Porg:-> enter Porg 
Ooh, welcome to Voltra~!
I'm also a newbie over here (just joined yesterday~) so uhh I probably won't be able to offer much help ^^"
But it's lovely to see more people joining this really sweet community :D
So, pictures of the sky and doodling... Do you ever doodle the pictures you take of the sky? What kind of skies are your favourite?
I'm also pretty bad at games as well, especially mobile and console, and especially games where there's like 20 different buttons that do different things...
Its Fine That You Cant Offer Much Help. What Matters Is That Youre Friendly! :>
Im Hoping To Be Here Long Enough To See This Place Really Grow! ^^
You Know, Ive Never Tried Doodling The Pictures. :v I Should Try. It Would Be
A Neat Challenge! :> Oooo My Favorite Skies Are The Orange Ones With Uh,,
Stretched Clouds? I Cant Describe It. Maybe I Can Find A Picture Of It Haha.
My Attention Span Is So Bad So I Am Really Bad At Anything With Like Timed Quests
And Im So Bad At Remembering What Buttons Do What In Different Games. R.I.P.