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Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 05:34:26 )

How is everyone doing tonight? I'm doodling some commissions and looking for folks to chat with in between doodles.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 06:10:15 )
@Cookie: Hey hey! Nice, what are you watching and what are you thinking of doodling? I'm good, just sleepy rn. ^^

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 06:44:51 )
It's only 1:30 pm here and it's freakin' hot. We're only at the start of our summer season here *phew* //sweat XD
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 06:50:34 )
@Fielkun: It's still freezing here! We've had the worse winter here.. that I can remember. It snowed yesterday. :vanora_cry: I wish it was the summer. Tho tbh I'm likely to complain about the heat lmao.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 07:20:36 )
@Cookie: Oh! That's coo. o wo Wanna take a peek at my art request thread? Or I can throw a random theme at you.

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 09:27:37 )
I should be drawing requests but my drawing stuff is in the bedroom and I can’t get it without waking my girlfriend up so i’m just chilling on the forums instead.
previously keef with a k

Donator — pancake Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 12:16:27 )
Bored out of my mind.
I was going to draw myself, but I got so enamored with Facebook...
I don't have time, anymore.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 18:50:07 )
@keef: Ah, good luck! I wouldn't want to disturb my partner either haha.

@blinkini: I feel this so muuuuch. Sometimes I just get so distracted and I lose time needed for something. ):

Donator — pancake Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/10 21:42:24 )
@nyreen: dude, it's a daily struggle. I swear. D:

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:05:49 )
@blinkini: I'm going to try to focus on finishing Inuyasha tonight! It's happening!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:07:10 )
@nyreen: Finishing Inuyasha? A drawing, the manga, game, or anime?

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:14:23 )
@Lynne: Anime! I'm rewatching it, it's been a while and I remember bits and pieces during episodes but I've forgotten a lot. I'm on episode 46/54 right now and then there's the first movie to watch!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:15:12 )
@nyreen: Heh. Cool cool. I haven't watched Inuyasha for years. Maybe I should...

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:22:29 )
@Lynne: I originally watched the dub and the sub is waaaay better. Miroku is still a perv but it's not as bad as it was in the dub or maybe I just haven't hit the really bad episodes with him. Also in the sub everyone calls him out and he often gets beat up for his behavior. No one accepts it or laughs it off or whatever. It sucks that it's written into the show but at least the other characters don't ignore it.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:26:49 )
@nyreen: And.... wait. What's wrong with Miroku?
Havin' a perve like that get his just desserts is brilliant.
And along with that, I always liked him anyway.
110k // 225k volts.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 02:33:28 )
@Lynne: The thing is he isn't a totally gross, asshole character. He has good moments. I just have a problem with the fact that he asked an 11 year old to bare his child, when he was 14. And he gropes Sango and Kagome even after being told no. It's good that he's called out but I hope to see him stop somewhere and have character development. I feel like the dub version really played on his perverted behavior just like it really played on Kagome's helplessness. She's way more dependent and defiant in the sub. Or maybe I'm only remembering her being the typical damsel in distress.

Donator — pancake Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 10:09:06 )
@nyreen: I have faith in you! D:<

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 18:01:26 )
@blinkini: Thank you!! * A* I added a bunch of commons that I want to get in every color to my quest thread too! So now I wanna save for a bit common splurge as well!

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/11 19:11:57 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: Ah, yeah! That's why I was saying it's a good thing that Kagome and Sango, Shippo and Inuyasha react negatively to his behavior. It doesn't normalize it and shows that his behavior is unacceptable and unwanted.

Tho I never thought about how that was a good message about showing women that they have power in those situations and can stand up for themselves. You're right, that's exactly what the woman that he bothers do!

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/12 01:33:34 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: That's totally true. ^^
call me grem

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