@juneberry: Oh! Well even so, that's absolutely fantastic. Especially since you get to be super close to people like that. It's always nice when you find people who become family like that.
But exactly! I mean, I guess it'll be an excuse this month to just push myself to do it so I can get into the gist of things, since I love writing, both novels and poetry, so we'll see what I'll come up with.
I totally understand that! It honestly depends on your motivation at the time, and what you can come up with on the spot. It's so flip floppy, but at least you're writing at that time you know?
---------- That's smart. You have given me ideas for my novel that I started. Haha! Adding poems could be a fun and cool way to do things. Thank you for the suggestion, because that'd be a ton of fun, especially since you have to do it differently compared to how you would do them yourself. But i'd love to hear about the things you're writing someday! Even if they are just the main ideas.