of any kind.
3. I reserve the right to deny a request for any given reason.
4. Do not use my code for your own use.
5. If you fail to respond for a week after your profile is complete, I will move on to the next person and put your trade on hold.
6. If there is something you want or desire on your profile, specify it! I will not assume you want it unless you tell me.

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 15:28:37 )

For Orders, there are two forms. One is for a basic profile, the other is for a custom profile.

Q: What's the difference between the two?:
A: The difference is that the basic includes the following options:

-Color changes
-transparent backgrounds

The custom profiles include the following:
-color changes
-transparent backgrounds
-hidden backgrounds
-custom mouse
-apple scroll
-fancy borders
-many more knick knacks

Here are the forms for each:

Basic Profile: 2k

Theme: theme you want
Background Color: image or a profile
Section Color: Image or a profile
Border Color: Image or color;
Navbar Color: Image or color;
Subbar Color: Image or color;
User Stats Main: Image or color;
User Stats Image Background: Image or color;
User Stats Image Border: Image or color;
User Stats Buttons: Image or color;
User Stats Drop Down: Image or color;
User Stats Text: color
User Stats Button Text: color;
Profile Text Colors: Nav, Body, etc.

Custom Profile: 8k

Theme: theme you want
Background Color: image or a profile
Section Color: Image or a profile
Border Color: Image or color;
Navbar Color: Image or color;
Subbar Color: Image or color;
User Stats Main: Image or color;
User Stats Image Background: Image or color;
User Stats Image Border: Image or color;
User Stats Buttons: Image or color;
User Stats Drop Down: Image or color;
User Stats Text: color
User Stats Button Text: color;
Profile Text Colors: Nav, Body, etc.
—For Custom—
Custom Mouse: (Y/N)
Animations: (Y/N)
Apple Scroll: (Y/N)
Opacity: (Y/N)
Hidden items: (Y/N)
Border Type: (Y/N)
Additional Suggestions:

Edit: I made some adjustments to the profile form for custom profiles. Opacity on Click and Alignments have been officially removed from the list. Opacity on Click because the code needed to make this function happen does not exist as of yet and Alignments due to the mobile friendly nature of the site.

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 16:35:20 )


Waiting List



Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 16:36:18 )

In Progress


To view an order in progress, click HERE!


Miss Kitty









Another Movie Addict







Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 16:37:04 )

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/30 15:34:20 )

Looks good, Len. Good luck selling profiles!


Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/30 16:54:27 )
@tuijp: Thank you! :)
Gonna need all the luck I can get! :)

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/30 22:43:25 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@len: I would actually really love to get a custom profile from you. But first I have a few question about what is what. I'm not very well-versed with coding as of yet, so I could use a bit of help understanding things.

Background Color - If I go with an image, this would be the main background image, correct? Like the castle/full moon image on yours?
Color: I'm assuming you mean the dark purple part of your profile here, correct?
Border Color: Would this be the silver/white boarder around the purple?
Custom Mouse - I'm assuming this is the bat that shows up on your profile when mousing over things? And is there a limit to what you can request? Like do you only have certain options to choose from?
Apple Scroll - Can you please explain what this is to me? I don't know.
Border Type: Could please just clarify a bit further what you mean by this?

And I'm a bit confused by the "user stats" things so if you could please clarify that as well, I'd appreciate it.


Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 00:14:16 )
@lithinel: Sure thing! :)
I’m more than happy to answer it for you. :)
Background Color: Yes. :)
Color: Yes. :)
Border Color: Yes. :)
Custom Mouse: Yes. :)
Although there really isn’t a limit, I would like to keep the material as pg-13 as possible.
Apple Scroll: it’s a scroll that looks like a web browser scroll on a Mac.
Border Type: The kind of border you like e.g. solid, dotted, etc. This also includes how round you want the corners to be and how thick you want the border. :)
User stats: user stats is what you see just below the main nav bar on the site with the picture of your avatar, # of currencies, notification, etc.

Sorry for the lack of clearness. ^^;
I do apologize on that one. ^^;

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 00:23:29 )

@len: For a custom profile, instead of filling out all the details, instead would we (or I, in this case I guess lol) be able to maybe give a theme instead? An like, color ideas and such? Only cause I have no idea specifically what I want but I'm also not really picky when it comes to profiles :P I generally like the creativeness regardless of specifics, but do have some theme/color ideas, if possible ^^


Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 00:41:14 )
@miss kitty: Absolutely! :)
I meant to put it in there, but I completely forgot about it because of all the studying I had to complete! :)

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 00:42:20 )

@Len: Awesome! ^^
And id you get it all done or still in the process of doing it? It feels like youve been studying forever rip


Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 00:48:05 )
@miss kitty: Most of it. :)
I still have this weeks calculus to complete. :)

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 01:55:22 )
@miss kitty: Let me know what you want for your theme! :)

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 02:43:23 )

@Len: Will you be done after this week? And oh sorry! Uhm...something...galaxy-like. Stars and whatnot ^^


Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 14:20:33 )
@miss kitty: Yes. I should be. :)
And sure. Just fill out the form and I’ll hop to it! :)

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 16:16:52 )

Theme: Galaxy
Background Color: image or a profile
Section Color: Image or a profile
Border Color: Image or color;
Navbar Color: Image or color;
Subbar Color: Image or color;
User Stats Main: Image or color;
User Stats Image Background: Image or color;
User Stats Image Border: Image or color;
User Stats Buttons: Image or color;
User Stats Drop Down: Image or color;
User Stats Text: color
User Stats Button Text: color;
Profile Text Colors: Nav, Body, etc.
—For Custom—
Custom Mouse: Y
Animations: Y
Apple Scroll: N
*Alignments: Y
Opacity: Y
Hidden items: Y
Opacity until on click: Y
Border Type: (Y/N)
Additional Suggestions: Fun things galore!! xD
* warning about alignments: be very careful what you want aligned and where. Just because it appears one way on the desktop, doesn’t mean that it guarantees that it’ll be the same on the phone because of the bootstrap.


Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 16:21:44 )
@miss kitty: Alrighty! :)
Order is accepted! :)
Feel free to send a trade and I’ll get started! :)
My Profile Shoppe! Come Check it Out!

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 16:23:17 )

@Len: Yay ^^ Thank you!!


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