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Forums Role Playing [Request] Ideas for 1x1 or group threads

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 17:05:00 )
Hey guys! It's been roughly one hundred years since I last roleplayed on a forum, but I miss it and I miss the writing practice! So I'm looking for a handful of people to thread with and I have some ideas. I think these would work well for either private or group roleplays, so let me know what you think. If multiple people are interested maybe we can make a group thread.

** I'm a 25 year old transguy who's been writing since before I can remember. I'm particularly interested in horror/supernatural themes, but can also do fantasy and scifi. Slice of life roleplays don't really interest me because my regular life is stressful/annoying enough lol.
** I can write just about any length and will tend to match my partner.
** I'm a little rusty so my first few posts might not be that good, but I'll do my best!
** I can either wing it or plot. I think it's useful to have an OOC thread for discussing things (plus we get more volts for posting tbh).
** I have an erratic work schedule, so I can't promise I'll be online every day. But I'll do my very best to post at least once a day and will warn you if I'm gone for a few days. I don't mind how often you post, but if it gets to be a week I'll probably stop in and ask you how it's going.
** Don't feel forced to thread with me! If we get into a story and you don't like it, feel free to tell me. We can either work on it your just drop the thread and move on, whatever. No hard feelings.

One important thing to note is that I don't tend to get shippy -- that is, I don't really like to write romance between characters. Maybe I'm just a weirdo but it's never really been my thing. It's fine if your character wants to have a crush on mine, but my character won't be having any romantic feelings for anyone else. Does that make sense? Sorry if that's a turn off; I know a lot of people on sites like this want to write romance. Sorry D:

Also I think it would be fun to approach some of these with a Dungeons and Dragons feel to it, IE someone is the game master and players "roll" (or use a number generator) to see how well they do on a task. But that's up to you.

Characters awaken in a small, isolated town. They have no idea how they got there, and the townsfolk don't seem to know either. The characters may be missing chunks of memory, may have weird injuries they don't remember getting, and have an overall sense of doom. If they want to get home they'll have to solve the mystery of the strange, haunted town. Players can play the visitors, or some of the townsfolk. We can discuss the exact nature of the town's mystery, or just make it up as we go.

Our characters are delivering an important shipment across a nation. It's supposed to be a secret, and they're disguised as simple merchants on their way to market, but word has gotten out and now enemies are after their secret cargo. Character ideas include engineers who control the cars/wagons/trains (we can decide how they're traveling), soldiers to protect the cargo, enemies who are trying to steal the cargo, and maybe even some people who are secretly part of the cargo themselves?

In which our characters are trapped in a house full of monsters and death traps. Horror abounds as we fight for our lives and try to find a way out of the seemingly endless hallways and rooms of terror!

If you wanna try some fandoms, here are some I'm interested in. We could combine these with the plots above if you like.
** Supernatural
** Skyrim, or a Skyrim like fantasy setting
** Doctor Who
** Pokemon
** Harry Potter
** Alien Franchise (especially Prometheus tbh. I really like the androids throughout the series.)
** Stephen King novels/movies
** Classics such as Frankenstein and Dracula
ummm I guess that's all I have off the top of my head?? Feel free to ask about other fandoms!

I think that's all for now. Let me know if you're interested in anything.
Thanks for looking!


Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 22:57:37 )
As I was going through your plot ideas I thought...
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if Strangers in a new town plot was an episode of Doctor Who?
And then I thought, but what if the doctor's not around? And the town is actually an alien colony that replaced the original town and these kids who came home jobless from college have to figure out what's up? (ok kid who came home jobless is just an example) Didn't that already happen in doctor who? Wouldn't that be cool?

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 09:11:17 )
@Eruca: !!! I like this a lot! I don't remember if that was an episode honestly, it's been a long time since I watched Doctor Who and I don't think I've seen the most recent season. But yeah, I'm down for that!

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/5 03:24:31 )
@keef: Yass!! I'm so down if you're down! Don't even have to connect to Doctor Who. I can think of a bunch of plot points already.
I'm not really good at executing it though... That's always been my struggle with RP. And story telling in general. lol Maybeee it's because I get too ambitious because I am now envisioning myself playing said jobless kid and the entire town. :vanora_sweat:
You're gonna have to help me out.

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/5 15:14:53 )
@Eruca: yeah honestly I stopped role-playing awhile ago because I'd get all these ideas about where I wanted it to go and get all overwhelmed and stressed about it. maybe that's just normal?? in any case sounds like this will be good practice for us both!

do you want to make an ooc thread and dump your ideas and we can talk about it? fleshing out the world and where we want it to go will probably help a lot!

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/5 22:25:30 )
@keef: Yes! I will do so tonight when I get home. c": Expect to be pinged.
Ping me

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/5 22:39:50 )
Hihi! I'm pretty interested in playing with you~ I've never done many one on ones with a D&D aspect, but I feel like that'd be pretty interesting overall. If you don't mind having to guide me through things from time to time, I think it'd be neat to include that. I think that'd especially work well with things like the Convoy,Strangers in a New Town and certain fandoms, like Pokemon (I mean... It works if you think about how pokemon battles usually go anyway?)

I'm not good at not getting at least a little shippy... But since you're okay with my characters feeling things, that's fine. To be honest, I think what matters is less romance and more if it fits the characters anyway. Some characters aren't gonna fal for others no matter what. I think it's good not to make that a focus!

In general, now... I'm intrigued most by Convoy or Strangers in a New Town as far as original concepts go. I'm not good with horror, but it doesn't have to be horrific anyway. If Murder House is toned down, I could even potentially do that. With fandoms, I only am particularly aware of Pokemon, Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I have never played Skyrim, but do like the setting in that I've played other Elder Scrolls games and enjoyed the variety and such so... We can try to incorporate that if we don't need heavy duty knowledge?

That's all I have to say for the moment. I don't mind your frenzied schedule because I lack one of my own. My posting depends a lot on muse, my health on a given day, etc. I'm 26 and work at home as an editor... And go to a lot of doctors.

If you're interested at all, let me know~ We can throw characters at each other together. I tend to use characters I already have made for other stories and adjust them to fit the setting because it helps me get to know them better for my personal writing. I hope that'll be alright.

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 09:13:18 )
@Juneberry: Hey! Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you! Thanks for responding!

I’m fine with everything you posted. Besides Skyrim I’ve played Oblivion and some Morrowind and Im fine with anything in that general category.

I think the convoy idea could work well in a fantasy setting, if you’re interested. When I think about it I picture horses and wagons. I might even play some kind of elf or something if we do it like that. I have a vague idea for a character who’s guarding the convoy. I think he’s in the dark as to what he’s really delivering. Like, he believes he’s doing a good thing, but really heavy delivering something terrible? Hmmmmm? Let me know what you think!

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 22:48:10 )
@keef: It's fine! To be honest, I haven't been on much this week because I had 3 power outages and lots of chaos from it. >w< They just declared we were officially gonna be stable yesterday after the third one. Our power is connected to my building's heat and stuff (most of the other apartments in the building will have power when we don't but not heat and such), so... Considering upstairs just had a baby it was extra worrying. That and we got sick in my place from the constant change in temps mixed with lack of heat.

Anyway! I like the idea of someone being in the dark as to what's in the cargo. In terms of something terrible that could be delivered... My first thought is usually something dark like human trafficking or corpses for some weird experiment. Or, y'know... Poisonous plants. Hard to say. I'm fine with multiple characters, so the main thing I wanna decide is the first/primary. What comes to my mind with that would probably be either a secondary guard, the actual merchant or a thief.

Random idea- It'd be interesting actually if the thief is just a local bandit that has no idea what's in it and finds out with the guard when trying to steal.

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 23:43:07 )
@Juneberry: Damn, sorry about your apartment! That really sucks!

I love the idea of a thief and the guard both finding out what's in it at the same time (presumably the guard is trying to stop the thief and in the chaos they open the crate/wagon/whatever) and both being shocked by it. I think any of your ideas for the cargo would work and we could flesh that out as we go? I would down to play the guard primarily if you want to be the thief? Or either way around; I think that's a good combo for primary characters.

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 23:47:47 )
@keef: It could be worse! At the least, it seems to be working okay now... I just hope it stays that way. It wasn't a big surprise, 'cause it started with the first blackout being caused by a transformer exploding outside our window. Well, across the street, but... It was really obvious and bright and loud.

I do have a youngster I've always treated as a thief in some ways- plus, you already had a guard in mind, didn't you? I'm generally fine with either side, though- plus, we can always add as we go. It'll be really fun seeing what makes the guard accidentally open things in the process~

I think fleshing it out either way as we go though is definitely a good plan for the cargo. We may not know the exact details right now, but less meta knowledge can be a good thing, right? Our characters won't be inclined to try to grill us for details they aren't meant to know~ That, and... We don't need to know until it opens, so it gives us time to choose the best concept for it, and then what they'll possibly do when they find out.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 23:53:47 )

@keef: That murder house idea sounds like it's got real potential.


Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 03:12:34 )
@Juneberry: sounds good to me! Do you want to flesh out the world more or just kinda make it up as we go? I feel okay about setting it in a general fantasy world and discussing specifics as they come up.

@Lady Luna: Hi! I’m still interested in doing it if you are. Do you have any ideas you’d like to add?

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 04:51:52 )

@keef: Honestly, I'm not entirely sure.
Could make it that they are there to 'try and win some money', and it's being aired on TV or something? SOme underground channel that is like the deep web but for TV or something, maybe?


Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 17:27:40 )
@Lady Luna: I love that! And could be they don’t know it’s deep web related so they think it’s all an act and don’t realize they’re really in danger until people start dying?
previously keef with a k

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 19:43:45 )

@keef: Or... they're stuck there without their consent, and have to fight o survive.

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 23:43:57 )
@keef: General fantasy is fine. As long as I know what makes it 'general fantasy' and even if I don't- just knowing 'it's a world with some sort of fantasy elements' is helpful~ I think we can always flesh things out as we go if we realize "uhh we needed plans". I've always been more of a plantser than a planner or pantser. I'm very much in the middle. Basics are good, too much can be painful~

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