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Forums General Chit-Chat Healthy Menu for next week!

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/12 21:31:34 )

So, for school I have to eat healthy for a whole week, Monday-Sunday, 3 meals. I have everything organized and all set, just need to go to the store and buy everything which is gonna cost A LOT. Plus, I have exams all next week xD why did my teacher make it the week coming up gaahhh. I have to wake up early and make everything btw (the days of my exam) Here is what I am eating/drinking:
Caeser salad (no need to make this one I can just buy it from the store xD)
Tbh I am really excited ^-^ I love eating healthy and this is a great opportunity to do so. I'm hoping to see changes (good ones ofc) and hoping my stomach doesn't growl during my exams haha or people will be staring at me and it's always embarrassing. My breakfast items are not very filling, I can't to wait try them tho! MUCH EXCITEMENT
Also, I'll be drinking lots of water and maybe even orange juice which is good for you (I hope..) xD man i love my fruits and veggies. Anyone else ever done this before, or does anyone do this every day?


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 00:38:26 )

@Q t e a p o n: Hey, thank you!
Thanks for the advice as well, I'll probably have a healthy snack near by :)
Wait what...I swear I put it in chit the hell...xD


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 01:00:40 )

@Totalanimefan: Nope, I don't know what you mean by that.
Yeah ik but I already chose these meals and have some ingredients anyways. My mom is fine with it since its for school. I'm excited about breakfast everyday.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 04:03:49 )

@Totalanimefan: That's a good idea, but I'm only able to get the ingredients for Monday on Saturday and then the ingredients for the rest of the week ill be getting on Tuesday.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 06:14:59 )

@Totalanimefan: ty, i agree, breakfast will be easy to make


Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/15 07:02:55 )
@RainbowPanda: good luck! I hope it all goes well ^^
call me grem

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/15 18:01:40 )

@nyreen: Thank you!


Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/16 01:52:11 )
Hey, good luck with your eating plan! I think it's awesome that your school is encouraging it, however I hope they're making exceptions for those who simply aren't able to. As others have pointed out, it's super important that you keep plenty of healthy snacks around because you definitely will get hungry between meals. Things like yogurt, cheese sticks, celery with peanut butter, nuts, and fruits are perfect!

I try to eat healthy most of the time, and am usually successful, but I nab plenty of junk here and there too c': just can't help myself. Most of what we eat is organic, though, so there's a start. xD

[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/16 04:28:12 )

@Vii: Thank you, and yes I agree
I'll make sure to keep a snack with me. I'm gonna try to wake up early and maybe go out for a walk/run or just workout at home and cook my meals.
Haha same I feel ya, some things are just too good!
Oh really, that's awesome~ my mom doesn't like organic food so she doesn't buy it.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/19 04:14:00 )
Whaaaa-... Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. D: Or that much work. 'Healthy' can mean a whole bunch of different things, may I ask how it is being interpreted in this case?

< Extremely health-conscious due to previously lived life... xD;

I meal prep every week, either Saturday night or Sunday afternoon... Or both! It is my absolute favorite day of the week. I experiment with the same general ingredients to save time/money on prep (pre-chop all ingredients at once, etc), but you can have WILDLY different dishes (even culture-wise) with just a few key differences.

My favorite/cheapest meal preps lately have been tikka masala (everything down the spice mix is by hand, cooked long and slow), handmade chicken meatballs with varied sauces, chicken burgers, tofu pad thai, etc. Eeee. <3

I'm also a nerd and cut my vegetables into flowers and shit to make a nice pretty bento... xD; <3

Jesus christ, some of those smoothies have a lot of sugar. Are most of your breakfasts going to be smoothies? You can skip the actual 'making it a smoothie' part and eat the fruit/yogurt, too. It'll save you on needing to add honey for sweetness, which'd save both sugar and calories. Not to mention you are missing out on dietary fiber.

Same for some of the recipes where you add in your own granola, etc, make sure you aren't doing sugar added ones. You could end up with a rather bad crash later... Some granola is just as bad as plain sugary cereal.

Super beware of what juice concentrate you buy. Check to see if it is pure fruit, or if they did added sugars. Seriously.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/19 17:05:17 )

@Pixel: It cost a lot haha my mom spent almost $500 on groceries in one day and we are going shopping again but idk y..we have been grocery shopping a lot this week/month. So far so good tho, I do feel healthiest but now I want things that I can't have >.< That I never used to want.
That's nice! I'm hoping to stay healthy after this challenge but I might cheat a bit haha my mom wants me to eat cake and ice cream this week because it's my brother's birthday on Friday and party on Saturday. And pizza *licks lips* ughhhh whyyyy (I told her I'd eat ice cream and pizza lol) sshhhhh
Oooo that sounds awesome! I just made a bento box today for lunch haha it was delicious!!
Actually I sort of skipped some ingredients even tho I had them to make sure they were actually healthy. The smoothies were amazing and I had a muffin cake and cream cheese with blueberries when I drank the smoothies so I wasn't hungry.
Ah good to know, I chose healthy granola/oats.
I chose orange juice concentrate, not a lot of sugar.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 02:33:39 )
If you do decide to stay on the path, try to be a bit better with the budget. Gotta learn how to do it properly and sustainably, y'know. That gets a lot of people in the long run. Just experiment with more veg, make homemade meals, etc. Choose a cheaper protein, I see pork was on there a lot.

You can have that stuff, just in moderation. xD That is the key to living healthy. Gotta find the balance where you can do it, and continue doing it.
Also Pixel on Solia.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 03:58:30 )

@Pixel: I'll try better next time. I did make my own creation yesterday
Chicken was on there a lot too xD
I see, thanks for the advice!
WOO GUYS I'M FINISHED WITH THE CHALLENGE! Done washing dishes 24/7 and cooking! Also done cleaning the kitchen well I still have to cook dinner tomorrow xD (I have dinner duty every Monday)


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 23:45:22 )

@Totalanimefan: I did also thank you I will


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/24 05:51:31 )

@Totalanimefan: Ty :vanora_smile:


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